Social Development in Kerala: Illusion or Reality?

Book Description

This title was first published in 2000: There has been considerable academic interest in the innovative development programme taking place in Kerala, India. Much has been published on the specific "achievements" of the programme, such as literacy, health care, communication and demographic indicators. However, lurking beneath the surface are the harsh realities of chronic unemployment, poverty and deprivation among the elderly and weaker sections of the society, the oppression of women and the inefficiency of the government. These problems are revealed in this book through in-depth empirical research undertaken by a native Keralan. In the light of this material, this text questions whether the Kerala model of development should indeed be regarded as worth emulation.

Kerala: the Development Experience

Book Description

At a time when disillusion with neo-liberal development nostrums is mounting, alternative models of development are being revisited. Kerala's 30 million people may not have experienced rapid growth in GDP per capita, but they have for the past several decades achieved a remarkable social record in terms of adult literacy, infant mortality, life expectancy, stabilising population growth, and narrowing gender and spatial gaps.What are the implications of the disjuncture between human development and economic growth? What are the political, social and cultural factors responsible for Kerala's success? Does its human development record necessarily relate to sustainability in environmental terms? How inclusive has the Kerala model been, particularly for the fishing community and other socially marginalised groups?Can the new people's campaign for decentralised development from below make Kerala's development experience more enduring? What realistic view can be taken of its replicability elsewhere in India or further afield in the South? These are among the most important questions explored in this timely reassessment.

Development, Democracy and the State

Book Description

This book is the most comprehensive analysis of the Kerala Model of Social Development to date. Using an interdisciplinary approach, it sheds new light on the paradoxes of the Indian state and critiques its model of economic development.

Social Development, Cultural Change & Fertility Decline

Book Description

Low fertility rates are usually associated with high levels of economic development. The Indian state of Kerala is an exception -- despite a comparatively low level of economic development, the fertility rate is declining rapidly. This book studies the determinants of declining fertility rates. The authors have developed a model -- applicable to other regions in the developing world -- which focuses on social development and cultural change as causes of declining fertility and, more importantly, an improvement in the quality of life.

Social Development in Kerala: Illusion or Reality?

Book Description

This title was first published in 2000: There has been considerable academic interest in the innovative development programme taking place in Kerala, India. Much has been published on the specific "achievements" of the programme, such as literacy, health care, communication and demographic indicators. However, lurking beneath the surface are the harsh realities of chronic unemployment, poverty and deprivation among the elderly and weaker sections of the society, the oppression of women and the inefficiency of the government. These problems are revealed in this book through in-depth empirical research undertaken by a native Keralan. In the light of this material, this text questions whether the Kerala model of development should indeed be regarded as worth emulation.

Rethinking Development

Book Description

Papers presented at the International Conference on Kerala's Development Experience organized in New Delhi from 8 to 11 December 1996.

Dimensions of Social Life

Book Description

Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics

Book Description

India’s growing economic and socio-political importance on the global stage has triggered an increased interest in the country. This Handbook is a reference guide, which surveys the current state of Indian politics and provides a basic understanding of the ways in which the world’s largest democracy functions. The Handbook is structured around four main topics: political change, political economy, the diversity of regional development, and the changing role of India in the world. Chapters examine how and why democracy in India put down firm roots, but also why the quality of governance offered by India’s democracy continues to be low. The acceleration of economic growth since the mid-1980s is discussed, and the Handbook goes on to look at the political and economic changes in selected states, and how progress across Indian states continues to be uneven. It concludes by touching on the issue of India’s international relations, both in South Asia and the wider world. The Handbook offers an invigorating initiation into the seemingly daunting and complex terrain of Indian politics. It is an invaluable resource for academics, researchers, policy analysts, graduate and undergraduate students studying Indian politics.