Money Laundering

Book Description

Many changes have occurred in the twenty-five years that have passed since the enactment of the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986. The law has been amended, new underlying crimes have been added, and court decisions have modified its scope. The Act remains an important tool in combating criminal activity. Now in its third edition, Money Laundering: A Guide for Criminal Investigators covers the basics of finding ill-gotten gains, linking them to the criminal, and seizing them. Providing a clear understanding of money laundering practices, it explains the investigative and legislative processes that are essential in detecting and circumventing this illegal and dangerous activity. Highlights of the Third Edition include Important court decisions and changes in federal law since the Second Edition New trends in crime and terrorism financing The rise of money laundering in connecting with major frauds, including the Bernie Madoff case Law and policy shifts related to terrorism and financing since the Obama administration New methods for financial intelligence and the filing of Suspicious Activity Reports How changes in technology have enabled launderers to move funds more easily and anonymously Knowledge of the techniques used to investigate these cases and a full understanding of the laws and regulations that serve as the government’s weapons in this fight are essential for the criminal investigator. This volume arms those tasked with finding and tracing illegal proceeds with this critical knowledge, enabling them to thwart illegal profiteering by finding the paper trail.

We'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse

Book Description

This book addresses the investigation and prosecution of public and political corruption. It focuses on the investigation of the former Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Ernest Preate, who was convicted of mail fraud and served 15 months in Federal prison. The various political machinations that confronted the Pennsylvania Crime Commission when it decided to pursue the investigation of Preate are used to educate the reader on what to expect when and if he or she initiates an investigation of a powerful political official. The author who dedicated over 30 years to investigating the Mafia, political corruption, narcotics trafficking and money laundering addresses a myriad of investigative conundrums in the investigation of complex crimes. He describes the practical implications of enforcing laws that a significant minority of the population chooses to disobey and the corruption that emanates from this disrespect for the law. The author takes you on an eye-opening journey into the world of criminal justice, which often is permeated by raw political and financial power.

Money Laundering

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United States Attorneys' Manual

Book Description

Financial Investigation and Forensic Accounting

Book Description

As economic crimes continue to increase, accountants and law enforcement personnel must be vigilant in expanding their knowledge of ways to detect these clandestine operations. Written by a retired IRS agent with more than twenty years of experience, Financial Investigation and Forensic Accounting, Third Edition offers a complete examination of the current methods and legal considerations involved in the detection and prosecution of economic crimes. Explores a range of crimes Following an overview of the economic cost of crime, the book examines different types of offenses with a financial element, ranging from arson to tax evasion. It explores offshore activities and the means criminals use to hide their ill-gotten gains. The author provides a thorough review of evidentiary rules as well as the protocol involved in search warrants. He examines the two modalities used to prove financial crime: the Net Worth Method and the Expenditure Theory, and presents an example scenario based on real-life incidents. Organized crime and consumer fraud Additional topics include organized crime and money laundering — with profiles of the most nefarious cartels — consumer and business fraud and the different schemes that befall the unwary, computer crimes, and issues surrounding banking and finance. The book also presents focused and concrete advice on trial preparation and specific accounting and audit techniques. New chapters in the third edition New material enhances this third edition, including new chapters on investigative interview analysis and document examination, as well as advice for fraud examiners working on private cases, including the preparation of an engagement letter.