Investigation of the Interaction of High Current Relativistic Electron Beams with Electromagnetic Fields

Book Description

The results obtained in the investigation of high current relativistic electron beams produced by explosive electron eMission from the flare cathode plasma of a high voltage, cold-cathode, field-emission diode are reported. In addition, the production of high power (~100kW) microwave radiation through the interaction of such beams with the natural modes of a resonant cavity is reported. A Marx bank generator was used to excite a hollow cylindrical cathode stalk producing diode currents of the order of 1 kA. A fraction (d"5%) of the diode current was transmitted through a thin anode mesh to produce a relativistic electron beam drifting in a low pressure (2 æ torr) region. Diode voltage pulse widths of typically one microsecond were observed with anode-cathode (A-K) gap spacings of 1.5mm to 50mm being employed. The thermal expansion of the cathode plasma resulted in a time dependent diode impedance and measurements of this impedance for varying initial A-K gap settings illustrated a space-charge limited current-voltage characteristic. A quasi-static magnetic field, produced by a pulsed solenoidal coil, was used to magnetise the vacuum drift space in which the beam propagated. The interaction of the relativistic beam with the magnetic field produced high power microwave radiation at X-band and Q-band frequencies. The most prominent feature of this interaction was the existence of sharp "resonant" field values where radiation ocurred. This self-excited radiation is thought to be due to an interaction between the Doppler-shifted electron cyclotron frequency (ECF) of the electron beam and the natural modes of oscillation of the cavity in which the beam drifts. Observation of radiation at Q-band frequencies would indicate that harmonics of the ECF are also present, albeit at weaker intensities. The magnitude of the collected electron beam current was observed to be dependent upon the strength of the applied magnetic field in which the beam drifted.

Soviet Research on the Transport of Intense Relativistic Electron Beams Through High-pressure Air

Book Description

Soviet research on the propagation of intense relativistic electron beams (IREB) through fairly high-pressure air (pressure range 0.1 to 760 Torr) since the early 1970s has included the study of the plasma channel created by the passage of the electron beam through air, the resistive hose instability and its effect on beam propagation, the effect of self-fields, current enhancement, gas expansion, return currents, inherent beam energy spread, and other factors. This report covers Soviet developments in IREB propagation through air where the beam is not focused by external magnetic fields. The information was obtained from Soviet open-source publications with emphasis given to the last ten years of beam propagation in the Soviet Union. The volume of papers published on this subject in recent years indicates a significant increase in Soviet research in this area.

Interaction of Relativistic Electron Beams with High Z Plasmas

Book Description

A set of relativistic multigroup diffusion equations was derived for the study of electron beam--target interactions. Included are transport, Coulomb collisions, electric and magnetic fields, bremsstrahlung, and hydrodynamic motion of the background plasma. LASNEX, the Laser-Fusion code, is being modified to include these equations and will be used for modeling electron beam fusion. (auth).

Interactions of Relativistic Electron Beams with High-Atomic-Number Plasmas

Book Description

A relativistically-correct Fokker-Planck analysis is used to develop fluid equations which model the interaction of relativistic electron beams with high atomic-number plasmas. The derived collision terms can be used to describe scattering and energy in materials ranging from the solid to high-temperature plasma forms. The full set of equations discussed can be used to study electron-beam-initiated pellet-fusion in a completely self-consistent fashion. Specifically, the model is applicable to study of beam pinching in plasma-filled diodes, the interaction of focussed beams with target plasmas, and the transport of high nu/gamma beams in high atomic-number plasmas. Although the general equations are amenable to solution only by computational techniques, analytic solutions describing the time-dependent, collisional interaction of a beam in an infinite plasma, and the one-dimensional equilibrium of a beam in a plasma with applied electric field have been obtained.

Relativistic Electron Beam Interactions for Generation of High Power at Microwave Frequencies

Book Description

During the last few years, the application of intense, relativistic- electron beams to the generation of electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths ranging from 10 cm down to fraction of a millimeter has enabled significant advances to be made in peak power capabilities. The purpose of this review is to summarize the status of these advances and to describe briefly the nature of the several mechanisms involved.

Electron Beams and Microwave Vacuum Electronics

Book Description

This book focuses on a fundamental feature of vacuum electronics: the strong interaction of the physics of electron beams and vacuum microwave electronics, including millimeter-wave electronics. The author guides readers from the roots of classical vacuum electronics to the most recent achievements in the field. Special attention is devoted to the physics and theory of relativistic beams and microwave devices, as well as the theory and applications of specific devices.