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Agricultural land use impacts groundwater and surface water quality and many research programs have aimed to understand these impacts. For example, loading of agriculturally derived solutes such as nitrate can create hypoxic conditions in stream estuaries downstream of agricultural and human development. This problem exists in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, a 11,600 km2 watershed which encompasses six states: Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. The largest contributor of water and nutrients to the Chesapeake Bay is the Susquehanna River Basin. It is important to understand the transport dynamics within smaller tributary watersheds of the Susquehanna River, so that efforts can be made to mitigate the effects of farming on nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay.The Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHCZO) has been established to understand water quality in the context of natural geological background conditions within the critical zone. The SSHCZO is an observatory in the uplands of the Susquehanna River Basin. The SSHCZO spans the Shavers Creek watershed (120 km2), a HUC 10 watershed. This creek is a tributary of the Juniata River, which drains into the Susquehanna River. The SSHCZO contains three instrumented subcatchments: Shale Hills (0.08 km2), Garner Run (1.21 km2), and Cole Farm (0.34 km2). These three sites provide land use and lithology end members that serve as proxies for the rest of Shavers Creek watershed. In addition to using small catchment end-members to understand transport in Shavers Creek, three separate synoptic sampling campaigns were completed at high spatial resolution throughout the watershed. These three campaigns show how changes in hydrologic connectivity, land use, and lithology affect water quality in the watershed. Fall and winter synoptic campaigns highlight discrepancies in water and solute influxes between expected solute loads from tributary inputs to the mainstem and the measured solute loads at mainstem sites. These discrepancies suggest input from groundwater or runoff sources other than sampled tributaries. For example, both nitrate and chloride are both input from sources other than tributaries. Principal component analyses and a mixing analysis performed on the fall synoptic data (during the dry season) are best explained as documenting groundwater inputs to the mainstem of Shavers Creek as local interflow, i.e. shallow groundwater flow. Thus, tributaries and Shavers Creek become locally controlled during the dry period. Principal components for surface water chemistry in Shavers Creek vary in the main stem and in tributaries during this period. The components determined for the upland forested parts of Shavers Creek cluster more closely with the components which describe shallow interflow within the forested landscape as observed in the pristine forested subcatchments of Garner Run and Shale Hills while components determined for the lowland agricultural parts of Shavers Creek trend towards the components which describe shallow interflow in the agricultural catchment Cole Farm. Principal component analyses during the winter snow melt (a wet period) are consistent with a regional homogenization of water chemistry in Shavers Creek caused by the dominance of snow water inputs to interflow, i.e. nonlocal control. Specifially, principal components for surface water chemistry in Shavers Creek during snow melt are all clustered closely to components which reflect forested land use. This clustering highlights the homogenization of surface water chemistry from the wet winter synoptic.Two separate regression models for Shavers Creek, one using lithology and the other using land use as model inputs, show that each of these variables alone predict solute flux well in the fall during the local control exhibited in the dry period. However, the covariance of land use and lithology in the watershed that causes a confounding effect for the regression models, because land use varies with lithology. On the other hand, these same models, show that land use alone does not predict solute flux as well as lithology during the wet winter period of non-local control. Lithology is therefore the best predictor of solute flux spatially in Shavers Creek in both wet and dry periods. Land use is only as good of a predictor as lithology during periods of local control when water tables are low in the watershed. Variations in local versus nonlocal control on solute and water flux contributions to Shavers Creek is related to hydrologic connectivity. Local controls, defined as properties that control water transport at small spatial scales, are more significant during the dry season when water tables are low. In contrast to local controls such as soil properties, nonlocal controls dominate during wet periods in Shavers Creek. The nonlocal controls include larger scale characteristics such as watershed topography.In summary, both principal component analyses and regression modeling show distinct geochemical differences between the dry fall period and the wet winter period in Shavers Creek watershed. The dry fall period shows geochemical heterogeneity throughout the watershed, and solute flux can be predicted by lithology and land use. During this time, the watershed is hydrologically disconnected and surface water chemistry is controlled locally. In contrast, hydrologic connectivity in the watershed increases during the wet winter period and surface water chemistry is controlled largely by nonlocal properties. During this time, geochemical homogeneity is observed throughout the watershed and solute flux is better predicted by lithology than land use. Overall, lithology is the most consistent predictor of the spatial variation of solute flux in Shavers Creek and is therefore essential to understanding solute transport in the watershed. These findings provide a deeper insight into transport dynamics in Shavers Creek and could potentially inform an improved understanding of upland agricultural watersheds within the Susquehanna River Basin.

Evaluation of Impacts of Conservation Practices on Surface Water and Groundwater at Watershed Scale

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For an agricultural watershed, best management practice (BMP) is a conservational way to prevent non-point source pollution, soil and water loss and mitigate groundwater declination. In this dissertation, several BMPs of tail water recovery system, conservation tillage system and crop rotation were selected and evaluated in order to demonstrate the impacts of those activities on stream water quality and quantity. Besides, a land use change scenario was also evaluated. In order to evaluate the scenarios comprehensively, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Annualized Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution (AnnAGNPS) were applied to simulate surface hydrology scenarios, and Modular flow (MODFLOW) models was used to simulate groundwater level change. This dissertation contains several novel methods regarding to model simulation including (i) using satellite imagery data to detect possible tail water recovery ponds, (ii) simulating surface and groundwater connected, (iii) selecting land use change area based on local trend and spatial relationship, (iv) comparing scenarios between two models. The outcomes from this dissertation included scenarios comparison on surface water quantity and quality, groundwater level change for long term simulation, and comparison between surface water models.

Impacts of Landscape Change on Water Resources

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Changes in land use and land cover can have many drivers, including population growth, urbanization, agriculture, demand for food, evolution of socio-economic structure, policy regulations, and climate variability. The impacts of these changes on water resources range from changes in water availability (due to changes in losses of water to evapotranspiration and recharge) to degradation of water quality (increased erosion, salinity, chemical loadings, and pathogens). The impacts are manifested through complex hydro-bio-geo-climate characteristics, which underscore the need for integrated scientific approaches to understand the impacts of landscape change on water resources. Several techniques, such as field studies, long-term monitoring, remote sensing technologies, and advanced modeling studies, have contributed to better understanding the modes and mechanisms by which landscape changes impact water resources. Such research studies can help unlock the complex interconnected influences of landscape on water resources in terms of quantity and quality at multiple spatial and temporal scales. In this Special Issue, we published a set of eight peer-reviewed articles elaborating on some of the specific topics of landscape changes and associated impacts on water resources.

Scenarios and Implications of Land Use and Climate Change on Water Quality in Mesoscale Agricultural Watersheds

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"A comparative study in two mesoscale, agricultural watersheds located in mid-latitude, developed regions (Altmühl River, Germany and in Pike River, Canada) investigated potential future land use change and climate change impacts on surface water quality. The two watersheds provided a unique opportunity to compare potential impacts of change in similar physical and climatological regions, yet under different political settings related to agricultural policies as well as water quality management and protection. The objectives of the research were to develop agricultural land use scenarios to apply to a hydrological model simultaneously with climate change simulations. This modelling framework allowed quantifying these combined impacts on streamflow, sediment loads, nitrate-nitrogen loads and concentrations, as well as total phosphorus loads and concentrations to the 2050 time horizon. The impacts of climate change were evaluated alone and then with land use change. Overall, the quality of surface water simulated in both watersheds will be deteriorated according to environmental standards set by the ministries by 2050 due to higher mean annual nutrient loads transported into the rivers. Climate change impacts were greater than land use change impacts; however land use change can have an important influence on water quality, depending on the magnitude of crop changes taking place. Field-level adaptation strategies in the Pike River were simulated to determine the extent of reducing the combined impacts of land use and climate change. The strategies were able to mitigate the combined impacts, and also to improve the quality of surface water compared to the in-stream nutrient concentrations in the reference simulation.In both watersheds, it was determined that the combined interaction between climate change and land use change in the hydrological model are non-linear. Examining the combined impacts are necessary to determine potential alterations in water quality in a basin since the direction and the magnitude are not predictable from the individual changes alone." --

Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources

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Climate change is expected to modify the hydrological cycle and affect freshwater resources. Groundwater is a critical source of fresh drinking water for almost half of the world’s population and it also supplies irrigated agriculture. Groundwater is also important in sustaining streams, lakes, wetlands, and associated ecosystems. But despite this, knowledge about the impact of climate change on groundwater quantity and quality is limited. Direct impacts of climate change on natural processes (groundwater recharge, discharge, storage, saltwater intrusion, biogeochemical reactions, chemical fate and transport) may be exacerbated by human activities (indirect impacts). Increased groundwater abstraction, for example, may be needed in areas with unsustainable or contaminated surface water resources caused by droughts and floods. Climate change effects on groundwater resources are, therefore, closely linked to other global change drivers, including population growth, urbanization and land-use change, coupled with other socio-economic and political trends. Groundwater response to global changes is a complex function that depends on climate change and variability, topography, aquifer characteristics, vegetation dynamics, and human activities. This volume contains case studies from diverse aquifer systems, scientific methods, and climatic settings that have been conducted globally under the framework of the UNESCO-IHP project Groundwater Resources Assessment under the Pressures of Humanity and Climate Change (GRAPHIC). This book presents a current and global synthesis of scientific findings and policy recommendations for scientists, water managers and policy makers towards adaptive management of groundwater sustainability under future climate change and variability.