An Introduction to Sato's Hyperfunctions

Book Description

This book is a translation, with corrections and an updated bibliography, of Morimoto's 1976 book on the theory of hyperfunctions originally written in Japanese. Since the time that Sato established the theory of hyperfunctions, there have been many important applications to such areas as pseudodifferential operators and S-matrices. Assuming as little background as possible on the part of the reader, Morimoto covers the basic notions of the theory, from hyperfunctions of one variable to Sato's fundamental theorem. This book provides an excellent introduction to this important field of research.

Introduction to Hyperfunctions and Their Integral Transforms

Book Description

This textbook presents an introduction to the subject of generalized functions and their integral transforms by an approach based on the theory of functions of one complex variable. It includes many concrete examples.

Hyperfunctions and Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces

Book Description

This book gives an introductory exposition of the theory of hyperfunctions and regular singularities. This first English introduction to hyperfunctions brings readers to the forefront of research in the theory of harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces. A substantial bibliography is also included. This volume is based on a paper which was awarded the 1983 University of Copenhagen Gold Medal Prize.

Applied Hyperfunction Theory

Book Description

Generalized functions are now widely recognized as important mathematical tools for engineers and physicists. But they are considered to be inaccessible for non-specialists. To remedy this situation, this book gives an intelligible exposition of generalized functions based on Sato's hyperfunction, which is essentially the `boundary value of analytic functions'. An intuitive image -- hyperfunction = vortex layer -- is adopted, and only an elementary knowledge of complex function theory is assumed. The treatment is entirely self-contained. The first part of the book gives a detailed account of fundamental operations such as the four arithmetical operations applicable to hyperfunctions, namely differentiation, integration, and convolution, as well as Fourier transform. Fourier series are seen to be nothing but periodic hyperfunctions. In the second part, based on the general theory, the Hilbert transform and Poisson-Schwarz integral formula are treated and their application to integral equations is studied. A great number of formulas obtained in the course of treatment are summarized as tables in the appendix. In particular, those concerning convolution, the Hilbert transform and Fourier transform contain much new material. For mathematicians, mathematical physicists and engineers whose work involves generalized functions.

Hyperfunctions on Hypo-Analytic Manifolds (AM-136), Volume 136

Book Description

In the first two chapters of this book, the reader will find a complete and systematic exposition of the theory of hyperfunctions on totally real submanifolds of multidimensional complex space, in particular of hyperfunction theory in real space. The book provides precise definitions of the hypo-analytic wave-front set and of the Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer transform of a hyperfunction. These are used to prove a very general version of the famed Theorem of the Edge of the Wedge. The last two chapters define the hyperfunction solutions on a general (smooth) hypo-analytic manifold, of which particular examples are the real analytic manifolds and the embedded CR manifolds. The main results here are the invariance of the spaces of hyperfunction solutions and the transversal smoothness of every hyperfunction solution. From this follows the uniqueness of solutions in the Cauchy problem with initial data on a maximally real submanifold, and the fact that the support of any solution is the union of orbits of the structure.

Microlocal Analysis and Complex Fourier Analysis

Book Description

This book is a collection of original papers on microlocal analysis, Fourier analysis in the complex domain, generalized functions and related topics. Most of the papers originate from the talks given at the conference OC Prospects of Generalized FunctionsOCO (in November, 2001 at RIMS, Kyoto). Reflecting the fact that the papers, except M Morimoto''s one, are dedicated to Mitsuo Morimoto, the subjects considered in this book are interdisciplinary, just as Morimoto''s works are. The historical backgrounds of the subjects are also discussed in depth in some contributions. Thus, this book should be valuable not only to the specialists in the fields, but also to those who are interested in the history of modern mathematics such as distributions and hyperfunctions."

Generalized Functions And Convergence: Memorial Volume For Professor Jan Mikusinski

Book Description

The conference was devoted to the memory of the late Professor Jan Mikusinski. The proceedings is divided into three parts. The first one contains biographical materials and memoirs about Professor Mikusinski and his work. The second part is devoted to the theory of generalized functions and the third to convergence structures.

Fundamentals of Advanced Mathematics V2

Book Description

The three volumes of this series of books, of which this is the second, put forward the mathematical elements that make up the foundations of a number of contemporary scientific methods: modern theory on systems, physics and engineering. Whereas the first volume focused on the formal conditions for systems of linear equations (in particular of linear differential equations) to have solutions, this book presents the approaches to finding solutions to polynomial equations and to systems of linear differential equations with varying coefficients. Fundamentals of Advanced Mathematics, Volume 2: Field Extensions, Topology and Topological Vector Spaces, Functional Spaces, and Sheaves begins with the classical Galois theory and the theory of transcendental field extensions. Next, the differential side of these theories is treated, including the differential Galois theory (Picard-Vessiot theory of systems of linear differential equations with time-varying coefficients) and differentially transcendental field extensions. The treatment of analysis includes topology (using both filters and nets), topological vector spaces (using the notion of disked space, which simplifies the theory of duality), and the radon measure (assuming that the usual theory of measure and integration is known). In addition, the theory of sheaves is developed with application to the theory of distributions and the theory of hyperfunctions (assuming that the usual theory of functions of the complex variable is known). This volume is the prerequisite to the study of linear systems with time-varying coefficients from the point-of-view of algebraic analysis and the algebraic theory of nonlinear systems. Present Galois Theory, transcendental field extensions, and Picard Includes sections on Vessiot theory, differentially transcendental field extensions, topology, topological vector spaces, Radon measure, differential calculus in Banach spaces, sheaves, distributions, hyperfunctions, algebraic analysis, and local analysis of systems of linear differential equations