Binaural Interference: a Guide for Audiologists

Book Description

Binaural interference occurs when the speech input to one ear interferes with the input to the other ear during binaural stimulation. The first published study on binaural interference twenty-five years ago demonstrated that some individuals, particularly older individuals, perform more poorly with two hearing aids than with one and/or more poorly with binaural than monaural stimulation on electrophysiologic as well as behavioral measures. Binaural interference is relevant to every audiologist because it impacts the successful use of binaural hearing aids and may explain communicative difficulty in noise or other challenging listening situations in persons with normal-hearing sensitivity as well as persons with hearing loss. This exciting new book written by two highly respected audiologists first traces the history of its study by researchers, then reviews the evidence, both direct and indirect, supporting its reality. This is followed by a discussion of the possible causes of the phenomenon and in-depth analysis of illustrative cases. The authors outline a systematic approach to the clinical detection, evaluation and amelioration of individuals who exhibit binaural interference. Suggestions are furnished on improved techniques for evaluation of the binaural advantage in general and on sensitized detection of the disorder in particular. The book ends with recommendations for future directions. Given the adverse impact of binaural interference on auditory function and its occurrence in a significant subset of the population with hearing loss, as well as in some individuals with normal-hearing sensitivity, research on binaural interference only recently has begun to flourish, and adaptation of audiologic clinical practice to identify, assess, and manage individuals with binaural interference has yet to become widespread. The authors intend for the book to provide impetus for pursuing further research and to encourage audiologists to explore the possibility of binaural interference when patient complaints suggest it and when performing audiologic evaluations. The book is intended for practicing clinical audiologists, audiology students, and hearing scientists.

Dichotic, Binaural, and Monaural NU-6 Word Recognition Performance for Young and Older Adults

Book Description

Abstract: Listening to a sound with two ears, or binaural listening, helps a listener to localize and understand the message better than with one ear alone. For some older adults with hearing loss, however, binaural listening proves to be disadvantageous, especially in situations with background noise (i.e., binaural interference). The present study examined binaural processing abilities for two subject groups: young adults with normal hearing (ages 18-30 years) and older adults with sensorineural hearing loss (ages 60-90 years). Two types of speech-recognition assessments were used: (1) word recognition in noise and (2) dichotic word recognition. For the word recognition in noise tasks, subjects responded under three conditions: (1) monaural left-ear, (2) monaural right-ear, and (3) binaural. For the dichotic listening tasks, subjects were given three response conditions: (1) free recall (repeat both stimuli in any order), (2) directed-recall right (repeat stimuli heard in right ear first), and (3) directed-recall left (repeat stimuli heard in left ear first). Results showed that both subject groups exhibited expected patterns of performance for both tasks. Specifically, both young and older adults performed better in the binaural condition than with either ear alone in the word recognition in noise task. For the dichotic listening task, older adult subjects showed a larger mean REA than young adults, and both groups showed increased ear advantages in each respective directed attention condition (i.e., directed right and directed left). Further, initial results suggest that recognition performance on both speech measures was poorer for the older adults with hearing loss than for the young adults with normal hearing. Past studies have shown that older adults with hearing loss and binaural interference may have more success using one hearing aid rather than two (Carter et al., 2001; Chmiel et al., 1997). The results of the present study therefore may prove to be significant in supporting future aural rehabilitation methods and research related to geriatric audiology.

Binaural Hearing

Book Description

The field of Binaural Hearing involves studies of auditory perception, physiology, and modeling, including normal and abnormal aspects of the system. Binaural processes involved in both sound localization and speech unmasking have gained a broader interest and have received growing attention in the published literature. The field has undergone some significant changes. There is now a much richer understanding of the many aspects that comprising binaural processing, its role in development, and in success and limitations of hearing-aid and cochlear-implant users. The goal of this volume is to provide an up-to-date reference on the developments and novel ideas in the field of binaural hearing. The primary readership for the volume is expected to be academic specialists in the diverse fields that connect with psychoacoustics, neuroscience, engineering, psychology, audiology, and cochlear implants. This volume will serve as an important resource by way of introduction to the field, in particular for graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, the faculty who train them and clinicians.

Listening with Two Ears – New Insights and Perspectives in Binaural Research

Book Description

Hearing is dependent on neural processing of acoustic cues obtained by the left and right ears. Neural signals driven by the two ears are integrated at multiple levels of the central auditory system, which enables animals including humans to perform various functions including localization of a sound source. A natural listening environment typically contains sounds from multiple sources. These sounds can have different spectral and temporal features and occur at either the same or different time. Integration can happen among neural signals elicited by the same or different sounds. The way of integration can greatly affect how individual sounds are sensed and perceived. Functions such as auditory grouping and stream segregation, which are central to establishing coherent auditory images in a complex listening environment, are highly dependent on the way of integration. Binaural hearing is complicated by individual differences and developmental changes in head and pinna shape/size as binaural cues can be affected by these differences and changes. Furthermore, neural processing of binaural cues can be influenced by hearing impairments and the use of hearing aids and cochlear implants. These factors likely require a listener to optimize the use of binaural cues through learning and to use plastic changes in the nervous system to perform the optimization. Great strides have been made in understanding binaural processing in normal and impaired auditory systems. This Research Topic aims to highlight some of the latest findings in the following areas: 1) Animal behavioral and human psychoacoustical studies of binaural hearing; 2) Neural encoding and processing of binaural cues and structural as well as neurophysiological bases of such encoding and processing; 3) Contribution of binaural neural processing to auditory functions such as sound-source localization, binaural fusion, binaural interference, spatial release from masking, auditory grouping, and auditory stream segregation; 4) Computational models of binaural processing; 5) Learning and plastic changes in binaural processing following hearing loss or alterations of acoustic environment and structural as well as physiological bases of these behavioral changes; 6) Clinical aspects of binaural processing including application of processing strategies, including research on the benefits of bilateral cochlear implantation, and the neural correlates thereof

Handbook of Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Volume I, Second Edition

Book Description

Chermak and Musiek's two-volume, award-winning handbooks are back in newly revised editions. Extensively revised and expanded, Volume I provides comprehensive coverage of the auditory neuroscience and clinical science needed to accurately diagnose the range of developmental and acquired central auditory processing disorders in children, adults, and older adults. Building on the excellence achieved with the best-selling 1st editions which earned the 2007 Speech, Language, and Hearing Book of the Year Award, the second editions include contributions from world-renowned authors detailing major advances in auditory neuroscience and cognitive science; diagnosis; best practice intervention strategies in clinical and school settings; as well as emerging and future directions in diagnosis and intervention. Exciting new chapters for Volume II include: Development of the Central Auditory Nervous System, by Jos J. EggermontCausation: Neuroanatomic Abnormalities, Neurological Disorders, and Neuromaturational Delays, by Gail D. Chermak and Frank E. MusiekCentral Auditory Processing As Seen From Dichotic Listening Studies, by Kenneth Hugdahl and Turid HellandAuditory Processing (Disorder): An Intersection of Cognitive, Sensory, and Reward Circuits, by Karen Banai and Nina KrausClinical and Research Issues in CAPD, by Jeffrey Weihing, Teri James Bellis, Gail D. Chermak, and Frank E. MusiekPrimer on Clinical Decision Analysis, by Jeffrey Weihing and Sam AtchersonCase Studies, by Annette E. HurleyThe CANS and CAPD: What We Know and What We Need to Learn, by Dennis P. Phillips

Hearing Health Care for Adults

Book Description

The loss of hearing - be it gradual or acute, mild or severe, present since birth or acquired in older age - can have significant effects on one's communication abilities, quality of life, social participation, and health. Despite this, many people with hearing loss do not seek or receive hearing health care. The reasons are numerous, complex, and often interconnected. For some, hearing health care is not affordable. For others, the appropriate services are difficult to access, or individuals do not know how or where to access them. Others may not want to deal with the stigma that they and society may associate with needing hearing health care and obtaining that care. Still others do not recognize they need hearing health care, as hearing loss is an invisible health condition that often worsens gradually over time. In the United States, an estimated 30 million individuals (12.7 percent of Americans ages 12 years or older) have hearing loss. Globally, hearing loss has been identified as the fifth leading cause of years lived with disability. Successful hearing health care enables individuals with hearing loss to have the freedom to communicate in their environments in ways that are culturally appropriate and that preserve their dignity and function. Hearing Health Care for Adults focuses on improving the accessibility and affordability of hearing health care for adults of all ages. This study examines the hearing health care system, with a focus on non-surgical technologies and services, and offers recommendations for improving access to, the affordability of, and the quality of hearing health care for adults of all ages.