Internet Costs and Cost Models for Public Libraries

Book Description

Addresses the public library community's need for practical cost information related to Internet connectivity and services. It is not a "how-to" manual for connecting libraries to the Internet. The value of this study rests more with the development of cost models, worksheets, and cost categories that can assist public libraries to determine an appropriate type of Internet connectivity and service provision given the library's need. This study seeks to improve the knowledge base of information, not to offer a comprehensive treatment of the topic.

Public Access to Government Information in the 21st Century

Book Description

Presents proceedings of the hearings held in June & July 1996. Testimony from: U.S. Senators, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, the U.S. Government Printing Office; Nat. Tech. Info. Service; Government Documents Librarian; Amer. Library Assoc.; Univ. of Pittsburgh; Prof. of Computer Science; Univ. of Virginia; Interactive Services Assoc.; U.S. Nat. Commission on Libraries & Info. Science; Info. Industry Assoc.; ABC Advisors Inc.; LEXIS-NEXIS; Nat. Archives & Records Admin.; Printing Industries of Amer.; Claitor's Law Books; Office of Mgmt. & Budget; Departments of Justice, Commerce, & Interior.

FCC Record

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Annual Report

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The 1996 National Survey of Public Libraries and the Internet

Book Description

This 1996 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) survey gathered data from a national sample of public libraries concerning the current level of public library involvement with the Internet. The purpose of this study was to: (1) provide policymakers, researchers, and library professionals with longitudinal data that measured changes in public library Internet involvement since the first survey in 1994; (2) identify costs for public library Internet services; and (3) identify issues and inform the policy debate concerning public library roles in the electronic networked environment. This final report is divided into three sections: Introduction; Study Results; and Progress and Issues. The introduction discusses the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the Library Services and Construction Act/Library Services and Technology Act; intellectual property and the National Information Infrastructure; and an electronic federal depository library program. The second section discusses study methodology; public library demographics; accessing the Internet; the current state of public library Internet connectivity; Internet uses and public access services; and benefits to connecting to the Internet. The third section focuses on disparities; connectivity versus services; the goal of universal service; quality of network services; the life cycle of public library Internet development; and preparation for the next survey. Appendices include the survey instrument, survey alert, and cover letter, and information about the authors. (Contains 27 references, and 45 figures that present survey data.) (Author/AEF)

Kickstart Initiative

Book Description

This publication is intended to help community leaders launch KickStart initiatives to bring their communities onto the information superhighway. Contents: connecting people and communities to the information superhighway (realizing the benefits; highlighting the ingredients of success; showcasing success tories); a leadership guide to getting there (identifying costs and sources of funding); resource on intellectual property, privacy and security; resources for communities (print and online resources; examples of acceptable use policies).

KickStart Initiative

Book Description

Academic Research on the Internet

Book Description

Find what you’re looking for with the best Internet resources for academic research in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences! Which academic resource deserves more of your budget: printed books and journals or softly glowing terminals? The answer differs depending on the subject area, the availability and reliability of Internet information in that field, and the comparative value of Internet research and traditional print media. Academic Research on the Internet: Options for Scholars and Libraries gives you the information you need to make those choices. This comprehensive book examines the usability of the Internet as a scholarly research and reference tool. Each chapter provides a snapshot of Internet information access and usability in a specific subject area, comparing it to traditional print media. In addition, each chapter includes a selected webliography of key resources-a time-saving tool for librarians on the reference desk. Experts in specific subject areas provide up-to-the-minute assessments of the usefulness of the Internet for research in their fields, including: Arts and Architecture Biology Engineering Chemistry Physics and Mathematics Music Philosophy English and American Literature History Political Science Business Education Anthropology and Sociology Health Sciences Public Administration Law Environmental Sciences Reference Academic Research on the Internet is designed to provide the facts you need about the reliability, timeliness, and availability of Internet information. With this information, you can decide on the relative value of print subscriptions, assess the degree to which the Internet alone can satisfy users’ information needs, and make intelligent choices about budget allocation.