Twort's Water Supply

Book Description

Twort's Water Supply, Seventh Edition, has been expanded to provide the latest tools and techniques to meet engineering challenges over dwindling natural resources. Approximately 1.1 billion people in rural and peri-urban communities of developing countries do not have access to safe drinking water. The mortality from diarrhea-related diseases amounts to 2.2 million people each year from the consumption of unsafe water. This update reflects the latest WHO, European, UK, and US standards, including the European Water Framework Directive. The book also includes an expansion of waste and sludge disposal, including energy and sustainability, and new chapters on intakes, chemical storage, handling, and sampling. Written for both professionals and students, this book is essential reading for anyone working in water engineering. Features expanded coverage of waste and sludge disposal to include energy use and sustainability Includes a new chapter on intakes Includes a new chapter on chemical storage and handling

Role of Manganese Oxide in the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water Treatment

Book Description

This work examined the role of manganese oxide (MnOx) in the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water treatment. DBPs are of increasing concern as more is being learned about their carcinogenicity and genotoxicity. Studies were performed to determine the impact of MnOx and free chlorine (Cl2), used for dissolved manganese (Mn(II) removal, on the formation of these undesirable byproducts. Batch experiment results showed that the presence of MnOx did not significantly increase the haloacetic acid or trihalomethane concentrations. Rates of DBP formation were also similar in the absence and presence of Mn(II) at the beginning of the reaction. The purported reason for similar DBP concentrations is that aquatic natural organic matter (NOM) does not readily adsorb to MnOx under the conditions (pH, time, etc.) typical of drinking water treatment plants (WTPs). Results of column studies were consistent with batch results; exposure to MnOx coated granular filter media did not increase DBP formation. Measured instantaneous DBP concentrations were higher when Cl2 was applied ahead of the column as compared to after the column. However, measured DBP concentrations when all samples were held for 24 hours were similar. The practice of only post-filter chlorination is not feasible for WTPs with the treatment goal of removing Mn(II) across a MnOx-coated granular media filter. An alternative method which allows the post-filtration application of Cl2 while removing Mn(II) by sorption and catalytic oxidation by Cl2 is employing second stage contactors (SSCs) solely for Mn(II) removal. This decoupling of particle (and NOM) and Mn(II) removal was documented at the full-scale at a newly reconstructed direct filtration WTP. The SSCs successfully removed Mn(II), and a substantial decrease in DBP formation was observed. There was no measurable increase in DBP formation across the SCCs.

Activation of Hydrogen Peroxide by Iron-Containing Minerals and Catalysts in Circumneutral PH Solutions

Book Description

The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on iron minerals can generate hydroxyl radical (*OH), a strong oxidant capable of transforming a wide range of contaminants. This reaction is critical to ex situ advanced oxidation processes employed in waste treatment systems, as well as in situ chemical oxidation processes used for soil and groundwater remediation. Unfortunately, the process in the ex situ treatment systems is relatively inefficient at circumneutral pH values. In this research, the development of iron-containing catalysts with improved efficiency was investigated. In addition, little is known about the factors that control the performance of in situ treatment systems. Another aim of this dissertation was to elucidate those factors to provide a basis for improving the efficiency of the remediation method. Two types of silica- and alumina-containing iron (hydr)oxide catalysts were synthesized by sol-gel processing techniques (Chapter 2). Relative to iron oxides, such as hematite and goethite, these catalysts were 10 to 80 times more effective in catalyzing the production of *OH from H2O2 under circumneutral conditions. The higher efficiency makes these catalysts promising candidates for ex situ advanced oxidation processes. Moreover, because alumina and silica alter the reactivity of the iron oxides with H2O2, understanding the activity of iron associated with natural aluminosilicates and silica-containing minerals in the subsurface is crucial to explaining the variability of *OH production observed in in situ treatment systems. In addition to the sol-gel technique used in Chapter 2, silica-containing iron (hydr)oxide catalysts were synthesized by immobilizing iron oxide onto mesoporous silica supports, such as SBA-15 (Chapter 5). The iron-containing SBA-15 was 10 times more effective than iron oxides in catalyzing the production of *OH from H2O2. Moreover, this catalyst could be employed for selective oxidation of small organic contaminants based on size exclusion. However, a major drawback of the mesoporous silica-based catalysts is their instability under circumneutral conditions (Chapter 6). The dissolution of mesoporous silica materials raises questions about their use for water treatment, because silica dissolution might compromise the behavior of the material. To gain insight into factors that control H2O2 persistence and *OH yield in in situ processes, the decomposition of H2O2 and transformation of contaminants were investigated in the presence of iron-containing minerals and aquifer materials (Chapter 3). Consistent with the observation described in Chapter 2, iron-containing aluminosilicates were more effective than iron oxides in converting H2O2 into *OH. In both iron-containing mineral and aquifer material systems, the yield of *OH was inversely correlated with the rate of H2O2 decomposition. In the aquifer material systems, the yield also inversely correlated with the Mn content, consistent with the fact that the decomposition of H2O2 on manganese oxides does not produce *OH. The inverse correlation between Mn content and H2O2 loss rate and *OH yield suggests that the amount of Mn in aquifer materials could serve as a proxy for predicting H2O2 decomposition rates and contaminant oxidation efficiency. In addition to the surface and structure properties of iron solids, the presence of solutes, such as dissolved silica, also affected the decomposition of H2O2 (Chapter 4). The adsorption of dissolved silica onto mineral surfaces altered the catalytic sites, thereby decreasing the reactivity of iron- and manganese-containing minerals with H2O2. Therefore, the presence of dissolved SiO2 could lead to greater persistence of H2O2 in groundwater, which should be considered in the design of in situ H2O2-based treatment systems. In addition to in situ treatment, dissolved silica also can affect the reactivity of iron-containing catalysts used in ex situ processes. Therefore, its presence in contaminated industrial wastewater should be considered when ex situ treatment systems are designed.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Book Description

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a highly reactive compound produced by cells after secondary reactions as a result of the leakage of electrons from the electron transport chain in mitochondria or as a consequence of other enzymatic reactions. This book examines the detection, applications and health implications of hydrogen peroxide. Topics discussed include the ambient conditions of hydrogen peroxide advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment; the electrochemical approach to quantify cellular hydrogen peroxide and monitor its release process from living cells; H2O2 signalling and role in inflammation; H2O2 as a useful oxidative stressor to investigate various intracellular events under pathological conditions; uses of hydrogen peroxide in aquaculture; H2O2 in regulating fungal viability and pathogenicity; massive production of H2O2 upon ATP synthase activiation; and H2O2 based green oxidation reactions.