When Worldviews Collide

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Worlds Colliding

Book Description

This title was first published in 2001. Worlds Colliding argues that the prevailing worldview held by those in positions of power in Western government sets the bounds for religious tolerance. It explores the degree to which a modern liberal state will allow a counter-cultural community the freedom to live according to its concept of the good life.

Godly Origins: Worldviews Collide

Book Description

There is no conflict between the Bible and science that is evidence-based. The conflict is between belief in the Biblical Worldview and belief in a non-biblical worldview. If a claim about nature is not testable or observable and then confirmable, it is not science. This book shows where evidence-based science supports the Biblical Worldview, and where evidence-based science conflicts with the other so-called “scientific” worldviews of our modern times. For instance, experiments have shown over and over that life does not arise from chemicals, observations show that biological change is limited, chance does not cause anything, and the Big Bang violates the principle of cause and effect, is not testable, and therefore is not scientific. In his 1859 book, On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin correctly wrote about his “belief in the transmutation of species” (p302), that “The theory of natural selection is grounded on . . . belief” (p320), and that he believed we descended from one common ancestor (p484). Darwin believed in evolution because he had no evidence. Concerning On the Origin of Species, he admitted that “the whole volume is one long argument” (p459). Concerning God, Darwin wrote about “. . . the laws impressed on matter by the Creator” (p488). Yet, evolutionist Jerry Coyne of the University of Chicago wrote that “the bulk of Darwin’s 1859 book, On the Origin of Species (first edition) actually comprises evidence for evolution.” This claim was in a 2014 letter from atheists complaining about the author to his University President. A signer of this letter (from the Freedom From Religion Foundation) was British multi-millionaire, Richard Dawkins. Atheists such as Coyne and Dawkins have no evidence for their claims that life came from chemicals, that we descended from a common ancestor, or that there is no God. They believe these claims.

Worlds Collide

Book Description

When celebrity biographer Jada Eastman uncovers painful secrets and a deep spiritual chasm while interviewing Hollywood heartthrob Jack Harrington and his wife Grace Winslow, the proverbial "girl next door," their marriage is quickly in jeopardy as these discoveries threaten their future together. Original.

When World Views Collide

Book Description

Science fiction has evolved and diverged in many ways and moods. When World Views Collide is the third and final volume in a history of the genre that began with Foundations of Science Fiction and continued in Great Themes of Science Fiction. The conflicts in science fiction are conflicts about world views, which Pierce defines as fundamental beliefs about the nature of man, the universe, and man's place in the universe. Pierce presents each world view in science fiction on its own terms, as expressed in the works of its partisans. This final volume of the trilogy thus examines science fiction as a way of defining and delimiting humanity and human values, which may well be the most important aspect of the genre today. This unique and formidable study is based on a reading of much of the genre from its beginnings to its most recent publication. Pierce traces relationships and erects a framework on which future scholars can build in their efforts to place the works and the fields in the totality of world literature. Fans of science fiction, those interested in the history and literary criticism of the genre, and anyone interested in popular culture and literature, and world literature will find When World Views Collide enlightening and thought-provoking reading.

Where Worlds Collide

Book Description

Where Worlds Collide is the fascinating story of a biologist's spectacular discovery that has deeply changed the way we view the world.

Collision of Worlds

Book Description

An Episcopal priest maintains that "earth becomes the womb of heaven so that God may be born in the manger of human experience". This book blesses the earthy and calls the church to cease being so lofty and pious. It encourages us to remove the wall that designates a church building as holy and the local bar as secular. Serving as a clergyman for over 45 years, Charles Colwell has seen first hand how the Christian walk can be a bumpy trail and how those bumps become places of great blessing. Doubt becomes merely another facet of faith, not its opposite, and is to be honored. Even our most desperate moments have a way of readying us for a discovery of God's power in our weakness as the gift of God's radical grace transforms us from broken people into empowered pilgrims on the road requiring us to challenge our myopic views of those of other faiths. "Collision of Worlds" separates what is essential rock from what is shifting sand as the author fearlessly addresses: dogmatism, the interpretation of scripture, the gay issue, hell-and, believe it or not the presence of ghosts. This book is fresh, daring, and offers a challenge to believers as well as those who may be sitting on the fence.

Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires, Volume Two: Mark 8:30–16:8 and Implications

Book Description

At the time of Christ, world politics was an ebb and flow of colliding empires and forces. The world knew only dynastic succession and rule by force. Israel was swept up in this world. Her expectations of deliverance, while diverse, had in common the anticipation of violent liberation by an alliance of God, the expected one (Theo), and Israel's forces. Her vision included the subjugation of the world to Yahweh. Any messianic claimant would be expected to fulfill this hope. Mark's story of Jesus must be read against such expectations of military power. Mark knows that Jesus' plan of salvation differed radically from this. Rather than liberation through revolution, it involved deliverance through humble, loving service and cross-bearing. However, the disciples follow Jesus but do not understand Jesus' purpose. They constantly expect war. So, the Gospel is then read from Mark's full understanding and the disciples' flawed perspective. In this first volume of Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires, Keown backgrounds Mark and the political situations of the world at the time. He then unpacks Mark 1:1--8:29 as Jesus seeks to show the disciples he is Messiah while drawing out the deep irony of their incomprehension.

When Teams Collide

Book Description

This guide to teams working across cultures explains how culture and language affect the ways we think and respond