Science, Technology and Global Problems

Book Description

Science, Technology and Global Problems documents the proceedings of the International Symposium on Trends and Perspectives in Development of Science and Technology and their Impact on the Solution of Contemporary Global Problems held in Tallinn, USSR on January 8-12, 1979. This compilation discusses the character of global problems in the year 2000, prospects of development of leading branches of science and technology, and its capacity to solve global problems. The topics include global problems in the year 2000 and the role of science in their solution; science and technology as factors for future global development; road to scientific-technological culture; and responsibility of scientists in the period of crisis. The energy situation in the world (problems and prospects); mathematics and progress in science and technology; role of information and communication in the solution of global problems; and global public health problems and ways of resolving them are also deliberated in this text. This book is a useful source for students and researchers conducting work on the development of science and technology in solving global problems.

Integrating the Sciences and Society

Book Description

Many people think of 'social problems' as involving poor and powerless individuals in society. This work seeks to improve the balance by adding a focus on important and powerful institutions. It discusses policy sciences, public policy analysis and public management. It addresses operations and design issues for government organizations.

Risk and Society: The Interaction of Science, Technology and Public Policy

Book Description

Life in the last quarter of the twentieth century presents a baffling array of complex issues. The benefits of technology are arrayed against the risks and hazards of those same technological marvels (frequently, though not always, arising as side effects or by-products). This confrontation poses very difficult choices for individuals as well as for those charged with making public policy. Some of the most challenging of these issues result because of the ability of technological innovation and deployment to outpace the capacity of institutions to assess and evaluate implications. In many areas, the rate of technological advance has now far outstripped the capabilities of institutional monitoring and control. While there are many instances in which technological advance occurs without adverse consequences (and in fact, yields tremendous benefits), frequently the advent of a major innovation brings a wide array of unforeseen and (to some) undesirable effects. This problem is exacerbated as the interval between the initial development of a technology and its deployment is shortened, since the opportunity for cautious appraisal is decreased.

Interfaces between Science and Society

Book Description

The project of science has been to provide answers to questions about the world and how it works. Often, this lofty role has been characterised by a narrow and dogmatic scientific training, an unwillingness to communicate to differing stakeholder needs, a refusal to accept and to manage uncertainty, complexity and value commitments, and the reduction of knowledge assessment to colleague peer review on narrowly technical issues. Times have changed. As the world faces increasingly disparate challenges, science is subjected to increasingly vehement demands from a society calling for transparency, openness and public participation in science policy. Science is going through an evolutionary process. Perhaps the most painful process it has ever encountered. Research on the interfaces between science and society is a burgeoning area. A new conception of knowledge now appears to be emerging, based on the awareness of complexity, uncertainty and a plurality of legitimate perspectives and interests. Democracy is extending into the previously quite exclusive scientific realm, and science must now submit to public scrutiny and participation in the governance of knowledge. This book provides much-needed reflections on the methods and tools for knowledge quality assurance, particularly on its inputs to extended policy and decision-making processes. The overall aim is to improve the relationship between science and society. The discussion involves six themes: communicating between plural perspectives; accepting and learning how to manage uncertainty, complexity and value commitments; acknowledging new conceptions of knowledge; implementing transparency, openness and participation in science policy; valuing community-based research; and exploring how new ICT can support inclusive governance. Taken together, these themes provide both a framework and vision on how to conceive, discuss and evaluate the changes that are occurring. The chapters cover theory, practice, approaches, experiences, ideas and suggestions for a move beyond "talking the talk" to "walking the walk". Science and policy interfaces are dynamic processes needing to permanently redefine themselves and their roles. This book contributes to the enrichment and deepening of our understanding of these important new trends in the social relations of science, which are fundamental to our understanding of the prospects for further progress. The book will be essential reading for scientists, policy-makers, managers and the public.

Science, Technology and the Future

Book Description

Science, Technology and the Future is an analysis of the problems of and prospects for the development of science and technology and their role in society. Drawing on the perspectives of Soviet scientists, this book examines the relation between society and nature as well as the prospects for resolving ecological problems with the aid of science and technology. This book is comprised of 33 chapters and begins with a discussion on the role of science and technology in modern society and their place in the solution of global problems. The axiological and ethical aspects of the development of science and the mechanism of scientific and technical progress, economics, and social development are also considered. The next section deals with concrete questions pertaining to the development of natural and technical sciences and their significance for the future of mankind, with emphasis on the role of science in the development of productive forces; the state of and the prospects for resolving the energy problem; the most important achievements in the leading branches of physics, chemistry, and biology; opportunities for utilizing space research for man's daily needs; oceanology and geology in the year 2000; science and fertility of the soils; materials for the technology of the future; and prospects for the development of automation and man's place in future production. This monograph will be of interest to sociologists, environmentalists, and science policymakers.

Science, Technology and Society

Book Description

Science, Technology and Society: Needs, Challenges and Limitations focuses on the role of science and technology in promoting development as well as its limitation in shaping the society. The text outlines the contributions that this field has provided in health, industries, agriculture, transportation, and communication. The book puts emphasis on the role of technologists and scientists in promoting development, such as in the fields of biology and medicine. The text notes the emergence of socio-economic problems in the sector of food and agriculture and how these problems can be solved by the application of agricultural technologies. Case studies in this regard that is presented in this book include fish handling and distribution, improving soil fertility, and feed resources for animal feeding. The role of science and technology in the management of water resources is noted, and the problems associated with the application of science and technology to water resources development are discussed. Science and technology has also played an important role in improving the quality of life in human settlements. The text is a valuable source of data for scientists and technologists who aim to improve science and technology and serve the interest of mankind.

Science for Policy Handbook

Book Description

Science for Policy Handbook provides advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers. This resource is dedicated to researchers and research organizations aiming to achieve policy impacts. The book includes lessons learned along the way, advice on new skills, practices for individual researchers, elements necessary for institutional change, and knowledge areas and processes in which to invest. It puts co-creation at the centre of Science for Policy 2.0, a more integrated model of knowledge-policy relationship. Covers the vital area of science for policymaking Includes contributions from leading practitioners from the Joint Research Centre/European Commission Provides key skills based on the science-policy interface needed for effective evidence-informed policymaking Presents processes of knowledge production relevant for a more holistic science-policy relationship, along with the types of knowledge that are useful in policymaking