International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering

Book Description

When Courant prepared the text of his 1942 address to the American Mathematical Society for publication, he added a two-page Appendix to illustrate how the variational methods first described by Lord Rayleigh could be put to wider use in potential theory. Choosing piecewise-linear approximants on a set of triangles which he called elements, he dashed off a couple of two-dimensional examples and the finite element method was born. Finite element activity in electrical engineering began in earnest about 1968-1969. A paper on waveguide analysis was published in Alta Frequenza in early 1969, giving the details of a finite element formulation of the classical hollow waveguide problem. It was followed by a rapid succession of papers on magnetic fields in saturable materials, dielectric loaded waveguides, and other well-known boundary value problems of electromagnetics. In the decade of the eighties, finite element methods spread quickly. In several technical areas, they assumed a dominant role in field problems. P.P. Silvester, San Miniato (PI), Italy, 1992 Early in the nineties the International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering started. This volume contains the history of the Workshop and the Proceedings of the 13th edition, Florence (Italy), 2016 . The 14th Workshop will be in Cartagena (Colombia), 2018.

Workshop Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Environments

Book Description

With emerging trends such as the Internet of Things, sensors and actuators are now deployed and connected everywhere to gather information and solve problems, and such systems are expected to be trustworthy, dependable and reliable under all circumstances. But developing intelligent environments which have a degree of common sense is proving to be exceedingly complicated, and we are probably still more than a decade away from sophisticated networked systems which exhibit human-like thought and intelligent behavior.This book presents the proceedings of four workshops and symposia: the 4th International Workshop on Smart Offices and Other Workplaces (SOOW'15); the 4th International Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WoRIE'15); the Symposium on Future Intelligent Educational Environments and Learning 2015 (SOFIEEe'15); and the 1st immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN'15). These formed part of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in July 2015, which focused on the development of advanced, reliable intelligent environments, as well as newly emerging and rapidly evolving topics.This overview of and insight into the latest developments of active researchers in the field will be of interest to all those who follow developments in the world of intelligent environments.

Workshop Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments

Book Description

This book presents the proceedings of the workshops of the 8th International Conference on IntelligentEnvironments IE 12, held in Guanajuato, Mexico, in June 2012. Topics covered in the workshops includeintelligent environments supporting healthcare and well-being artificial intelligence techniques for ambientintelligence large-scale intelligent environments intelligent domestic robots intelligent environmenttechnology in education multimodal interfaces applied in skills transfer, healthcare and rehabilitation thereliability of intelligent environments and improving industrial automation using

Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 5th International Workshop (SOCO 2010)

Book Description

This volume of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing contains accepted - pers presented at SOCO 2010 held in the beautiful and historic city of Guimarães, Portugal, June 2010. The global purpose of SOCO conferences has been to provide a broad and - terdisciplinary forum for soft computing and associated paradigms, which are playing increasingly important roles in an important number of industrial and - vironmental applications fields. Soft computing represents a collection or set of computational techniques in machine learning, computer science and some engineering disciplines, which - vestigate, simulate and analyze very complex issues and phenomena. This wo- shop is mainly focused on its industrial and environmental applications. th SOCO 2010 is the 5 International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications and provides interesting opportunities to present and d- cuss the latest theoretical advances and real world applications in this multidis- plinary research field. This volume presents the papers accepted for the 2010 edition, both for the main event and the Special Sessions. SOCO 2010 Special Sessions are a very u- ful tool in order to complement the regular program with new or emerging topics of particular interest to the participating community. Special Sessions that emp- size on multi-disciplinary and transversal aspects, as well as cutting-edge topics were especially encouraged and welcome. SOCO 2010 included a total of 3 Special Sessions: Ensemble Learning and - formation Fusion for Industrial Applications; Soft Computing for Service M- agement; Hybrid Intelligent Systems and Applications.

The 9th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, DIS 2001

Book Description

The proceedings of DIS 2001 present the most updated status of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) physics. Topics like structure function measurements and phenomenology, QCD studies in DIS and photoproduction, spin physics and diffractive interactions are reviewed in detail, with emphasis on those studies that push the test of QCD and the Standard Model to the limits of their present range of validity, towards both the very high and the very low four-momentum transfers in the lepton-proton scattering. Moreover, this workshop coincided with the transition between the first period of experimentation at the HERA ep collider at DESY and the start of the updated HERA II operation -- allowing a review of what has been learned up to now and a discussion on the main future directions of research in this field.

The Second International Workshop Conference

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ACTUAL WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF MODERN UNIVERSITIES: INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ACADEMIC MOBILITY AND NETWORKING INTERACTION OF UNIVERSITIES INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND NEW DEMANDS OF THE LABOR MARKET IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND ACCESSIBILITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ON THE BASIS OF E-LEARNING. Modernization of high education: experience of universities in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) Role of ICT in establishing of an inclusive education: the use of open educational resources (OER) and the mass of open distance learning courses (MOOC). Modern pedagogy with the use of E-Learning in higher education

Critical Currents In Superconductors - Proceedings Of The 7th International Workshop

Book Description

Applications of superconductivity at the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen continue to challenge physicists, materials scientists and engineers all over the world eight years after the discovery of high temperature superconductivity. The key to a solution of today's problems lies in the optimization of the defect structure in well-oriented oxide materials as well as in a fundamental understanding of the magnetic microstructures in the mixed state and how they are affected by the crystallographic nature ('dimensionality') of these materials. Fifteen invited overview lectures as well as approximately 150 contributed papers highlight the state of the art in this important field of superconductivity and review our current knowledge of critical currents in superconductors.

Detecting Environmental, Industrial And Biomedical Signals - Proceedings Of The International Workshop

Book Description

This volume contains reports on state-of-the-art studies relevant to signal detection in important scientific areas such as environmental, industrial and biomedical monitoring. Critical issues in the fields of material development for advanced sensing applications, nuclear techniques using neutrons for humanitarian demining, sensors for biomedical, industrial and environmental monitoring as well as solid state detectors for biomedical applications are confronted with the cross-disciplinary approach of physicists, chemists and biologists.

Artificial Life IV

Book Description

This book brings together contributions to the Fourth Artificial Life Workshop, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the summer of 1994.

Electroweak Physics Beyond The Standard Model - International Workshop

Book Description

The implications of the latest results from high energy experiments as well as non-accelerator experiments are discussed in this proceedings. Emphasis is given to neutrino physics, tests of the standard electroweak theory, and its extensions. Perspectives for the physics of the new decade are also considered.