Intuition Workout

Book Description

This is a new and revised edition of the classic text on intuition. Lively and extremely practical, it is a training manual for developing your intuition into a reliable tool that can be called upon at any time.

Intuition for Beginners

Book Description

Presents strategies and practice exercises for enhancing psychic abilities, along with advice for using them to solve problems, make decisions, reduce stress, and improve relationships with others.


Book Description

Intuition is something most people would have experienced at one time or another; it’s that gut-feeling or ‘sixth sense’. It’s instinctive by nature, independent of rational analysis or deductive thinking. But can we actively develop our intuition and learn how to better utilise it? Author Dr Cate Howell believes we can, and sets about to empower us to use intuition in everyday life. Intuition is divided into three parts. In the first, she explores the nature of intuition from different perspectives, including philosophy and psychology, religion and spirituality. She also looks at the use of intuition in decision-making in the fields of business, health and teaching. The second part of the book is more practical and considers types of intuition, how to develop your intuition and then use it in everyday life with a practical seven-step plan. Steps explored for developing intuition include meditation, mindfulness, creativity, kindness and service. The final part of the book looks at some issues related to intuition, such as dreams and synchronicity, and how the development of one’s intuition often seems to correlate with an increased sense of peace, purpose and joy in life. ‘Intuition is a vital part of life and practice and now we have a book that will help us to develop this essential skill.’ Prof Ian Wilson, Associate Dean, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Wollongong

Intuition: The Inside Story

Book Description

Science could never have proceeded without the creativity of intuition--yet intuition is poorly understood and poorly studied. In Intuition: The Inside Story, scholars explore the nature of intuition and its practical place in the social and behavioral sciences and the arts. These contributors present the latest theoretical developments and research and provide every day examples of intuition from the lab and field. They discuss the nature and experience of intuition from the perspectives of anthropology, philosophy, physics, engineering, psychology, medicine and midwifery. Contributors include: Marcie Boucouvalas, Guy Burneko, Brenda J. Dunne, Jeremy Hayward, Charles Laughlin, Evelyn Monsay, Anne Pineault, Luci Roncalli and Joe Sheridan.

Intuition Training

Book Description

Intuition is the ability to understand something instantly, without the need for conscious reasoning.The Dictionary lists these synonyms: Hunch, Foreknowledge, Inspiration, Perceptivity, Premonition, Presentiment, Gut Feeling, Innate Knowledge, Insight.It also lists the following synonyms, although these are actually different than Intuition: Clairvoyance, Second Sight, Sixth Sense, Discernment, Gut Feeling and Instinct. As a humans evolve to their next higher version, they will live more from intuition than the old body-mind reactions. Contrary to popular belief, intuition is more accurate than any other source. I owe much of my own success and happiness to it. Many of my decisions are made in contradiction to normal reasoning. The purpose of this book is to look at Intuition from many different angles so that you attain a clear sense of this precious gift and take a leap to higher consciousness.

The Anatomy of Entrepreneurial Decisions

Book Description

The creation, success and long-term survival of enterprises are fundamentally linked to the effectiveness of decision-making processes and negotiation capabilities. This book provides an overview of research into how decisions permeate entrepreneurial ventures throughout their lifecycle. A multidisciplinary approach combining psychology, sociology and political science is used to investigate how entrepreneurs address and deal with decision-making. The respective contributions highlight the latest empirical, theoretical and meta-research, and bridge the gap between literature on entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial and innovative behaviours with that on decision-making and negotiation. This book is one of the first to combine these streams of research, thereby offering a new and insightful addition to the field of entrepreneurship.

The Intuitive Mind

Book Description

This new agenda for the managerial mind will change the way you think and do business. Eugene Sadler-Smith, a leading intuition researcher and educator in business and management, argues that human beings have one brain but two minds – analytical and intuitive. Management has overlooked the importance of intuition, and under-exploited the potential that the intuitive mind has to contribute in areas as diverse as decision making, creativity, team working, entrepreneurship, business ethics and leadership. “The Intuitive Mind is a fascinating and practical book that will maximize your intuition and help you make better decisions today and predictions about tomorrow! Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung would most assuredly approve.” Steve W. Martin, Heavy Hitter Sales Psychology: How to Penetrate the C-Level Executive Suite and Convince Company Leaders to Buy “Eugene Sadler-Smith gives needed attention to the intuitive way of thinking and reminds us that leadership is an art as well as a science.” Cindi Fukami, Professor of Management, University of Denver, USA “From one of our prominent ‘thinkers’ in the management education arena, we learn in The Intuitive Mind how to use our intuitive judgment to improve our managerial decision making.” Joe Raelin, The Knowles Chair for Practice-Oriented Education, Northeastern University, USA “This timely, well researched and accessible book takes intuition out of the shadows and provides practical guidance to solve thorny problems.” Sebastian Bailey, Global Product Director, The Mind Gym

Mind, Music & Imagery

Book Description

Music affects our physical well-being often without our being aware of it. This book reveals the power of music from classical through Jazz and New Age forms to heal emotions and transform lives using simple, step-by-step exercises and 39 musical activities.

The Intuitive Principal

Book Description

Professional demands on school administrators continue to multiply exponentially. Effective administrators require solid preparation programs, continuing professional development, extensive experience, mentoring, and the support of supervisor and school colleagues. Chapter 1, "Intuitive Ways of Knowing," references research on intuition, including information about levels of intuitive input, and the different stages involved in intuitive explorations. Chapter 2, "Developing Behaviors of Intuitive Leadership," examines intuitive leaders and their abilities to "read" the environment. Some behaviors characteristic of intuitive leaders include recognition of timing, a willingness to act, understanding the importance of shared values, embracing shared leadership, trust, collaboration, and a balance in personal and positional political power. Chapter 3, "Powerful Communication: Reading the Silent Language," demonstrates that communication dexterity is paramount to a leader's success, and provides insight into several forms of communication, including listening, speaking, writing, body language, and silence. Intuitive skills can be applied to practical situations involving the art of communication. Chapter 4, "Intuition and the Paradoxes of Leadership," addresses the major paradoxes of leadership, including the leader-versus-manager orientation, autocrat-versus-indecisive decision-making styles, "facilitator-versus-obstructor," and delegating-versus-leader-centered approaches to solving problems. Leaders must provide opportunities for both themselves and their constituents to become skilled in problem solving and decision making. Leaders must empower the staff to make possible the delegation of authority. Effective leaders should realize the important benefits that result from creating collaborative climates. (Contains 26 references.) (TEJ)

Intuition @ Work

Book Description

Intuition is an everyday way for everyone to connect with the divine. It's not necessary to be religious, meditate, pray, or be "psychic" to be intuitive. Our contact with the life spirit through intuition is ever-present and immediate. In Intuition @ Work author James Wanless, Ph.D. shares proven innovative techniques each of us can incorporate into our own lives to merge our intuition with strategic thinking. This is a supremely creative process that can support your own highest ideals in every area of your life. This ebook reveals ways you can personally explore how intuition is present in every moment of your life. (You'll find that it exists in many ways other than the occasional hunch.) He explains that we all want to find the path in life that will bring us happiness and love, abundance, good health, and meaning. "Intuition is the life force itself, made conscious to us through a feeling that arises from within; through our intuition we tap into the ultimate resource of all--the very source of life. By following the intuitive spirit, all that each of us can humanly be and do is directly revealed and made manifest." Dr. Wanless's investigation of the significance of intuition has shown him is how much intuition can do for us, and how easily it can be accessed. He says, "I believe our intuition is useful in a practical way, more so now than in any other time in human evolution, such that it has even become imperative for the survival of our species." Life Navigator and Mentor James Wanless, Ph.D., is a former political science professor, popular keynote speaker and seminar leader. He is the creator of the best-selling Voyager Tarot. He travels through the United States, Europe, Australia, Asia, sharing the wisdom gained from his own transformative journey, combined with his professional background as a Professor of Political Science. He has focused on self-governance and the politics of the self--and his pursuit has led him to become a leading-edge authority on creative and strategic intuition. Michelle Irwin, E-Commerce Business Consultant at Sun Microsystems said of his work: "Dr. Wanless's seminar provided an avenue for understanding our roles on our team, and how our personality mix is balanced. He motivated and enlightened us as to the potential of what we can accomplish as a team." Now he shares his discoveries and his teachings with us, offering a variety of techniques and exercises to help us find and use our intuition, to benefit from our personal connection with the life force. Discover innovative techniques, tips on how to choose wisely, utilize your foresight, find new ways of relating. Create success in your life!