The neurobiology of emotion-cognition interactions

Book Description

There is increasing interest in understanding the interplay of emotional and cognitive processes. The objective of the Research Topic was to provide an interdisciplinary survey of cutting-edge neuroscientific research on the interaction and integration of emotion and cognition in the brain. The following original empirical reports, commentaries and theoretical reviews provide a comprehensive survey on recent advances in understanding how emotional and cognitive processes interact, how they are integrated in the brain, and what their implications for understanding the mind and its disorders are. These works encompasses a broad spectrum of populations and showcases a wide variety of paradigms, measures, analytic strategies, and conceptual approaches. The aim of the Topic was to begin to address several key questions about the interplay of cognitive and emotional processes in the brain, including: what is the impact of emotional states, anxiety and stress on various cognitive functions? How are emotion and cognition integrated in the brain? Do individual differences in affective dimensions of temperament and personality alter cognitive performance, and how is this realized in the brain? Are there individual differences that increase vulnerability to the impact of affect on cognition—who is vulnerable, and who resilient? How plastic is the interplay of cognition and emotion? Taken together, these works demonstrate that emotion and cognition are deeply interwoven in the fabric of the brain, suggesting that widely held beliefs about the key constituents of ‘the emotional brain’ and ‘the cognitive brain’ are fundamentally flawed. Developing a deeper understanding of the emotional-cognitive brain is important, not just for understanding the mind but also for elucidating the root causes of its many debilitating disorders.

Interactions of Anxiety and Cognition

Book Description

The effects of anxiety on cognitive and emotional processing can be captured by performance on cognitive tasks under different emotional conditions. Cognitive load (difficulty), age, and state and trait-anxiety can modulate these effects. For example, adolescents may be at greater risk for the deleterious effects of anxiety because of immature brain functions. The proclivity for experiencing anxiety, as with high trait-anxiety, also influences cognitive performance. Here we examine the relationship between anxiety and cognitive performance from the perspective of cognitive resource availability and prioritization by manipulating anxiety and task difficulty. For the first two experiments, state anxiety was experimentally manipulated through the presence (threat condition) or absence (safe condition) of a threatening stimulus (a loud scream). Anxiety was assessed physiologically using eye-blink startle responses. Cognitive load was manipulated through a verbal working memory (WM) n-back task with loads of 1-back, 2-back and 3-back. To examine developmental effects of the relationship between anxiety and cognition, the first experiment compared 25 healthy adolescents (10-17 years old) with 25 healthy adults (22 - 46 years). Anxiety manipulation did not impact WM performance and physiological anxiety differently in the two age groups, however, eye-blink startle was modulated by load in adults but not adolescents. In both age groups, reduced WM accuracy was found during threat vs. safe conditions for the low and medium cognitive load tasks, but not for the high load task. Reaction times (RTs) did not differ between threat and safety conditions for low or medium loads, but were shorter during threat vs. safety at high load. Anxiety responses of eye-blink startle decreased as load increased, indicating moderation of anxiety during high load but not during low or medium loads. The results suggest that adolescents, similarly to adults, have mechanisms that prioritize task performance over the processing of threat during high cognitive load.To examine the effects of trait-anxiety, the second experiment used the same paradigm in 20 healthy low trait-anxious adults and 20 healthy high trait-anxious adults. No effects of trait-anxiety were found. Across both groups, accuracy was greater during safety than threat for medium load, but not low or high load tasks. During medium load, there were shorter RTs for the safe than threat condition. Lastly, physiological anxiety (eye-blink responses) increased as load decreased, which again indicated moderation of anxiety by the high load task, but not by the low or medium load task. In the third experiment, we manipulated anxiety through a combination of neuropeptides and social-stress, and examined their impact on decision-making. Task difficulty was modulated based on the level of decision-making complexity in a risk-taking task. Twenty-nine healthy adults (14 males) were intra-nasally administered one of three drugs, oxytocin (OT), arginine vasopressin (AVP) or placebo (PLC) in three separate sessions. Risk-taking behavior on the Stunt task was assessed in an anxiety-inducing social-stress situation (evaluation by unfamiliar peers) and a non-social context along with neuropeptide administration. OT is associated with anxiolytic effects and approach behaviors and thus should enhance risk-taking while AVP is associated with anxiogenic effects and defensive behaviors and thus should reduce risk-taking. The interaction of these neuropeptides with social manipulation should be stronger in the social-stress than non-social context. Betting-rate revealed that OT and AVP led to risk-aversion relative to PLC. AVP reduced risk-taking during positive risk-valence (high win-probability), regardless of social context or sex. In contrast, OT reduced risk-taking during negative risk-valence (low win-probability), only in the social-stress context in men. Findings revealed that both neuropeptides reduced risk-taking, possibly in a way akin to promoting defensive behavior. In sum, through manipulations of anxiety and cognitive difficulty, these three experiments allowed for a better understanding of the relationships between anxious states and cognitive processes. Specifically, there is a relationship between anxiety and cognitive performance that varies by cognitive resource prioritization which is dependent on the difficulty of the task and anxious state.


Book Description

Correction notice: In chapter 4, on pages 70-71, Christos Halkiopoulos should have been credited for his role in the design and execution of the experiment discussed in Eysenck, M. W. (1991 a). Trait anxiety and cognition. In C. D. Spielberger, I. G. Sarason, Z. Kulczar, and J. Van Heck (Eds.), Stress and Emotion, Vol. 14. London: Hemisphere. Theorists are increasingly arguing that it is fruitful to approach anxiety from the cognitive perspective, and the empirical evidence supports that contention. The cognitive perspective is also adopted in this book, but the approach represents a development and extension of earlier ones. For example, most previous theories and research have been based on anxiety either in clinical or in normal groups. In contrast, one of the central themes of this book is that there are great advantages to be gained from a joint consideration of clinical and normal anxiety. Another theme of this book is that it is of major importance to establish whether or not there is a cognitive vulnerability factor which is associated with at least some forms of clinical anxiety. It is argued (with supporting evidence) that there is a latent cognitive vulnerability factor for generalized anxiety disorder which manifests itself under stressful conditions. This vulnerability factor is characterized by hypervigilance, and is found predominantly in normals high in the personality dimension of trait anxiety. The scope of the book extends to the effects of anxiety on performance and to the phenomenon of worry, which is regarded as the cognitive component of anxiety. In both cases, a new theoretical framework is presented.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Book Description

Social anxiety disorder is persistent fear of (or anxiety about) one or more social situations that is out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the situation and can be severely detrimental to quality of life. Only a minority of people with social anxiety disorder receive help. Effective treatments do exist and this book aims to increase identification and assessment to encourage more people to access interventions. Covers adults, children and young people and compares the effects of pharmacological and psychological interventions. Commissioned by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). The CD-ROM contains all of the evidence on which the recommendations are based, presented as profile tables (that analyse quality of data) and forest plots (plus, info on using/interpreting forest plots). This material is not available in print anywhere else.

Can't Get You Out of My Head: Brain-Body Interactions in Perseverative Cognition

Book Description

Perseverative cognition is defined as the repetitive or sustained activation of cognitive representations of past stressful events or feared events in the future and even at non-clinical levels it causes a “fight-or-flight” action tendency, followed by a cascade of biological events, starting in the brain and ending as peripheral stress responses. In the past decade, such persistent physiological activation has proven to impact individuals’ health, potentially leading to somatic disease. As such, perseverative cognition has recently been proposed as the missing piece in the relationships between stress, psychopathology, and risk for health. Perseverative cognition is indeed a hallmark of conditions such as anxiety and mood disorders that are at increased -though still unexplained- cardiovascular risk. Although the pivotal role of ruminative and worrisome thoughts in determining the onset and maintenance of psychopathological disorders has been acknowledged for a long time, its effects on the body via reciprocal influences between mental processes and the body's physiology have been neglected. Moreover, perseverative cognition is definitely not restricted to psychopathology, it is extremely common and likely even omnipresent, pervading daily life. The objective of the Research Topic is to provide an interdisciplinary examination of cutting-edge neuroscientific research on brain-body signatures of perseverative cognition in both healthy and psychopathological individuals. Despite the evident role of the brain in repetitive thinking and the assumption that our mind is embodied, bran-body pathways from perseverative cognition to health risk have remained largely unexplored.

Secondary Influences on Neuropsychological Test Performance

Book Description

This exciting new, evidence-based book provides clinicians with a single source for considering the impact of secondary factors on cognitive dysfunction in neurological patients. The influence on testing of depression, anxiety, fatigue, pain, diagnosis threat, and symptom invalidity are all considered in the context of particular neurological disorders.

Current Research and Emerging Directions in Emotion-Cognition Interactions

Book Description

Emotion can impact various aspects of our cognition and behavior, by enhancing or impairing them (e.g., enhanced attention to and memory for emotional events, or increased distraction produced by goal-irrelevant emotional information). On the other hand, emotion processing is also susceptible to cognitive influences, typically exerted in the form of cognitive control of motion, or emotion regulation. Despite important recent progress in understanding emotion- cognition interactions, a number of aspects remain unclear. The present book comprises a collection of manuscripts discussing emerging evidence regarding the mechanisms underlying emotion- cognition interactions in healthy functioning and alterations associated with clinical conditions, in which such interactions are dysfunctional. Initiated with a more restricted focus, targeting (1) identification and in depth analysis of the circumstances in which emotion enhances or impairs cognition and (2)identification of the role of individual differences in these effects, our book has emerged into a comprehensive collection of outstanding contributions investigating emotion-cognition interactions, based on approaches spanning from behavioral and lesion to pharmacological and brain imaging, and including empirical, theoretical, and review papers alike. Co-hosted by the Frontiers in Neuroscience - Integrative Neuroscience and Frontiers in Psychology - Emotion Science, the contributions comprising our book and the associated research topic are grouped around the following seven main themes, distributed across the two hosting journals: I. Emotion and Selectivity in Attention and Memory; II. The Impact of Emotional Distraction; Linking Enhancing and Impairing Effects of Emotion; III. What Really is the Role of the Amygdala?; IV. Age Differences in Emotion Processing; The Role of Emotional Valence; V. Affective Face Processing, Social Cognition, and Personality Neuroscience; VI. Stress, Mood, Emotion, and the Prefrontal Cortex; The Role of Control in the Stress Response; VII. Emotion-Cognition Interactions in Clinical Conditions. As illustrated by the present collection of contributions, emotion-cognition interactions can be identified at different levels of processing, from perception and attention to long- term memory, decision making processes, and social cognition and behavior. Notably, these effects are subject to individual differences that may affect the way we perceive, experience, and remember emotional experiences, or cope with emotionally challenging situations. Moreover, these opposing effects tend to co-occur in affective disorders, such as depression and PTSD, where uncontrolled recollection of and rumination on distressing memories also lead to impaired cognition due to emotional distraction. Understanding the nature and neural mechanisms of these effects is critical, as their exacerbation and co-occurrence in clinical conditions lead to devastating effects and debilitation. Hence, bringing together such diverse contributions has allowed not only an integrative understanding of the current extant evidence but also identification of emerging directions and concrete venues for future investigations.

Anxiety and Cognition

Book Description

It is argued in this book that there are three major approaches to anxiety. First, there is anxiety as an emotional state. Second, there is trait anxiety as a dimension of personality. Third, there is anxiety as a set of anxiety disorders. What is attempted is to produce a unified theory of anxiety which integrates all these major approaches. According to this unified theory, there are four sources of information which influence the level of experienced anxiety: (1) experimental stimulation; (2) internal physiological activity; (3) internal cognitions, (e.g., worries); and (4) one's own behaviour. The unified theory is essentially based on a cognitive approach. More specifically, it is assumed that individual differences in experienced anxiety between those high and low in trait anxiety depend largely on cognitive biases. It is also assumed that the various anxiety disorders depend on cognitive biases, and that the main anxiety disorders differ in terms of the source of information most affected by such biases (e.g., social phobics have biased interpretation of their own behaviour). In sum, this book presents a general theory of anxiety from the cognitive perspective. It is intended that this theory will influence theory and research on emotion, personality, and the anxiety disorders. Correction notice: Christos Halkiopoulos should have been credited for his role as the inventor of the Dot Probe Paradigm and for the design and execution of the experiment discussed in C. D. Spielberger, I. G. Sarason, Z. Kulczar, and J. Van Heck (Eds.), Stress and Emotion, Vol. 14. London: Hemisphere.


Book Description

The contributions in this comprehensive volume represent research conducted over the past 10 years. Practical and clinically relevant developments; several measurement instruments for the assessment of worry at all points along the developmental continuum; specific management and treatment strategies including a particularly useful tactic for modifying pessimism in worriers are among the issues discussed.

When I'm 64

Book Description

By 2030 there will be about 70 million people in the United States who are older than 64. Approximately 26 percent of these will be racial and ethnic minorities. Overall, the older population will be more diverse and better educated than their earlier cohorts. The range of late-life outcomes is very dramatic with old age being a significantly different experience for financially secure and well-educated people than for poor and uneducated people. The early mission of behavioral science research focused on identifying problems of older adults, such as isolation, caregiving, and dementia. Today, the field of gerontology is more interdisciplinary. When I'm 64 examines how individual and social behavior play a role in understanding diverse outcomes in old age. It also explores the implications of an aging workforce on the economy. The book recommends that the National Institute on Aging focus its research support in social, personality, and life-span psychology in four areas: motivation and behavioral change; socioemotional influences on decision-making; the influence of social engagement on cognition; and the effects of stereotypes on self and others. When I'm 64 is a useful resource for policymakers, researchers and medical professionals.