International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2001

Book Description

This 2001 Annual Report reviews economic developments in the world during FY2000. Output growth in emerging Asia picked up in 2000 as this region continued its recovery from the 1997–98 crisis. The pace of economic expansion, however, slowed from mid-2000, largely as a result of the U.S. slowdown, higher oil prices, a decline in regional equity markets, and, in some countries, concerns about delays of corporate and financial restructuring and a decline in electronics exports. The financial year 2001 saw the IMF actively engaged in the process of reform.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2021

Book Description

A recovery is underway, but the economic fallout from the global pandemic could be with us for years to come. With the crisis exacerbating prepandemic vulnerabilities, country prospects are diverging. Nearly half of emerging market and developing economies and some middle-income countries are now at risk of falling further behind, undoing much of the progress made toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Book Description

The 2007–09 international financial crisis underscored the importance of reliable and timely statistics on the general government and public sectors. Government finance statistics are a basis for fiscal analysis and they play a vital role in developing and monitoring sound fiscal programs and in conducting surveillance of economic policies. The Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 represents a major step forward in clarifying the standards for compiling and presenting fiscal statistics and strengthens the worldwide effort to improve public sector reporting and transparency.

IMF Financial Operations 2018

Book Description

IMF Financial Operations 2018 provides a broad introduction to how the IMF fulfills its mission through its financial activities. It covers the financial structure and operations of the IMF and provides background detail on the financial statements. It reviews the IMF's three main activities: lending, surveillance, and technical assistance.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 1950

Book Description

This paper reviews key findings of the IMF’s Annual Report for the fiscal year ended April 1950. The report highlights that the widespread devaluation of currencies that took place in September 1949 was the most far-reaching in any comparable period in recent times. Thirteen members agreed new par values with the IMF, most of them involving a devaluation of approximately 30.5 percent in relation to the U.S. dollar. Six member countries with which the IMF has no agreed par value also depreciated their exchange rates.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 1948

Book Description

This paper reviews key findings of the IMF’s Annual Report for the fiscal year ended April 1948. The report highlights that during 1947 and in the early part of 1948, considerable progress was made in strengthening the economies that suffered devastation and dislocation as a result of the war. Over the world, generally production rose and recovery continued, despite widespread political tension and conflict, and disturbances. In nearly all countries, however, the need and demand for goods continued to be abnormally great, and there were increasing difficulties in meeting international payments for import surpluses.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 1961

Book Description

This paper reviews key findings of the IMF’s Annual Report for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1961. The report highlights that in contrast to the year 1959, when virtually all countries participated in worldwide expansion, the year 1960 and the early part of 1961 presented a less unified picture. Rapid growth continued in most of the European industrial countries and in Japan, but in the United States and Canada, a slackening of activity was evident. The volume of exports of the primary producing countries also increased.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2021 Financial Statements

Book Description

The audited financial statements that follow form Appendix VI of the International Monetary Fund's Annual Report 2021 and can be found, together with Appendixes I through V and other materials, on the Annual Report 2021 web page ( They have been reproduced separately here as a convenience for readers. Quarterly updates of the IMF's Finances are available at

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2019 Financial Statements

Book Description

The audited consolidated financial statements of the International Monetary Fund as of April 30, 2019 and 2018