Raising the Mobility of Third-country Nationals in the EU. Effects from Naturalisation and Long-term Resident Status

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This paper is part of the joint project between the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission and the OECD's Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs on "Review of Labour Migration Policy in Europe". This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Grant: HOME/2013/EIFX/CA/002 / 30-CE-0615920/00-38 (DI130895) A previous version of this paper (DELSA/ELSA/MI(2015)5) was presented and discussed at the OECD working party on migration in June 2015. The functioning of labour markets in the European Union can benefit if third-country nationals become more mobile between EU member states. Using micro data from the EU Labour Force Survey, this paper measures their mobility and investigates whether it is raised by naturalisation or long-term resident status. While third-country nationals are overall less mobile than EU citizens, tertiary-educated persons appear equally mobile in both groups. Raising the mobility of all third-country nationals to the level of EU citizens would add at least 25 000 mobile persons. Causal effects on mobility from long-term resident status and naturalisation are identified through a difference-in-difference approach. Results suggest that long-term resident status increases the mobility of third-country nationals by 2%-6%. To avoid selection bias in the results for naturalisation, this paper draws on a natural experiment: following the accession of Central and Eastern European countries to the EU, all their citizens indiscriminately obtained the rights of EU citizens. The evidence suggests that those who were already living in other EU countries became more mobile as a result. These findings highlight that intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals depends on their rights to reside and work in other EU countries.

Analytical Report on the Legal Situation of Third-country Workers in the EU as Compared to EU Mobile Workers

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Realising the goal to develop a common immigration policy introduced with the Treaty of Maastricht and further developed since then (see currently Article 79 TFEU), the EU has, in the recent years, adopted legislation on the access of third-country nationals (TCNs) to the EU and their legal situation in the Member States. The various EU migration Directives grant rights to residence and labour market access, require equal treatment with nationals of the host Member State, provide for family reunification, address the issue of social security coordination and guarantee mobility within the EU. As a consequence, the legal situation of TCNs has, to a certain degree, approximated to that of EU workers enjoying free movement since the beginning of European integration. Nonetheless, important differences remain: First, while the free movement of EU workers is guaranteed by directly enforceable provisions of EU primary law, similar rights for TCNs depend on the enactment of EU secondary law. This implies a wide margin of discretion in designing the regime - notwithstanding fundamental rights requirements such as the right to family life (Article 7 Charter of Fundamental Rights). Second, while all EU workers fall within the personal scope of application of the EU free movement rules (uniform and comprehensive notion of EU worker), the intra-EU mobility regime for TCNs is based on a sector-specific approach with Single Permit Directive 2011/98/EU having a certain residual function. The latter introduces a single application, procedure and general provisions on equal treatment and does not distinguish between a first application for a permit and following intra-EU mobility. Rules with a general scope of application only exist for family reunification and long-term residents (both requiring previous admission to the EU, though). Third, while EU workers enjoy unrestricted labour market access in the EU Member States, significant restrictions such as quotas or preference rules apply to TCNs. Fourth, while EU workers enjoy a comprehensive claim to equal treatment with nationals of the host Member State, such a general prohibition of discrimination does not exist with regard to TCNs. Rather, the EU migration Directives stipulate specific claims to equal treatment subject, moreover, to limitations. Fifth, the right to residence of TCNs is subject to limitations not applying to EU workers. Sixth, the social security coordination regime applies to TCNs legally residing in a Member State. However, there are still no EU instruments on social security coordination with third countries. Seventh, also family reunification with regard to TCNs is subject to stricter conditions than in the context of EU workers. Finally, while the rules on free movement of EU workers do not distinguish between a first establishment in one Member State and subsequent establishment(s) in other Member States and do not apply different rules to these situations, the EU migration Directives are based on such a distinction.

Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2015 Settling In

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This publication presents and discusses the integration outcomes of immigrants and their children through 27 indicators organised around five areas: Employment, education and skills, social inclusion, civic engagement and social cohesion.

What Happened to Equality?

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In What Happened to Equality? The Construction of the Right to Equal Treatment of Third-Country Nationals in European Union Law on Labour Migration, Friðriksdóttir examines five European Union Directives on labour migration that were adopted based on a sectoral approach to labour migration management. An account of the negotiations between the Commission, the Council and the Parliament on the five Directives reveals how access to territory and the labour market, the right to equal treatment and the right to family reunification were constructed for the different groups of labour migrants and how differentiation between groups of migrants, and discrimination against migrants compared with nationals which contravenes international and European human rights frameworks and international labour law, is institutionalized.

Integration for Third Country Nationals in the European Union

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This highly original book provides an innovative analysis of EU migration and asylum law and its interplay with equality issues in order to assess the current integration framework for third-country nationals and to explore future scenarios in the European Context. Integration for Third-Country Nationals in the European Union focuses on the nexus between non-discrimination based on nationality and race, and the equality clauses covering different categories of regularly residing third-country nationals within EU law. It highlights the extent to which social rights that have been formally promised to non-EU citizens are enjoyed in practice. The contributing authors Ð who are both academics and practitioners Ð also consider the link between secure residence and equal treatment, highlighting on the implementation of EU Policies in aselection of Member States. Using socio-legal and comparative methods, this study provides an overview of the models of integration and social cohesion shaped by European and national actors in order to profile the present fragmented structure of European society and to discuss future possibilities. Academics, practitioners, and students interested in EU law and migration studies will find this enriching book invaluable.

Legal Frameworks for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals

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The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique comparative study on indicators of the legal integration of third-country nationals. Though comparing countries on the basis of various indicator types is common in the private sector and increasingly used in policy areas like development, good governance and equality, the exercise remains relatively new in justice and home affairs. The book lays out the instruments used to construct the MIPEX and then situates the study within current debates on integration indicators and policy evaluation. Each chapter considers what the study’s key findings add to our understanding of the state of integration policy development across Europe and of recent legal and policy trends on anti-discrimination, naturalisation, labour market access, and political participation.

South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis

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This open access book looks at the migration of Southern European EU citizens (from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece) who move to Northern European Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom) in response to the global economic crisis. Its objective is twofold. First, it identifies the scale and nature of this new Southern European emigration and examines these migrants’ socio-economic integration in Northern European destination countries. This is achieved through an analysis of the most recent data on flows and profiles of this new labour force using sending-country and receiving-country databases. Second, it looks at the politics and policies of immigration, both from the perspective of the sending- and receiving-countries. Analysing the policies and debates about these new flows in the home and host countries’ this book shows how contentious the issue of intra-EU mobility has recently become in the context of the crisis when the right for EU citizens to move within the EU had previously not been questioned for decades. Overall, the strength of this edited volume is that it compiles in a systematic way quantitative and qualitative analysis of these renewed Southern European migration flows and draws the lessons from this changing climate on EU migration.