The Ecumenical Movement

Book Description

Included in this collection of documents from the twentieth-century ecumenical movement are passages from texts produced by assemblies, conferences, and studies of the World Council of Churches and similar bodies, covering three areas of historical concern within modern ecumenism: faith and order, life and work, and mission and evangelism.

Who Do We Say that We Are?

Book Description

"A charter for interreligious learning as part of the common Christian life, Who Do We Say That We Are? is an ecumenical document on interfaith relations that asks not so much, 'What do we think of them?' as 'How are our Christian self-understandings changed and enriched by engagement with our neighbours' faith?'" --S. Mark Heim, Samuel Abbot Professor of Christian Theology, Andover Newton Theological School, Massachusetts Perhaps more than ever, in our globalized context we meet persons of other faiths and religious traditions. When empathetic, such meetings can be revealing about their lives and commitments. Yet how do they change our own identity and illuminate our own faith? In light of interreligious encounter, who do we say that we are? This brief work, distilled from lengthy and broad theological consultation facilitated by the World Council of Churches, suggests ways in which our faith is deepened and exciting new vistas opened on traditional Christian faith commitments through interreligious dialogue and engagement. Our sincere engagements with the other can lead to a growing grasp of our own faith identity and, indeed, more profound encounter with the mystery of God. (Series: Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation Programme) [Subject: Religious Studies, Christiani Theology]

Ecumenical Visions for the 21st Century

Book Description

"The world needs people with Christian passion, spiritual commitment, theological competence and persistence to recapture and rearticulate a biblically well-grounded ecumenical vision and what it implies for the unity of the church in the context of world Christianity in the decades to come." -- Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches *** In an era when life itself is imperiled, Christians around the world are challenged to authentically bear witness to the God of life and to justice and peace. Ecumenical Visions for the 21st Century - prepared as a core resource for theological reflection - equips Christians to discern and develop relevant and responsible insights in many arenas of Christian engagement. The anthology includes 44 key documents from the last two decades of ecumenical work, most in full texts. It illuminates the changing face and features of world Christianity, with particular focus on Asian Christianity and Christianity in Korea, and it highlights important ecumenical convergences in Christian unity, mission, advocacy, and service. Additionally, the book presents the latest and best ecumenical thinking about Christian engagement on issues of justice and peace, poverty, the economy, education, gender, climate change, migration, HIV and AIDS, and interreligious encounter. A full bibliography and CD-ROM with 20 supplemental readings are also included.

Introducing the World Council of Churches

Book Description

What is the World Council of Churches? This illustrated introduction answers that question. It explores the WCC's nature as a 'fellowship of churches', the areas and concerns which are the focus of the Council's programmes, the major events of its history, the contribution it has made to Christian thought, and its relations with churches and other organizations. The final chapter asks whether the World Council really matters, and includes discussion of criticisms levelled against it.

The Nature and Mission of the Church

Book Description

What is the church, and what is it for? For all the remarkable advances in understanding and cooperation among the churches, such questions remain at the heart of the ecumenical movement today. And they are central to the work of Faith and Order, as perhaps the most inclusive and diverse church-based theological forum in the world. Building on the churches' and other reactions to earlier ecumenical work -- this Faith and Order study document is a substantial, new text offered for discussion and response. Reflecting what the churches can say together about the nature of the church; identifying honestly the issues which still divide the churches; offering a framework for the churches in their common confession, life and witness -- this book will be an important resource for all who care about the nature and mission of the church today.


Book Description

"A collection of 89 songs for Christians and Christian congregations whose journey of faith embraces the themes and challenges of justice and peace"--Preface.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ecumenical Quest

Book Description

"This book aims to show how and why for Dietrich Bonhoeffer, from the conclusion of his student years in Berlin to his death on the Nazi gallows at Flossenburg, the ecumenical movement was central to his concerns. Of course during these years he fulfilled several distinct roles: academic theologian and teacher, leading protagonist for the Confessing Church, pastor, seminary director and - most dramatically and controversially - willing participant in the German resistance and the conspiracy to overthrow Hitler. But it is his commitment and active involvement in the ecumenical movement that forms the most continuous thread of his life and activity, and links all his various engagements. Equally, the challenge that he laid down to that movement in his time remains a legacy which has still to be fully claimed by the ecumenical world today." -- from the Preface *** "One of my theological heroes is German Lutheran martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer. What I have not known but learned by reading Keith Clements' new book, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ecumenical Quest, was how important Catholicism was in shaping his view of the church universal and, indeed, his own theology. So now those of us who have long seen Bonhoeffer as a model of how to stand against evil in tortuous times can add to that picture Bonhoeffer as a model for how to learn from and engage with a faith tradition different from our own." -- Bill Tammeus, National Catholic Reporter, June 2015 [Subject: Religious Studies, Christianity, Biography]

The Church

Book Description

"For twenty years, the delegated representatives of the Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican, Evangelical, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic churches...have sought to uncover a global, multilateral and ecumenical vision of the nature, purpose, and mission of the Church." -- from the Preface *** What can be done in order for the Church of the Triune God to grow deeper in communion, to strive further for justice and peace in the world, and to overcome together past and present divisions? The Church: Towards a Common Vision proposes a remarkable answer to this question. Developed by theologians from a wide range of Christian traditions and cultures, this book addresses first the Church's mission, unity, and its being in the Trinitarian life of God. It then discusses the need for growth in communion - in apostolic faith, in sacramental life, and in ministry - as churches divinely called to live in and for the world. (Series: Faith and Order)

Introduction to Ecumenism

Book Description

An overview of the history, content and future of the modern ecumenical movement, with particular attention to Catholic leadership and the results of dialogues among the churches. +