Introduction to Chaos, Fractals and Dynamical Systems

Book Description

This book offers a fun and enriching introduction to chaos theory, fractals and dynamical systems, and on the applications of fractals to computer generated graphics and image compression. Introduction to Chaos, Fractals and Dynamical Systems particularly focuses on natural and human phenomenon that can be modeled as fractals, using simple examples to explain the theory of chaos and how it affects all of us. Then, using straightforward mathematic and intuitive descriptions, computer generated graphics and photographs of natural scenes are used to illustrate the beauty of fractals and their importance in our world. Finally, the concept of Dynamical Systems, that is, time-dependent systems, the foundation of Chaos and Fractal, is introduced. Everyday examples are again used to illustrate concepts, and the importance of understanding how these vital systems affect our lives. Throughout the fascinating history of the evolution of chaos theory, fractals and dynamical systems is presented, along with brief introductions to the scientists, mathematicians and engineers who created this knowledge. Introduction to Chaos, Fractals and Dynamical Systems contains ample mathematical definitions, representations, discussions and exercises, so that this book can be used as primary or secondary source in home schooling environments. The book is suitable for homeschooling as a focused course on the subject matter or as a classroom supplement for a variety of courses at the late junior high or early high-school level. For example, in addition to a standalone course on Chaos, Fractals and Dynamical Systems (or similar title), this book could be used with the following courses: Precalculus Geometry Computer programming (e.g. Rust, C, C++, Python, Java, Pascal) Computer graphics The text can also be used in conjunction with mathematics courses for undergraduates for non-science majors. The book can also be used for informal and lively family study and discussion. For each chapter, exercises and things to do are included. These activities range from simple computational tasks to more elaborate computer projects, related activities, biographical research and writing assignments.

Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamics

Book Description

Introduces the mathematical topics of chaos, fractals, and dynamics using a combination of hands-on computer experimentation and precalculas mathmetics. A series of experiments produce fascinating computer graphics images of Julia sets, the Mandelbrot set, and fractals. The basic ideas of dynamics--chaos, iteration, and stability--are illustrated via computer projects.

An Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos

Book Description

The book discusses continuous and discrete systems in systematic and sequential approaches for all aspects of nonlinear dynamics. The unique feature of the book is its mathematical theories on flow bifurcations, oscillatory solutions, symmetry analysis of nonlinear systems and chaos theory. The logically structured content and sequential orientation provide readers with a global overview of the topic. A systematic mathematical approach has been adopted, and a number of examples worked out in detail and exercises have been included. Chapters 1–8 are devoted to continuous systems, beginning with one-dimensional flows. Symmetry is an inherent character of nonlinear systems, and the Lie invariance principle and its algorithm for finding symmetries of a system are discussed in Chap. 8. Chapters 9–13 focus on discrete systems, chaos and fractals. Conjugacy relationship among maps and its properties are described with proofs. Chaos theory and its connection with fractals, Hamiltonian flows and symmetries of nonlinear systems are among the main focuses of this book. Over the past few decades, there has been an unprecedented interest and advances in nonlinear systems, chaos theory and fractals, which is reflected in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula around the world. The book is useful for courses in dynamical systems and chaos, nonlinear dynamics, etc., for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in mathematics, physics and engineering.

Chaos and Fractals

Book Description

For students with a background in elementary algebra, this book provides a vivid introduction to the key phenomena and ideas of chaos and fractals, including the butterfly effect, strange attractors, fractal dimensions, Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set, power laws, and cellular automata. The book includes over 200 end-of-chapter exercises.


Book Description

BACKGROUND Sir Isaac Newton hrought to the world the idea of modeling the motion of physical systems with equations. It was necessary to invent calculus along the way, since fundamental equations of motion involve velocities and accelerations, of position. His greatest single success was his discovery that which are derivatives the motion of the planets and moons of the solar system resulted from a single fundamental source: the gravitational attraction of the hodies. He demonstrated that the ohserved motion of the planets could he explained hy assuming that there is a gravitational attraction he tween any two ohjects, a force that is proportional to the product of masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The circular, elliptical, and parabolic orhits of astronomy were v INTRODUCTION no longer fundamental determinants of motion, but were approximations of laws specified with differential equations. His methods are now used in modeling motion and change in all areas of science. Subsequent generations of scientists extended the method of using differ ential equations to describe how physical systems evolve. But the method had a limitation. While the differential equations were sufficient to determine the behavior-in the sense that solutions of the equations did exist-it was frequently difficult to figure out what that behavior would be. It was often impossible to write down solutions in relatively simple algebraic expressions using a finite number of terms. Series solutions involving infinite sums often would not converge beyond some finite time.

An Introduction To Chaotic Dynamical Systems

Book Description

The study of nonlinear dynamical systems has exploded in the past 25 years, and Robert L. Devaney has made these advanced research developments accessible to undergraduate and graduate mathematics students as well as researchers in other disciplines with the introduction of this widely praised book. In this second edition of his best-selling text, Devaney includes new material on the orbit diagram fro maps of the interval and the Mandelbrot set, as well as striking color photos illustrating both Julia and Mandelbrot sets. This book assumes no prior acquaintance with advanced mathematical topics such as measure theory, topology, and differential geometry. Assuming only a knowledge of calculus, Devaney introduces many of the basic concepts of modern dynamical systems theory and leads the reader to the point of current research in several areas.

Chaos and Dynamical Systems

Book Description

Chaos and Dynamical Systems presents an accessible, clear introduction to dynamical systems and chaos theory, important and exciting areas that have shaped many scientific fields. While the rules governing dynamical systems are well-specified and simple, the behavior of many dynamical systems is remarkably complex. Of particular note, simple deterministic dynamical systems produce output that appears random and for which long-term prediction is impossible. Using little math beyond basic algebra, David Feldman gives readers a grounded, concrete, and concise overview. In initial chapters, Feldman introduces iterated functions and differential equations. He then surveys the key concepts and results to emerge from dynamical systems: chaos and the butterfly effect, deterministic randomness, bifurcations, universality, phase space, and strange attractors. Throughout, Feldman examines possible scientific implications of these phenomena for the study of complex systems, highlighting the relationships between simplicity and complexity, order and disorder. Filling the gap between popular accounts of dynamical systems and chaos and textbooks aimed at physicists and mathematicians, Chaos and Dynamical Systems will be highly useful not only to students at the undergraduate and advanced levels, but also to researchers in the natural, social, and biological sciences.

Chaotic Vibrations

Book Description

Translates new mathematical ideas in nonlinear dynamics and chaos into a language that engineers and scientists can understand, and gives specific examples and applications of chaotic dynamics in the physical world. Also describes how to perform both computer and physical experiments in chaotic dynamics. Topics cover Poincare maps, fractal dimensions and Lyapunov exponents, illustrating their use in specific physical examples. Includes an extensive guide to the literature, especially that relating to more mathematically oriented works; a glossary of chaotic dynamics terms; a list of computer experiments; and details for a demonstration experiment on chaotic vibrations.

Lectures on Fractal Geometry and Dynamical Systems

Book Description

Both fractal geometry and dynamical systems have a long history of development and have provided fertile ground for many great mathematicians and much deep and important mathematics. These two areas interact with each other and with the theory of chaos in a fundamental way: many dynamical systems (even some very simple ones) produce fractal sets, which are in turn a source of irregular 'chaotic' motions in the system. This book is an introduction to these two fields, with an emphasis on the relationship between them. The first half of the book introduces some of the key ideas in fractal geometry and dimension theory - Cantor sets, Hausdorff dimension, box dimension - using dynamical notions whenever possible, particularly one-dimensional Markov maps and symbolic dynamics. Various techniques for computing Hausdorff dimension are shown, leading to a discussion of Bernoulli and Markov measures and of the relationship between dimension, entropy, and Lyapunov exponents. In the second half of the book some examples of dynamical systems are considered and various phenomena of chaotic behaviour are discussed, including bifurcations, hyperbolicity, attractors, horseshoes, and intermittent and persistent chaos. These phenomena are naturally revealed in the course of our study of two real models from science - the FitzHugh - Nagumo model and the Lorenz system of differential equations. This book is accessible to undergraduate students and requires only standard knowledge in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. Elements of point set topology and measure theory are introduced as needed. This book is a result of the MASS course in analysis at Penn State University in the fall semester of 2008.

Dynamics with Chaos and Fractals

Book Description

The book is concerned with the concepts of chaos and fractals, which are within the scopes of dynamical systems, geometry, measure theory, topology, and numerical analysis during the last several decades. It is revealed that a special kind of Poisson stable point, which we call an unpredictable point, gives rise to the existence of chaos in the quasi-minimal set. This is the first time in the literature that the description of chaos is initiated from a single motion. Chaos is now placed on the line of oscillations, and therefore, it is a subject of study in the framework of the theories of dynamical systems and differential equations, as in this book. The techniques introduced in the book make it possible to develop continuous and discrete dynamics which admit fractals as points of trajectories as well as orbits themselves. To provide strong arguments for the genericity of chaos in the real and abstract universe, the concept of abstract similarity is suggested.