International Tax Policy and Double Tax Treaties

Book Description

Explains the concepts that underlie international tax law and double tax treaties and provides an insight into how international tax policy, law and practice operate to ultimately impose tax on international business and investment.

U.S. Tax Treaties

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Introduction to the Law of Double Taxation Conventions

Book Description

The Law of Double Taxation Conventions Cross-border activities or transactions may trigger tax liability in two or more jurisdictions. In order to mitigate the financial burden resulting from these situations, States have entered into numerous double taxation conventions, which provide for rules that allocate the taxing rights between the contracting states. This handbook aims at providing an introduction to the law of double taxation conventions. It is designed for students – irrespective of their national background, but the author believes that it will also be of great help for tax experts who wish to know more about double taxation conventions, as well as for international law experts who wish to understand more about tax law. The handbook does not consider one jurisdiction in particular but rather takes examples from a wide range of different countries and their jurisdictions. It includes an overview of the problem of double taxation, the state practice in the conclusion of double tax conventions and their effects, the interpretation of double taxation conventions and treaty abuse. Furthermore, this updated handbook takes new developments into account occurred since the last edition of the book from 2013, in particular also the changes through OECD’s BEPS project and the Multilateral Instrument. It deals with the latest versions of the OECD Model Tax Conventions on Income and on Capital and the UN Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries, both published in 2017, as well as the latest version of the OECD Model Double Taxation Convention on Estates and Inheritances and on Gifts.

Double Taxation and the League of Nations

Book Description

Modern-day tax treaties have their foundations in one of the three Model Tax Treaties developed by the League of Nations in 1928. Using previously unexplored archival material, Sunita Jogarajan provides the first in-depth examination of the development of the League's Models. This new research provides insights into questions such as the importance of double taxation versus tax evasion; the preference for source-taxation versus residence-taxation; the influence of theory and practice on the League's work; the development of bilateral rather than multilateral treaties; the influence of developing countries on the League's work; the role of Commentary in interpreting model tax treaties; and the influential factors and key individuals involved. A better understanding of the development of the original models will inform and help guide interpretation and reform of modern-day tax treaties. Additionally, this book will be of interest to scholars of international relations and the development of law at international organisations.

Double Taxation Within the European Union

Book Description

Despite the conclusion of tax treaties and despite the enactment of several directives, double taxation continues to occur within the EU, causing severe obstacles for cross-border trade, for the provision of services and capital, and for the free movement of persons. This book collects the expert analysis and recommendations on the following issues: the reasons for the existence (and persistence) of juridical and economic double taxation; double burdens in criminal law; constitutional limits for double taxation; the Lisbon Treaty's abolition of Article 293 EC, which had required Member States to conclude tax treaties in order to abolish double taxation; whether double taxation can be avoided by the application of the four freedoms; prospects for an EU-wide multilateral tax treaty; the proposed Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base; and use of arbitration clauses in tax treaties.

The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment

Book Description

Over the past twenty years, foreign direct investments have spurred widespread liberalization of the foreign direct investment (FDI) regulatory framework. By opening up to foreign investors and encouraging FDI, which could result in increased capital and market access, many countries have improved the operational conditions for foreign affiliates and strengthened standards of treatment and protection. By assuring investors that their investment will be legally protected with closed bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and double taxation treaties (DTTs), this in turn creates greater interest in FDI.

Multilateral Tax Treaties

Book Description

The book is a result of a research project conducted at the Department for Austrian and International Tax Law at the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna. The project's aim was to produce a draft multilateral tax treaty modelled on the OECD Model Income Tax Convention, whilst examining in detail difficulties that arise in connection with the multilateralisation of the OECD Model. The expert papers also present a detailed analysis of the arguments for and against the conclusion of a multilateral tax treaty, and of the various European law issues that arise in this context.

Source Versus Residence

Book Description

The book analyses the allocation rules of the OECD Model Tax Convention and its equivalents in bilateral tax treaties. The contributors examine the justification for these rules - as well as their scope - and highlight the most relevant interpretation and attendant application problems. In addition they suggest how such rules should be modified and examine possible alternatives.

Tax Treaties: Building Bridges between Law and Economics

Book Description

In this book experts from the field of economics take a different view of tax treaty issues than experts from the field of law. In order to encourage the much needed communication between these two groups, a cross-disciplinary conference was held to discuss selected tax treaty issues from both a legal and economic perspective. Twenty-five conference papers on eight topics were prepared by lawyers and economists. The papers on legal issues were presented and discussed by economists, and vice versa. The interdisciplinary focus of the conference not only allowed an exchange of knowledge between two groups who think differently about similar issues, but also made it possible to better grasp the impact of the thinking of one group on the areas of interest to the other group. The outcome of the conference is reflected in this book. By showing the legal and the economic approaches to an issue, this book improves the general understanding of the two disciplines and demonstrates how the decisions in one discipline may influence the other discipline and its concepts. Twenty-two contributions are included, written by the most distinguished academics, practitioners and representatives of several international tax administrations and both tax and economic institutions.

Time and Tax: Issues in International, EU, and Constitutional Law

Book Description

Time is a crucial dimension in the application of any law. In tax law, however, where an environment characterized by rapid change on the national, European, and international levels complicates the provision of accurate legal advice, timing is particularly sensitive. This book is the first to analyse the relationship between time and three key areas of tax: treaties, EU law, and constitutional law issues, such as legal certainty and individual rights. Among the numerous timing issues arising out of applying tax rules, the book addresses the following: – time limits within which relief must be requested; – statutes of limitation for claiming a tax refund; – transitional issues relating to changes in tax treaties; – attribution of profits and expenses to a moving or closed-down business; – effect of tax-related CJEU decisions and EU directives; – compliance of exit tax regimes with free movement; – limits of retroactivity under principles protected by the EU Charter and the ECHR; and – conflict between efficiency of taxation and individual rights. Derived from a recent conference organized by the prestigious ATOZ Chair for European and International Taxation at the University of Luxembourg, the book brings together contributions from leading tax experts from various areas of tax practice, academia, and the judiciary. Among other issues, the book notably expands on how economic theory can inform a constitutional analysis of the timing of taxation. There is no other work that concentrates so usefully on the difficulties associated with applying tax rules – whether arising from treaties, jurisprudence, or policy – to changing circumstances over time. This book will quickly prove itself to be an indispensable resource for European tax lawyers, policymakers, company counsels, and academics.