The Foraging Behavior of the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera, L.)

Book Description

The Foraging Behavior of the Honeybee (Apis mellifera, L.) provides a scholarly resource for knowledge on the regulation, communication, resource allocation, learning and characteristics of honeybee foraging behavior at the individual and colony level. Foraging, in this context, is the exploration of the environment around a honey bee hive and the collection of resources (pollen, nectar, water, etc.) by bees in the worker caste of a colony. Honeybees have the unique ability to balance conflicting and changing resource needs in rapidly changing environments, thus their characterization as “superorganisms made up of individuals who act in the interest of the whole. This book explores the fascinating world of honey bees in their struggle to obtain food and resources in the ecosystem and environment around the hive. Written by a team of international experts on honey bee behavior and ecology, this book covers current and historical knowledge, research methods and modeling used in the field of study and includes estimates of key parameters of energy utilization, quantities of materials collected, and identifies inconsistencies or gaps in current knowledge in the field. Establishes a basis of current knowledge on honeybees to build and advance understanding of their foraging behavior Addresses stressors such as habitat loss, climate change, pesticides, pests and diseases Presents concise concepts that facilitate direct traceability to the original underlying research

Modulation of Sensing and Sharing Food-related Information in the Honey Bee

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Food is an essential driver of animal behavior. For social organisms, the acquisition of food guides interactions with the environment and with group-mates. Studies have focused on how social individuals find and choose food sources, and share both food and information with group-mates. However, it is often not clear how experiences throughout an individual's life influence such interactions. The core question of this thesis is how individuals' experience contributes to within-caste behavioral variation in a social group. I investigate the effects of individual history, including physical injury and food-related experience, on individuals' social food sharing behavior, responses to food-related stimuli, and the associated neural biogenic amine signaling pathways. I use the eusocial honey bee (Apis mellifera) system, one in which individuals exhibit a high degree of plasticity in responses to environmental stimuli and there is a richness of communicatory pathways for food-related information. Foraging exposes honey bees to aversive experiences such as predation, con-specific competition, and environmental toxins. I show that foraging experience changes individuals' response thresholds to sucrose, a main component of adults' diets, depending on whether foraging conditions are benign or aversive. Bodily injury is demonstrated to reduce individuals' appetitive responses to new, potentially food-predictive odors. Aversive conditions also impact an individual's social food sharing behavior; mouth-to-mouse trophallaxis with particular groupmates is modulated by aversive foraging conditions both for foragers who directly experienced these conditions and non-foragers who were influenced via social contact with foragers. Although the mechanisms underlying these behavioral changes have yet to be resolved, my results implicate biogenic amine signaling pathways as a potential component. Serotonin and octopamine concentrations are shown to undergo long-term change due to distinct foraging experiences. My work serves to highlight the malleability of a social individual's food-related behavior, suggesting that environmental conditions shape how individuals respond to food and share information with group-mates. This thesis contributes to a deeper understanding of inter-individual variation in animal behavior.

Neurobiology of Chemical Communication

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Intraspecific communication involves the activation of chemoreceptors and subsequent activation of different central areas that coordinate the responses of the entire organism—ranging from behavioral modification to modulation of hormones release. Animals emit intraspecific chemical signals, often referred to as pheromones, to advertise their presence to members of the same species and to regulate interactions aimed at establishing and regulating social and reproductive bonds. In the last two decades, scientists have developed a greater understanding of the neural processing of these chemical signals. Neurobiology of Chemical Communication explores the role of the chemical senses in mediating intraspecific communication. Providing an up-to-date outline of the most recent advances in the field, it presents data from laboratory and wild species, ranging from invertebrates to vertebrates, from insects to humans. The book examines the structure, anatomy, electrophysiology, and molecular biology of pheromones. It discusses how chemical signals work on different mammalian and non-mammalian species and includes chapters on insects, Drosophila, honey bees, amphibians, mice, tigers, and cattle. It also explores the controversial topic of human pheromones. An essential reference for students and researchers in the field of pheromones, this is also an ideal resource for those working on behavioral phenotyping of animal models and persons interested in the biology/ecology of wild and domestic species.

Status of Pollinators in North America

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Pollinators-insects, birds, bats, and other animals that carry pollen from the male to the female parts of flowers for plant reproduction-are an essential part of natural and agricultural ecosystems throughout North America. For example, most fruit, vegetable, and seed crops and some crops that provide fiber, drugs, and fuel depend on animals for pollination. This report provides evidence for the decline of some pollinator species in North America, including America's most important managed pollinator, the honey bee, as well as some butterflies, bats, and hummingbirds. For most managed and wild pollinator species, however, population trends have not been assessed because populations have not been monitored over time. In addition, for wild species with demonstrated declines, it is often difficult to determine the causes or consequences of their decline. This report outlines priorities for research and monitoring that are needed to improve information on the status of pollinators and establishes a framework for conservation and restoration of pollinator species and communities.

Australian Stingless Bees

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Keeping native Australian stingless social bees.

Comparative and Experimental Studies on the Foraging and Exploratory Behavior of Four Honey Bee Species

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One of the primary challenges foraging animals face is deciding how to divide their time between exploitation of known resources and exploration for new resources. As foraging is costly, investment in exploration should be mediated by natural selection to balance its costs and benefits in ways are tuned to species life history (e.g., lifespan, reproduction rate, activity level), individual state (e.g., experience, hunger, cognitive abilities), and environmental conditions (e.g., reward predictability, distribution, abundance). Efforts to understand the role each factor plays in the exploitation-exploration tradeoff are complicated by the complex scenario-specific ways in which they interact. In addition, the lack of comparative information on exploratory behavior limits our ability to draw generalizations. In this dissertation, I use a combination of experiments and comparative studies in four honey bee species to examine how interactions between life history, individual experience, and environmental conditions shape investment in foraging and exploration. Each chapter addresses how the interaction between two factors (e.g., life history and environment, individual experience and environment) shapes honey bee exploration, or provides an in-depth look at a previously understudied aspect of Asian honey bee life history and foraging behavior that could play a role in shaping their exploratory behavior. In Chapter 1, I investigate how evolved differences in life history interact with environmental reward context to shape worker investment in exploration in four honey bee species. Species that face higher mortality costs from exploration were generally less exploratory when confronted by a decrease in a familiar reward, but all species increased their investment in exploration as they experienced larger decreases in resource quality. These findings suggest that exploratory behavior has been tuned by natural selection to species life history but is also sensitive to the current environmental conditions. In Chapter 2, I use Apis mellifera to investigate how different past experiences with environmental predictability in the location or timing of rewards influence how honey bees search when those rewards are no longer available. My results show that honey bees that have had experience with unpredictable rewards are less precise but equally persistent in their search for vanished rewards, as compared with bees that have had experience with predictable rewards. This result suggests that a bee's experience with resource predictability shapes the way she searches but not her overall investment in exploration. In Chapter 3, I investigate the lifespan and foraging behavior of three honey bee species. For all three species, the age at which a bee first becomes active outside the nest was the primary predictor of her lifespan. Dwarf honey bee (A. florea) workers seem to have the longest lifespan, likely due to their much-delayed onset of flight outside the hive, supporting the idea that species that face higher costs from worker mortality should have longer-lived workers. Finally, in Chapter 4, I examine how investment in diurnal and nocturnal foraging activity by the giant honey bee (A. dorsata) changes across seasons and lunar cycles. I found that this species could be considered both diurnal and crepuscular, as well as facultatively nocturnal. The amount of nocturnal activity performed depended greatly on environmental illumination and the season, whereas crepuscular activity was extremely high regardless of season or illumination. This study paves the way for further investigations into the mortality costs associated with nocturnal foraging, and how those costs might shape their exploratory behavior during the day.

Information Processing in Social Insects

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Claire Detrain, Jean-Louis Deneubourg and Jacques Pasteels Studies on insects have been pioneering in major fields of modern biology. In the 1970 s, research on pheromonal communication in insects gave birth to the dis cipline of chemical ecology and provided a scientific frame to extend this approach to other animal groups. In the 1980 s, the theory of kin selection, which was initially formulated by Hamilton to explain the rise of eusociality in insects, exploded into a field of research on its own and found applications in the under standing of community structures including vertebrate ones. In the same manner, recent studies, which decipher the collective behaviour of insect societies, might be now setting the stage for the elucidation of information processing in animals. Classically, problem solving is assumed to rely on the knowledge of a central unit which must take decisions and collect all pertinent information. However, an alternative method is extensively used in nature: problems can be collectively solved through the behaviour of individuals, which interact with each other and with the environment. The management of information, which is a major issue of animal behaviour, is interesting to study in a social life context, as it raises addi tional questions about conflict-cooperation trade-oft's. Insect societies have proven particularly open to experimental analysis: one can easily assemble or disassemble them and place them in controllable situations in the laboratory.