Investor Overreaction, Cross-Sectional Dispersion of Firm Valuations, and Expected Stock Returns

Book Description

This paper develops the theoretical predictions that when investor overreaction to market-wide information is larger, firm valuations in the cross-section become more dispersed, and stocks on average earn lower expected returns. Consistent with the model prediction, I find that my measure of firm valuation dispersion measure is a negative predictor of subsequent aggregate returns. The dispersion-return relation is most pronounced among firms that have highly subjective valuations and significant limits of arbitrage.

The Second Moment Matters! Cross-Sectional Dispersion of Firm Valuations and Expected Stock Returns

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Behavioral theories predict that firm valuation dispersion in the cross section (ldquo;dispersionrdquo;) measures aggregate overpricing caused by investor overconfidence and should be negatively related to expected aggregate returns. This paper develops and tests these hypotheses. Consistent with the model predictions, I find that measures of dispersion are positively related to aggregate valuations, trading volume, idiosyncratic volatility, past market returns, and current and future investor sentiment indexes. Dispersion is a strong negative predictor of subsequent shortand long-term market excess returns. Market beta is positively related to stock returns when the beginning-of-period dispersion is low and this relationship reverses when initial dispersion is high. A simple forecast model based on dispersion significantly outperforms a naive model based on historical equity premium in out-of-sample tests and the predictability is stronger in economic downturns.

Expectations and the Structure of Share Prices

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John G. Cragg and Burton G. Malkiel collected detailed forecasts of professional investors concerning the growth of 175 companies and use this information to examine the impact of such forecasts on the market evaluations of the companies and to test and extend traditional models of how stock market values are determined.

Irrational Exuberance Reconsidered

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Mathias Külpmann presents a framework to evaluate whether the stock market is in line with underlying fundamentals. The new and revised edition offers an up to date introduction to the controversy between rational asset pricing and behavioural finance. Empirical evidence of stock market overreaction are investigated within the paradigms of rational asset pricing and behavioural finance. Although this monograph will not promise the reader to become a millionaire, it offers a road to obtain a deeper understanding of the forces which drive stock returns. It should be of interest to anyone interested in what drives performance in the stock market.

Belief Overreaction and Stock Market Puzzles

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We construct an index of long term expected earnings growth for S&P500 firms and show that it has remarkable power to jointly predict errors in these expectations and stock returns, in both the aggregate market and the cross section. The evidence supports a mechanism whereby good news cause investors to become too optimistic about earnings growth, for the market as a whole but especially for specific firms. This leads to inflated stock prices and, as beliefs are systematically disappointed, to subsequent low returns in the aggregate market and for specific firms in the cross section. Overreaction of measured long-term expectations helps resolve major asset pricing puzzles without time series or cross-sectional variation in required returns.

Temporal Influences on Cross-sectional Stock Return Predictabilities

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In this thesis, I examine the following three temporal influences on the cross-section of stock returns: disclosure and analyst regulations, the subprime credit crisis, and time-varying investor sentiment. The thesis consists of three essays. The first essay deals with the influence of regulation. Between 2000 and 2003 a series of disclosure and analyst regulations curbing abusive financial reporting and analyst behavior were enacted to strengthen the information environment of U.S. capital markets. I investigate whether these regulations benefited investors by increasing stock market efficiency. After the regulations, I find a significant reduction in short-term stock price continuation following analyst forecast revisions and past stock returns. The effect was more pronounced among higher information uncertainty firms, where I expect security valuation to be most sensitive to the regulations. Further analysis shows that analyst forecast accuracy improved in these firms, consistent with reduced mispricing being due to an improved corporate information environment following the regulations. My findings are robust to controlling for time trends, trading activity, the recent financial crisis, and changes in firms' analyst coverage status and delistings. In the second essay, I examine whether the value premium survived the recent subprime credit crisis. I find that value stocks underperformed growth stocks during the crisis, resulting in a value discount, while the value premium was significantly positive before the crisis. This is consistent with value stocks being riskier than growth stocks because they are more vulnerable during bad times. The value premium reversal during the crisis worked primarily through financially constrained firms, suggesting that the effect was due to the adverse influence of the crisis rather than confounding effects. The results are robust to controlling for common risk factors and alternative financial constraint proxies. The third essay is related to time-varying investor sentiment. Recent literature in financial economics has examined whether investor sentiment affects asset pricing. An open question is whether an investor sentiment effect reflects mispricing or risk compensation. Currently, the literature supports the former view by documenting that investor sentiment predicts realized stock returns beyond the explanatory power of state-of-the-art factor models. But, despite its popularity, estimating expected returns from realized returns has limitations. I re-examine the evidence on investor sentiment using accounting-based implied costs of capital (ICCs). I find that ICCs cannot explain the sentiment effect on stock returns. If ICCs are reliable expected return proxies, this suggests that the investor sentiment effect does not exist ex ante and confirms previous evidence that mispricing is the driving force behind the investor sentiment effect on stock returns.

Stock Market Overreaction and Fundamental Valuation

Book Description

Does the stock market overreact? Recent capital market turbulences have cast doubt whether the behaviour of stock markets is in line with rational investor behaviour. This book investigates recent evidence of reversals in the cross section of stock returns. The surprising finding of this monograph is that reversals in stock returns are parallelled by movements in fundamentals. Outperformance in the stock market is driven by outperformance in corporate earnings. This monograph analyses this effect and provides background reasoning both from a theoretical and from an empirical point of view. The reader will pursue the question whether capital markets are efficient and thereby obtain a deeper understanding of the relationship between stock returns and underlying fundamentals.

Aggregation of Information About the Cross Section of Stock Returns

Book Description

We propose a new approach for estimating expected returns on individual stocks from a large number of firm characteristics. We treat expected returns as latent variables and apply the partial least squares (PLS) estimator that filters them out from the characteristics under an assumption that the characteristics are linked to expected returns through one or few common latent factors. The estimates of expected returns constructed by our approach from twenty six firm characteristics generate a wide cross-sectional dispersion of realized returns and outperform estimates obtained by alternative techniques. Our results also provide evidence of commonality in asset pricing anomalies.

The Real Effects of Investor Sentiment

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We study how stock market mispricing might influence individual firms' investment decisions. We find a positive relation between investment and a number of proxies for mispricing, controlling for investment opportunities and financial slack, suggesting that overpriced (underpriced) firms tend to overinvest (underinvest). Consistent with the predictions of our model, we find that investment is more sensitive to our mispricing proxies for firms with higher R & D intensity suggesting longer periods of information asymmetry and thus mispricing) or share turnover (suggesting that the firms' shareholders are short-term investors). We also find that firms with relatively high (low) investment subsequently have relatively low (high) stock returns, after controlling for investment opportunities and other characteristics linked to return predictability. These patterns are stronger for firms with higher R & D intensity or higher share turnover.