Electromagnetic Effects in Relativistic Electron Beam Plasma Interactions

Book Description

Electromagnetic effects excited by intense relativistic electron beams in plasmas are investigated using a two-dimensional particle code. The simulations with dense beams show large magnetic fields excited by the Weibel instability as well as sizeable electromagnetic radiation over a significant range of frequencies. The possible relevance of beam plasma instabilities to the laser acceleration of particles is briefly discussed. 6 refs., 4 figs.

Instabilities of Relativistic Electron Beam in Plasma

Book Description

This book is devoted to the non-linear theory of the collective interaction between a modulated beam of relativistic charged particles and narrow electromagnetic and Langmuir wave packets in plasma or gas slow-wave systems. Regular oscillations excited by a relativistic beam under the conditions of Cherenkov resonance and the anomalous Doppler effect can be used to generate coherent microwave radiation and accelerate charged particles in plasma.

Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves and Electron Beams with Plasmas

Book Description

With the advent of laser and maser, the wave-plasma interaction emerged as a major rich field of research. To explore the possibility of laser driven fusion, laser-plasma interaction became a subject of worldwide research, revealing many novel nonlinear phenomena including generation and saturation of plasma instabilities, electron acceleration, and ion Coulomb explosion. The work presented in this thesis is related to intense laser-plasma and electron beam-plasma interaction. The development of intense short pulse laser and high current, high-energy electron beams has allowed exploration of new regimes of laser and beam plasma interaction. Enormous progress has been made in inertial confinement fusion, plasma heating, X-ray lasers, free electron laser and charged particle accelerators. In these applications parametric instabilities, self-focusing, self phase modulation and other non-linear phenomena are important. The present thesis deals with these phenomena. This work is relevant to laser-driven fusion, charged particle acceleration, and laboratory plasma heating.

Frontiers in High Energy Density Physics

Book Description

Recent scientific and technical advances have made it possible to create matter in the laboratory under conditions relevant to astrophysical systems such as supernovae and black holes. These advances will also benefit inertial confinement fusion research and the nation's nuclear weapon's program. The report describes the major research facilities on which such high energy density conditions can be achieved and lists a number of key scientific questions about high energy density physics that can be addressed by this research. Several recommendations are presented that would facilitate the development of a comprehensive strategy for realizing these research opportunities.

Interaction of High Intensity Electromagnetic Waves with Plasmas

Book Description

The focus of our work during the duration of this grant was on the following areas: (a) the fundamental plasma physics of intense laser-plasma interactions, including the nonlinear excitation of plasma waves for accelerator applications, as well as the recently discovered by us phenomenon of the relativistic bi-stability of relativistic plasma waves driven by a laser beatwave; (b) interaction of high power microwave beams with magnetized plasma, including some of the recently discovered by us phenomena such as the Undulator Induced Transparency (UIT) as well as the new approaches to dynamic manipulation of microwave pulses; (c) investigations of the multi-color laser pulse interactions in the plasma, including the recently discovered by us phenomenon of Electromagnetic Cascading (EC) and the effect of the EC of three-dimensional dynamics of laser pulses (enhanced/suppressed selffocusing etc.); (d) interaction of high-current electron beams with the ambient plasma in the context of Fast Ignitor (FI) physics, with the emphasis on the nonlinear dynamics of the Weibel instability and beam filamentation.