Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Virginia, 1862-1866

Book Description

"On the six rolls of this microfilm publication are reproduced bound volumes of tax assessment lists for the two collection districts established for the eastern counties of the State of Virginia by Executive order dated October 16, 1862, the four collection districts established May 3, 1865, and the eight collection districts established April 23, 1866. The lists were created in the offices of assessors and assistant assessors of Internal Revenue during the period 1862-66. ...These records are part of Records of the Internal Revenue Service, Record Group 58, in the National Archives. ...These introductory remarks were written by James L. Harwood." -- P. 1, 3.

Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for West Virginia, 1862-1866

Book Description

"On the four rolls of this microfilm publication are reproduced bound volumes of tax assessment lists for the two collection districts established for the western counties of the State of Virginia by Executive order dated October 10, 1862, and the three collection districts established for the State of West Virginia on May 3, 1865. The lists were created in the offices of assessors and assistant assessors of Internal Revenue during the period 1862-66. ...These records are part of Records of the Internal Revenue Service, Record Group 58, in the National Archives. ...These introductory remarks were written by James L. Harwood." -- P. 1, 3.

Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Kentucky, 1862-1866

Book Description

"On the 24 rolls of this microfilm publication are reproduced bound volumes of tax assessment lists for the collection districts established for the State of Kentucky. The number of collection districts was set at four by an Executive order dated August 8, 1862; this number was later changed to six and then to nine by Executive orders dated September 10, 1864, and January 25, 1866, respectively. The lists were created in the offices of assessors and assistant assessors of Internal Revenue during the period 1862-66. ... These records are among Records of the Internal Revenue Service, Record Group 58, in the National Archives. ... The records ... were prepared for filming by Clarence F. Lyons, who also wrote these introductory remark ..."--Page 1, 3.