Inventor, Engineer, and Physicist Nikola Tesla

Book Description

As a child, Nikola Tesla saw a picture of a waterfall and imagined an invention that would harness the water's energy. Decades later, he invented the water wheel. Learn about the innovative inventor who changed the world of electricity.

Nikola Tesla

Book Description

A biography of Nikola Tesla, physicist, inventor, and electrical engineer.

MY INVENTIONS: And Other Writings - Tesla

Book Description

Nikola Tesla was born in 1856, in what is now Croatia. His father was a priest, an intellectual who prodded his son to develop unusual mental discipline. His mother was an inventor of many time-saving devices used for domestic tasks. Nikola Tesla became one of the greatest scientists and inventors that have ever lived. His experiments were far beyond his time, which left much of his work underappreciated until after he passed away. While in the United States, his showmanship and inventions earned him the reputation of 'mad scientist,' and he was the creator of many things essential to modern life. Some of Tesla's greatest achievements are: Alternating current; First hydro-electric power plant, X-rays, Tesla's induction motor, Measurement of flux density, Wireless transmission, and many other. In this honest autobiography the reader can learn about the life and work of this brilliant scientist called Nikola Tesla, in his own words.

My Inventions

Book Description

Никола Тесла – легендарный изобретатель в области радиотехники и электроники, великий учёный, который "изобрёл XX век". "Мои изобретения" – это биография Теслы, написанная им самим, с долей самоиронии, но в то же время с чётким пониманием своей значимости. Книга содержит множество любопытных фактов, технических предвидений и размышлений о том, как изобретения могут повлиять на политику и устройства мира в целом. Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!

The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla and Other Works

Book Description

Who was Nikola Tesla? Find out in this comprehensive volume that includes Tesla’s autobiography and scientific writings, as well as other works that examine his life and career in detail. Nikola Tesla came from a humble upbringing in what is now Croatia and reached the heights of science and technology in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century. The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla and Other Works gives readers a compelling insight into the man whose ideas revolutionized the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering, and who continues to be a source of inspiration for modern inventors. This volume includes Tesla’s autobiography My Inventions (1919), articles and diagrams that he published in scientific magazines—including “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,” in which he discusses the potential of solar power—and Thomas Commerford Martin’s The Inventions, Researches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla. A scholarly introduction examines Tesla’s life and career, and the impact that he has had on generations of inventors up to the present day.

My Inventions

Book Description

" The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces of nature to human needs. This is the difficult task of the inventor who is often misunderstood and unrewarded. But he finds ample compensation in the pleasing exercises of his powers and in the knowledge of being one of that exceptionally privileged class without whom the race would have long ago perished in the bitter struggle against pitiless elements. Speaking for myself, I have already had more than my full measure of this exquisite enjoyment, so much that for many years my life was little short of continuous rapture. I am credited with being one of the hardest workers and perhaps I am, if thought is the equivalent of labor, for I have devoted to it almost all of my waking hours. But if work is interpreted to be a definite performance in a specified time according to a rigid rule, then I may be the worst of idlers. Every effort under compulsion demands a sacrifice of life-energy. I never paid such a price. On the contrary, I have thrived on my thoughts..." N. T.

The Inventions, Researchers and Writings of Nikola Tesla

Book Description

Presents some of the findings and theories which made inventor Nikola Tesla famous. Includes lectures, articles and discussions. Including: wireless transmission, the magnifying transmitter, design and construction of a half-wave Tesla coil, electrostatics: a key to free energy.

The Essential Works of Nikola Tesla

Book Description

DigiCat presents to you this meticulously edited collection of writings by Nikola Tesa: My Inventions – Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Lectures: A New System of Alternate Current Motors and Transformers Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena On Electricity My Submarine Destroyer High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes Scientific Articles: Swinburne's "Hedgehog" Transformer Phenomena of Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency Alternate Current Electrostatic Induction Apparatus An Electrolytic Clock Electric Discharge in Vacuum Tubes Notes on a Unipolar Dynamo The "Drehstrom" Patent The Ewing High-Frequency Alternator and Parson's Steam Engine On the Dissipation of the Electrical Energy of the Hertz Resonator The Physiological and Other Effects of High Frequency Currents Nikola Tesla - About His Experiments in Electrical Healing The Age of Electricity The Problem of Increasing Human Energy Talking with Planets Can Bridge the Gap to Mars Little Aeroplane Progress How to Signal to Mars The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires The Wonder World to Be Created by Electricity Nikola Tesla Sees a Wireless Vision Correction by Mr. Tesla The True Wireless On Roentgen Rays Tesla's Latest Results - He Now Produces Radiographs at a Distance of More Than Forty Feet On Reflected Roentgen Rays On Roentgen Radiations Roentgen Ray Investigations An Interesting Feature of X-Ray Radiations Roentgen Rays or Streams On the Roentgen Streams On Hurtful Actions of Lenard and Roentgen Tubes On the Source of Roentgen Rays and the Practical Construction and Safe Operation of Lenard Tubes Tesla's Wireless Light... Letters to Magazine Editors The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Thomas Commerford Martin

The Collected Works

Book Description

This edition includes: My Inventions – Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Lectures: A New System of Alternate Current Motors and Transformers Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena On Electricity My Submarine Destroyer High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes Scientific Articles: Swinburne's "Hedgehog" Transformer Phenomena of Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency Alternate Current Electrostatic Induction Apparatus An Electrolytic Clock Electric Discharge in Vacuum Tubes Notes on a Unipolar Dynamo The "Drehstrom" Patent The Ewing High-Frequency Alternator and Parson's Steam Engine On the Dissipation of the Electrical Energy of the Hertz Resonator The Physiological and Other Effects of High Frequency Currents Nikola Tesla - About His Experiments in Electrical Healing The Age of Electricity The Problem of Increasing Human Energy Talking with Planets Can Bridge the Gap to Mars Little Aeroplane Progress How to Signal to Mars The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires The Wonder World to Be Created by Electricity Nikola Tesla Sees a Wireless Vision Correction by Mr. Tesla The True Wireless On Roentgen Rays Tesla's Latest Results - He Now Produces Radiographs at a Distance of More Than Forty Feet On Reflected Roentgen Rays On Roentgen Radiations Roentgen Ray Investigations An Interesting Feature of X-Ray Radiations Roentgen Rays or Streams On the Roentgen Streams On Hurtful Actions of Lenard and Roentgen Tubes On the Source of Roentgen Rays and the Practical Construction and Safe Operation of Lenard Tubes Tesla's Wireless Light... Letters to Magazine Editors The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Thomas Commerford Martin

Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Book Description

Delve into the mind of Nikola Tesla with his complete collection of patents in the United States, along with others that he published internationally. This contains 610 pages of the original, unedited blueprints of Tesla's work involving alternating current, wireless electric transmission, electric generators, incandescent light, aerial transportation and much more. Each of his drawings are accompanied by meticulous detail of how each invention works. Ideal for engineering, and far more in-depth than any biography could reach. This book is the largest available printed collection of Nikola Tesla's inventions.