Introduction to Charles Bronson (prisoner)

Book Description

Charles Bronson, also known as Michael Gordon Peterson, is a British criminal who is notorious for his violent behavior both inside and outside of prison. Born in 1952 in Aberystwyth, Wales, Bronson had a difficult childhood, marred by poverty, bullying and abuse. He began his criminal activities at a young age and spent his early years in and out of prison for various offenses, such as robbery and assault. Bronson's notoriety increased in the 1970s and 80s, when his violent outbursts in prison grabbed headlines and gained him infamy. He spent long periods in solitary confinement due to his aggressive behavior, and even took hostages at times. Despite his violent tendencies, Bronson became something of a cult hero, admired by some for his rebelliousness and unconventional ways. He also developed a reputation for being physically strong, even performing as a bare-knuckle boxer and writing books about his criminal exploits. He has been in prison for over four decades, making him one of the UK's longest-serving prisoners.


Book Description

The autobiography of English criminal Charles Bronson.

Bronson 3 - Up on the Roof

Book Description

Charlie has taken his 30 years of prison dwelling and condensed it into one handy and comprehensive volume. Moved around the prisons of the British Isles regularly, he has sampled all that prison life has to offer, taking in both the historic and the pre-historic buildings that comprise Britain's prison system. It's all in here - from the correct way to brew vintage prison 'hooch' and how to keep the screws from finding it; to prison food and its many alternative uses. Read about Charlie's special taming techniques for prison wildlife such as spiders, rats and cockroaches; creatures that may be your only friends on long streches in solitary. With over 70,000 people (and rising) currently residing at her Majesty's Pleasure, Charlie Bronson's Good Prison Guide is essential for young offenders and old lags alike. Don't go away without it!

The Charles Bronson Book of Poems

Book Description

A collection of poems and illustrations from one of Britain's dangerous category 'A' prisoners, Charles Bronson, formerly Michael Peterson. The poetry indicts the anachronistic penal system for what Bronson says they did to him.


Book Description

Regarded as the UK's most violent prisoner, Charles Bronson has served 34 years in UK prisons, 31 of which have been in solitary confinement. Over the last decade, Charles has successfully turned his life around, and this book celebrates those ten years of his life, not just as a prisoner, but as an artist, a poet and an acclaimed author.

Behind Bars – Britain's Most Notorious Prisoner Reveals What Life is Like Inside

Book Description

Charlie has taken his 24 years of experience of prison dwelling and condensed it into one handy and comprehensive volume. Moved regularly around the prisons of the British Isles he has sampled all that prison life has to offer, taking in both the historic and pre-historic buildings that comprise Britain's infamous prison system. It's all in here from the correct way to brew vintage prison 'hooch' and how to keep the screws from finding it, to the indispensable culinary methods required to make prison food edible. Read about Charlie's special taming techniques for prison wildlife such as spiders, rats and cockroaches, creatures that may be your only friends on long stretches in solitary. Also Charlie shows how to plan and prepare for marriage inside what can be seen as a less than romantic setting. With over 70,000 people (and rising) currently residing at Her Majesty's pleasure, Charlie Bronson's "Good Prison Guide" is essential for young offenders and 'old lags' alike. Make sure you don't get nicked without it.


Book Description

Charles Bronson is the most feared and the most notorious convict in the prison system. Renowned for serial hostage taking and his rooftop sieges, he is a legend in his own lifetime. Yet behind the crime and the craziness, there is a great deal more to Charlie. He is a man of great warmth and humor; a man of great artistic talent who exhibits his drawings around the country; and a man with an overpowering urge not to let the system get him down. Insanity is a look into the mind of a true individual--a wild, inspired, single-minded, fascinating man, oppressed not only by the workings of his singular mind, but also by the system that confines him.

Silent Scream

Book Description

The Charles Bronson Cartoon Autobiography

Book Description

This colour illustrated autobiography contains graphic details of hostage-taking, violence and Charles Bronson's own descriptive narrative.

Solitary Fitness

Book Description

Charles Bronson has served 28 years behind bars, 24 of those years have been in solitary confinement, yet in spite of this he remains fit and strong. What are the secrets to his phenomenal strength and fitness? How can Bronson punch a hole with his bare fist through bullet-proof glass, bend solid steel doors by kicking at them, do press-ups with two men on his back - and all on a prison diet? Without the use of fancy gym equipment, steroids, steaks, supplements or pills you can pack on pounds of muscle, lose weight fast and gain superhuman strength.