Interim Guidelines for the Disposal:destruction of PCBS and PCB Items by Non-thermal Methods

Book Description

This report summarizes an interim resource and guideline document intended to aid USEPA regional offices in implementing the PCB Regulations (40 CFR 761) with regard to the use of non-thermal methods for the destruction/disposal of PCBs. The interim report describes and evaluates various alternative chemical, physical, and biological PCB removal and/or destruction technologies, including carbon adsorption, catalytic dehydrochlorination, chlorinolysis. sodium based dechlorination, photolytic and microwave plasma destruction, catalyzed wet-air oxidation, and activated sludge, trickling filter, and special bacterial methods. Alternative destruction/disposal technologies were evaluated using technical, regulatory, environmental impact, economic, and energy requirements criteria. Because the technologies investigated are at various stages of development (only the sodium based dechlorination processes are now commercially available), data deficiencies exist, and good engineering judgment was used to supplement available quantitative information. Of the technologies evaluated, many show the potential for greater than 90 percent PCB destruction with minimum environmental impacts and low to moderate economic costs. These technologies are catalytic dehydrochlorination, sodium based dechlorination, microwave plasma, and photolytic processes.

ORD Publications Announcement

Book Description

Council on Environmental Quality

Book Description