Introduction to the Functional Renormalization Group

Book Description

The renormalization group (RG) has nowadays achieved the status of a meta-theory, which is a theory about theories. The theory of the RG consists of a set of concepts and methods which can be used to understand phenomena in many different ?elds of physics, ranging from quantum ?eld theory over classical statistical mechanics to nonequilibrium phenomena. RG methods are particularly useful to understand phenomena where ?uctuations involving many different length or time scales lead to the emergence of new collective behavior in complex many-body systems. In view of the diversity of ?elds where RG methods have been successfully applied, it is not surprising that a variety of apparently different implementations of the RG idea have been proposed. Unfortunately, this makes it somewhat dif?cult for beginners to learn this technique. For example, the ?eld-theoretical formulation of the RG idea looks at the ?rst sight rather different from the RG approach pioneered by Wilson, the latter being based on the concept of the effective action which is ite- tively calculated by successive elimination of the high-energy degrees of freedom. Moreover, the Wilsonian RG idea has been implemented in many different ways, depending on the particular problem at hand, and there seems to be no canonical way of setting up the RG procedure for a given problem.

Introduction to the Functional Renormalization Group

Book Description

This book, based on a graduate course given by the authors, is a pedagogic and self-contained introduction to the renormalization group with special emphasis on the functional renormalization group. The functional renormalization group is a modern formulation of the Wilsonian renormalization group in terms of formally exact functional differential equations for generating functionals. In Part I the reader is introduced to the basic concepts of the renormalization group idea, requiring only basic knowledge of equilibrium statistical mechanics. More advanced methods, such as diagrammatic perturbation theory, are introduced step by step. Part II then gives a self-contained introduction to the functional renormalization group. After a careful definition of various types of generating functionals, the renormalization group flow equations for these functionals are derived. This procedure is shown to encompass the traditional method of the mode elimination steps of the Wilsonian renormalization group procedure. Then, approximate solutions of these flow equations using expansions in powers of irreducible vertices or in powers of derivatives are given. Finally, in Part III the exact hierarchy of functional renormalization group flow equations for the irreducible vertices is used to study various aspects of non-relativistic fermions, including the so-called BCS-BEC crossover, thereby making the link to contemporary research topics.

Renormalization Group and Effective Field Theory Approaches to Many-Body Systems

Book Description

There have been many recent and important developments based on effective field theory and the renormalization group in atomic, condensed matter, nuclear and high-energy physics. These powerful and versatile methods provide novel approaches to study complex and strongly interacting many-body systems in a controlled manner. The six extensive lectures gathered in this volume combine selected introductory and interdisciplinary presentations focused on recent applications of effective field theory and the renormalization group to many-body problems in such diverse fields as BEC, DFT, extreme matter, Fermi-liquid theory and gauge theories. Primarily aimed at graduate students and junior researchers, they offer an opportunity to explore fundamental physics across subfield boundaries at an early stage in their careers.

Introduction to a Renormalisation Group Method

Book Description

This is a primer on a mathematically rigorous renormalisation group theory, presenting mathematical techniques fundamental to renormalisation group analysis such as Gaussian integration, perturbative renormalisation and the stable manifold theorem. It also provides an overview of fundamental models in statistical mechanics with critical behaviour, including the Ising and φ4 models and the self-avoiding walk. The book begins with critical behaviour and its basic discussion in statistical mechanics models, and subsequently explores perturbative and non-perturbative analysis in the renormalisation group. Lastly it discusses the relation of these topics to the self-avoiding walk and supersymmetry. Including exercises in each chapter to help readers deepen their understanding, it is a valuable resource for mathematicians and mathematical physicists wanting to learn renormalisation group theory.

Fermionic Functional Integrals and the Renormalization Group

Book Description

This book, written by well-known experts in the field, offers a concise summary of one of the latest and most significant developments in the theoretical analysis of quantum field theory. The renormalization group is the name given to a technique for analyzing the qualitative behavior of a class of physical systems by iterating a map on the vector space of interactions for the class. In a typical nonrigorous application of this technique, one assumes, based on one's physicalintuition, that only a certain finite dimensional subspace (usually of dimension three or less) is important. The material in this book concerns a technique for justifying this approximation in a broad class of fermionic models used in condensed matter and high energy physics. This volume is based on theAisenstadt Lectures given by Joel Feldman at the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (Montreal, Canada). It is suitable for graduate students and research mathematicians interested in mathematical physics. Included are many problems and solutions.

Quantum Gravity and the Functional Renormalization Group

Book Description

A self-contained pedagogical introduction to asymptotic safety and the functional renormalization group in quantum gravity, for graduate students and researchers.

Renormalization Group and Fixed Points

Book Description

This Brief presents an introduction to the theory of the renormalization group in the context of quantum field theories of relevance to particle physics. Emphasis is placed on gaining a physical understanding of the running of the couplings. The Wilsonian version of the renormalization group is related to conventional perturbative calculations with dimensional regularization and minimal subtraction. An introduction is given to some of the remarkable renormalization group properties of supersymmetric theories.