Introduction to Circuit Complexity

Book Description

An advanced textbook giving a broad, modern view of the computational complexity theory of boolean circuits, with extensive references, for theoretical computer scientists and mathematicians.

An Introduction to Circuit Complexity and a Guide to Håstad's Proof

Book Description

These ideas are the b̀uilding blocks' of the proof itself. A brief history of related result is given. Then, an intuitive description of the proof and a r̀oad map' of its structure (which has several levels and branches) are presented to provide an overall gist of what is going on behind the formal mathematics which follow. The heart of the proof is the so-called S̀witching Lemma', which is given considerable attention. The main result and a corollary are then stated and proven."

Computational Complexity

Book Description

New and classical results in computational complexity, including interactive proofs, PCP, derandomization, and quantum computation. Ideal for graduate students.

Introduction to the Theory of Complexity

Book Description

Using a balanced approach that is partly algorithmic and partly structuralist, this book systematically reviews the most significant results obtained in the study of computational complexity theory. Features over 120 worked examples, over 200 problems, and 400 figures.

Boolean Function Complexity

Book Description

Boolean circuit complexity is the combinatorics of computer science and involves many intriguing problems that are easy to state and explain, even for the layman. This book is a comprehensive description of basic lower bound arguments, covering many of the gems of this “complexity Waterloo” that have been discovered over the past several decades, right up to results from the last year or two. Many open problems, marked as Research Problems, are mentioned along the way. The problems are mainly of combinatorial flavor but their solutions could have great consequences in circuit complexity and computer science. The book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in the fields of computer science and discrete mathematics.

Arithmetic Circuits

Book Description

A large class of problems in symbolic computation can be expressed as the task of computing some polynomials; and arithmetic circuits form the most standard model for studying the complexity of such computations. This algebraic model of computation attracted a large amount of research in the last five decades, partially due to its simplicity and elegance. Being a more structured model than Boolean circuits, one could hope that the fundamental problems of theoretical computer science, such as separating P from NP, will be easier to solve for arithmetic circuits. However, in spite of the appearing simplicity and the vast amount of mathematical tools available, no major breakthrough has been seen. In fact, all the fundamental questions are still open for this model as well. Nevertheless, there has been a lot of progress in the area and beautiful results have been found, some in the last few years. As examples we mention the connection between polynomial identity testing and lower bounds of Kabanets and Impagliazzo, the lower bounds of Raz for multilinear formulas, and two new approaches for proving lower bounds: Geometric Complexity Theory and Elusive Functions. The goal of this monograph is to survey the field of arithmetic circuit complexity, focusing mainly on what we find to be the most interesting and accessible research directions. We aim to cover the main results and techniques, with an emphasis on works from the last two decades. In particular, we discuss the recent lower bounds for multilinear circuits and formulas, the advances in the question of deterministically checking polynomial identities, and the results regarding reconstruction of arithmetic circuits. We do, however, also cover part of the classical works on arithmetic circuits. In order to keep this monograph at a reasonable length, we do not give full proofs of most theorems, but rather try to convey the main ideas behind each proof and demonstrate it, where possible, by proving some special cases.

Introduction to Electrical Circuits

Book Description

The main reason that led the Authors to write the further Electrical Circuit book is mainly due to request of their students to have an ordered collection of the lesson arguments. The topics covered by the book are those generally carried out in the first or second year of bachelor, without referring specifically to a specific engineering course. The Authors have tried to deal with the various topics in a simple way, sometimes by limiting the generality of the demonstrations, in order to increase the skills of the student in the application of the electrical circuit theory. At the same time the Authors have not limited the complexity of the matter but have tried to present in a fairly complete way the various components, the various behaviours and methods of solution. Finally, at the end of the main chapters there are some numerical examples fully solved so that it can be tested by the student the knowledge of the theoretical concepts.

Circuit Complexity and Neural Networks

Book Description

Neural networks usually work adequately on small problems but can run into trouble when they are scaled up to problems involving large amounts of input data. Circuit Complexity and Neural Networks addresses the important question of how well neural networks scale - that is, how fast the computation time and number of neurons grow as the problem size increases. It surveys recent research in circuit complexity (a robust branch of theoretical computer science) and applies this work to a theoretical understanding of the problem of scalability. Most research in neural networks focuses on learning, yet it is important to understand the physical limitations of the network before the resources needed to solve a certain problem can be calculated. One of the aims of this book is to compare the complexity of neural networks and the complexity of conventional computers, looking at the computational ability and resources (neurons and time) that are a necessary part of the foundations of neural network learning. Circuit Complexity and Neural Networks contains a significant amount of background material on conventional complexity theory that will enable neural network scientists to learn about how complexity theory applies to their discipline, and allow complexity theorists to see how their discipline applies to neural networks.