Invertible Point Transformations and Nonlinear Differential Equations

Book Description

The invertible point transformation is a powerful tool in the study of nonlinear differential and difference equations. This book gives a comprehensive introduction to this technique. Ordinary and partial differential equations are studied with this approach. The book also covers nonlinear difference equations. The connections with Lie symmetries, the Painlev‚ property, first integrals and the Cartan equivalence method are discussed in detail. Most of the evaluations are checked with the computer language REDUCE; the book includes 30 REDUCE programs. A short introduction to the jet bundle formalism is given.

Algebraic and Differential Methods for Nonlinear Control Theory

Book Description

This book is a short primer in engineering mathematics with a view on applications in nonlinear control theory. In particular, it introduces some elementary concepts of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry which offer a set of tools quite different from the traditional approaches to the subject matter. This text begins with the study of elementary set and map theory. Chapters 2 and 3 on group theory and rings, respectively, are included because of their important relation to linear algebra, the group of invertible linear maps (or matrices) and the ring of linear maps of a vector space. Homomorphisms and Ideals are dealt with as well at this stage. Chapter 4 is devoted to the theory of matrices and systems of linear equations. Chapter 5 gives some information on permutations, determinants and the inverse of a matrix. Chapter 6 tackles vector spaces over a field, Chapter 7 treats linear maps resp. linear transformations, and in addition the application in linear control theory of some abstract theorems such as the concept of a kernel, the image and dimension of vector spaces are illustrated. Chapter 8 considers the diagonalization of a matrix and their canonical forms. Chapter 9 provides a brief introduction to elementary methods for solving differential equations and, finally, in Chapter 10, nonlinear control theory is introduced from the point of view of differential algebra.

Symmetries and Differential Equations

Book Description

A major portion of this book discusses work which has appeared since the publication of the book Similarity Methods for Differential Equations, Springer-Verlag, 1974, by the first author and J.D. Cole. The present book also includes a thorough and comprehensive treatment of Lie groups of tranformations and their various uses for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. No knowledge of group theory is assumed. Emphasis is placed on explicit computational algorithms to discover symmetries admitted by differential equations and to construct solutions resulting from symmetries. This book should be particularly suitable for physicists, applied mathematicians, and engineers. Almost all of the examples are taken from physical and engineering problems including those concerned with heat conduction, wave propagation, and fluid flows. A preliminary version was used as lecture notes for a two-semester course taught by the first author at the University of British Columbia in 1987-88 to graduate and senior undergraduate students in applied mathematics and physics. Chapters 1 to 4 encompass basic material. More specialized topics are covered in Chapters 5 to 7.

Continuous Symmetries, Lie Algebras, Differential Equations, and Computer Algebra

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive introduction to the application of continuous symmetries and their Lie algebras to ordinary and partial differential equations. It is suitable for students and research workers whose main interest lies in finding solutions to differential equations. It therefore caters for readers primarily interested in applied mathematics and physics rather than pure mathematics.The book provides an application-orientated text that is reasonably self-contained. A large number of worked examples have been included to help readers working independently of a teacher. The advance of algebraic computation has made it possible to write programs for the tedious calculations in this research field, and thus the book also makes a survey of computer algebra packages.

Applications of Analytic and Geometric Methods to Nonlinear Differential Equations

Book Description

In the study of integrable systems, two different approaches in particular have attracted considerable attention during the past twenty years. (1) The inverse scattering transform (IST), using complex function theory, which has been employed to solve many physically significant equations, the `soliton' equations. (2) Twistor theory, using differential geometry, which has been used to solve the self-dual Yang--Mills (SDYM) equations, a four-dimensional system having important applications in mathematical physics. Both soliton and the SDYM equations have rich algebraic structures which have been extensively studied. Recently, it has been conjectured that, in some sense, all soliton equations arise as special cases of the SDYM equations; subsequently many have been discovered as either exact or asymptotic reductions of the SDYM equations. Consequently what seems to be emerging is that a natural, physically significant system such as the SDYM equations provides the basis for a unifying framework underlying this class of integrable systems, i.e. `soliton' systems. This book contains several articles on the reduction of the SDYM equations to soliton equations and the relationship between the IST and twistor methods. The majority of nonlinear evolution equations are nonintegrable, and so asymptotic, numerical perturbation and reduction techniques are often used to study such equations. This book also contains articles on perturbed soliton equations. Painlevé analysis of partial differential equations, studies of the Painlevé equations and symmetry reductions of nonlinear partial differential equations. (ABSTRACT) In the study of integrable systems, two different approaches in particular have attracted considerable attention during the past twenty years; the inverse scattering transform (IST), for `soliton' equations and twistor theory, for the self-dual Yang--Mills (SDYM) equations. This book contains several articles on the reduction of the SDYM equations to soliton equations and the relationship between the IST and twistor methods. Additionally, it contains articles on perturbed soliton equations, Painlevé analysis of partial differential equations, studies of the Painlevé equations and symmetry reductions of nonlinear partial differential equations.

Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations

Book Description

Ordinary differential equations have long been an important area of study because of their wide application in physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, ecology, and economics. Based on a series of lectures given at the Universities of Melbourne and New South Wales in Australia, Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations takes the reader from basic elementary notions to the point where the exciting and fascinating developments in the theory of nonlinear differential equations can be understood and appreciated. Each chapter is self-contained, and includes a selection of problems together with some detailed workings within the main text. Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations helps develop an understanding of the subtle and sometimes unexpected properties of nonlinear systems and simultaneously introduces practical analytical techniques to analyze nonlinear phenomena. This excellent book gives a structured, systematic, and rigorous development of the basic theory from elementary concepts to a point where readers can utilize ideas in nonlinear differential equations.

Nonlinear Differential Equations

Book Description

Detailed treatment covers existence and uniqueness of a solution of the initial value problem, properties of solutions, properties of linear systems, stability of nonlinear systems, and two-dimensional systems. 1962 edition.

Applications of Symmetry Methods to Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This is an acessible book on the advanced symmetry methods for differential equations, including such subjects as conservation laws, Lie-Bäcklund symmetries, contact transformations, adjoint symmetries, Nöther's Theorem, mappings with some modification, potential symmetries, nonlocal symmetries, nonlocal mappings, and non-classical method. Of use to graduate students and researchers in mathematics and physics.

Handbook of Differential Equations

Book Description

This book compiles the most widely applicable methods for solving and approximating differential equations. as well as numerous examples showing the methods use. Topics include ordinary differential equations, symplectic integration of differential equations, and the use of wavelets when numerically solving differential equations. For nearly every technique, the book provides: The types of equations to which the method is applicable The idea behind the method The procedure for carrying out the method At least one simple example of the method Any cautions that should be exercised Notes for more advanced users References to the literature for more discussion or more examples, including pointers to electronic resources, such as URLs

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Carleman Linearization

Book Description

The Carleman linearization has become a new powerful tool in the study of nonlinear dynamical systems. Nevertheless, there is the general lack of familiarity with the Carleman embedding technique among those working in the field of nonlinear models. This book provides a systematic presentation of the Carleman linearization, its generalizations and applications. It also includes a review of existing alternative methods for linearization of nonlinear dynamical systems. There are probably no books covering such a wide spectrum of linearization algorithms. This book also gives a comprehensive introduction to the Kronecker product of matrices, whereas most books deal with it only superficially. The Kronecker product of matrices plays an important role in mathematics and in applications found in theoretical physics.