Applied Technologies

Book Description

This thirs volume of the three-volume set (CCIS 1193, 1194, 1195) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Technologies, ICAT 2019, held in Quito, Ecuador, in December 2019. The 124 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 328 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topics: technology trends; computing; intelligent systems; machine vision; security; communication; electronics; e-learning; e-government; e-participation.

Una revolucion en la produccion

Book Description

Los Japoneses consideran a Shigeo Shingo el decano de los consultores de productividad y calidad. Ha comunicado su enfoque hacia la mejora fundamental a millaresde trabajadores, directores, y altos ejecutivos en cientos de companias tales como Toyota, Honda y Matsuchita. En eltranscurso de su carrera, el Sr. Shingo escribi ms deveinte libros los cuales revelan la profundidad de su pensamiento sobrelos principios de la ingeneria industrial; expresi?n de sudedicaci?n a la mejora de la productividad y la calidad en cadaaspecto de la fabricaci?n. El Sr. Shingo desea que entendamos porqu? fabricamos como lo hacemos -- de manera que podamos entenderc?mo debemos cambiar. Argumentando a part?r de la teorfa XY de direcci?n de McGregor, Shingo adems demanda respetogenuino para la humanidad y creatividad de los trabajadores y solicita seles de una tarea que les desaffe y utilice sus capacidades. Este libro es una lectura obligada para todo gerente ingenieroque quiera competir con ?xito en los mercados internacionales. La parte ms importante del Justo a Tiempo es el cambio rpido de todos. Muestra c?mo reducir, en forma drstica, los tiempos de cambios en un promedio de 98%!!!

Index Translationium

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Book Description

Together with a text on listening and speaking, this is one of two volumes of a two-year intermediate-level Spanish course. They are intended for use together and are co-ordinated by chapter theme and functions, as well as by the grammatical and lexical items needed to carry out the functions in each chapter, but may also be used independently. The book focuses on the skills of reading and writing, and contains cultural and literary readings that reflect a variety of genres from the many cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.

TPM en industrias de proceso

Book Description

El mejor libro sobre TPM que hemos editado hasta la fecha! El enfoque TPM resulta en mejoras dramaticas en calidad, costo de producci?n y entrega de productos. En este libro, nueve autores le ensenan todos los detalles que usted necesita para implementar el TPM, y ejemplos de industrias textiles, quimicas, de alimentos, entre otras. Una de las grandes ventajas de este libro es que le ayuda a conocer la implementacion del TPM a traves de la perspectiva de consultores especializados y reconocidos.Contenido:Vision general del TPM en las industrias de proceso Maximizacion de la eficacia de la producci?n Mejora orientada Mantenimiento Autonomo Mantenimiento planificado Gestion temprana Mantenimiento de calidad Promocion de tecnicas de operacion y mantenimiento TPM en los departamentos administrativos y de apoyo Creacion de un entorno grato y seguro Actividades de pequenos grupos TPM Medicion de la eficacia del TPM

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History of Technology Volume 30

Book Description

This book focuses on the development of four key issues in the development of modern Spain; knowledge, manufacturing, energy and telecommunications, and public works. If technology transfer from advanced nations to less developed systems always worked, then the whole world would now be rich. That this is not the case is so obvious, we might well expect that the history of the processes, successes and failures of technology transfer across nations would be a very well-established field of enquiry. In fact, the theme is still a developing one, and the present Special Issue centres on the case of Spain as exemplary in many respects. The collected essays focus upon the four major themes of knowledge, manufacturing, energy, and telecommunications and public works. Essays range in time from the 18th century to the present time, from studies of espionage and early links between craftsmen and savants, to the institutions of technology (from training systems, to private enterprise activity, or patents), to case-studies of silk manufacture, shipbuilding, mining, paper-making, and pharmaceuticals. Each essay offers a broad variety of material to bring to bear on a major problem of world development, past, present, and future.