Diagnóstico pedagógico

Book Description

La finalidad de este libro es difundir el interés del diagnóstico pedagógico en la etapa de educación infantil. El diagnóstico es fundamental para conocer los fenómenos educativos con rigor, y constituye un paso previo necesario para intervenir adecuadamente sobre ellos. Los contextos educativos se han transformado como consecuencia de cambios sociales, económicos y tecnológicos, y en este escenario resulta cada vez más necesario su presencia activa y colaborativa en los contextos escolares y extraescolares. Se trata de realizar un diagnóstico no limitado en exclusiva a la detección de problemas organizativos, curriculares o técnicos de la educación, sino a la prevención, la individualización y la mejora de la calidad del proceso educativo. El libro se divide en dos partes. Los cuatro primeros capítulos son de carácter más general y sirven como punto de partida y reflexión sobre la definición y delimitación del diagnóstico pedagógico. Por este motivo, se desarrollará: una breve revisión histórica que permita comprender qué elementos han favorecido su configuración y desarrollo; una delimitación conceptual que clarifique conceptos afines y/o disciplinas afines al diagnóstico; una descripción de los contenidos y funciones; y por último, una presentación de las técnicas y los procedimientos de recogida de información en el proceso. Los siguientes capítulos están dedicados a las especificidades propias del diagnóstico en la etapa de educación infantil, así como a la descripción de las técnicas de observación sistemática que pueden aplicarse tanto en la evaluación como en el diagnóstico en esta etapa.

Book Description

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Understanding Nursing Research

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This leading texbook of nursig research, written by two of the most renowned experts in the field, is now published in full-colour, and this, the 4th edition has now been updated throughout to reflect today's evidence-based practice.

Evaluating Teaching Practices in Graduate Programs

Book Description

This book proposes a method to evaluate the work of teachers acting in a very specific educational context: graduate programs at higher education institutions. There are many publications on the field of measurement and evaluation of teaching practices, but these studies are usually conducted at the undergraduate level and ignore the nuances of teaching practices at the graduate level. Should professors demonstrate the same skills when they teach in undergraduate programs as they do when they teach in graduate programs? Is it appropriate to use the same assessment tools both at the undergraduate and the graduate levels? Do the teaching practices evolve the same way at the graduate and undergraduate levels? The book intends to answer these questions by introducing a methodological approach to find the relevant variables that are the foundation of professional practices at the graduate level as determined by the scientific community and through the analysis of the stakeholders’ perceptions. The proposed methodological approach combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques to identify and explain, within a mixed-method framework, the most important factors that lead to teaching quality at graduate level. Therefore, How to Evaluate Teaching Practices in Graduate Practices will be a valuable resource for students, university professors and educational administrators interested in quality assurance processes in higher education institutions.

Monitoring Student Achievement in the 21st Century

Book Description

This book draws together leading student assessment academics from across Europe exploring student monitoring policies and practices in a range of countries across 22 chapters. The chapters in the first part offer a broad overview on student assessment covering history and current status, aims and approaches as well as methodological challenges of international student assessment. The second part presents country specific chapters provide an in depth look examining country specific policy and practices and findings of national and/or international assessments. Findings are critically discussed and recommendations are made for further development of each country's assessment context. The book shows similarities and differences within the educational assessment landscape as well as complexity and similarities in assessment policy documents and strategies, Given the globalized world we live in today, this book fills a need in the higher educational context and is intended for for policy makers in different countries as well.

Positive Psychology in Latin America

Book Description

This volume describes a culture-fair perspective on positive psychology research and practice in Latin America. It provides a deep understanding of the ways in which context can affect practice, intervention and research results. The development of Positive Psychology in areas such as test adaptation and construction, prediction of academic achievement and empowerment of children at risk is presented. Furthermore, topics related to positive communities and citizenship behaviors are included. The volume is organized into four sections. The first section presents the importance of test adaption and construction in order to assess Positive Psychology constructs, with a special focus on well-being as a core construct. The second section summarizes a group of research studies carefully designed to predict academic achievement applying Positive Psychology constructs. The third section outlines a set of studies intended to develop flow, resilience, social skills and positive emotions in children at risk. And finally the fourth and last section introduces two points of view focused on communities in order to assess positive dimensions and to promote positive behaviors. This volume, aimed at researchers and Psychology, Education, Health and the Social Sciences students, is a useful tool for people interested in the development of Positive Psychology in Latin American countries.

T-kit on Educational Evaluation in Youth Work

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The co-operation between the two institutions covers a wide spectrum of activities and publications, including the Training Kits. T-Kits are thematic publications written by experienced youth trainers and constitute easy-to-use handbooks for use in educational activities

Annual report

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Child and Adolescent Development in Latin America

Book Description

Explore the multiple dimensions of child and adolescent development in Latin America, and get acquainted with the research from this region and how it relates to the international scientific literature. This special issue presents a collection of reviews developed by leading scholars in Latin America about the state of child and adolescent research in this region. Topics considered include: poverty and cognitive development, school readiness of preschool children, peer relations and socioemotional development, psychopathology and psychiatric diagnosis, reading comprehension and related interventions, and the development of creativity. This is the 152nd volume in this Jossey-Bass series New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. Its mission is to provide scientific and scholarly presentations on cutting edge issues and concepts in this subject area. Each volume focuses on a specific new direction or research topic and is edited by experts from that field.