Music, Ireland and the Seventeenth Century

Book Description

Publisher and editors change over the course of the series.

Musicology in Ireland

Book Description

Documents of Irish Music History in the Long 19th Century

Book Description

This volume presents extracts from a number of documents from the long nineteenth century that pertain to the history of music in Ireland. The documents fall into one of three categories: musical notation, text, image. Each chapter contains a copy of a document (or an extract) along with an essay that provides context, explanation and interpretation. The editors have sought to represent a broad range of documents that address aspects of the history of music in Ireland: social history; the economics of musical life; performance practice; musical taste and repertoire; theory and aesthetics; the historiography of Irish music history; national identity, the traditional repertoire. The Irish Musical Studies series is published in association with the Society for Musicology in Ireland.

Music and Irish Cultural History

Book Description

Publisher and editors change over the course of the series.

John Birchensha: Writings on Music

Book Description

John Birchensha (c.1605-?1681) is chiefly remembered for the impression that his theories about music made on the mathematicians, natural philosophers and virtuosi of the Royal Society in the 1660s and 1670s, and for inventing a system that he claimed would enable even those without practical experience of music to learn to compose in a short time by means of 'a few easy, certain, and perfect Rules'-his most famous composition pupil being Samuel Pepys in 1662. His great aim was to publish a treatise on music in its philosophical, mathematical and practical aspects (which would have included a definitive summary of his rules of composition), entitled Syntagma music Subscriptions for this book were invited in 1672-3, and it was due to be published by March 1675; but it never appeared, and no final manuscript of it survives. Consequently knowledge about his work has hitherto remained extremely sketchy. Recent research, however, has brought to light a number of manuscripts which allow us at last to form a more complete view of Birchensha's ideas. Almost none of this material has been previously published. The new items include an autograph treatise of c.1664 ('A Compendious Discourse of the Principles of the Practicall & Mathematicall Partes of Musick') which Birchensha presented to the natural philosopher Robert Boyle, and which covers concisely much of the ground that he intended to cover in Syntagma music a detailed synopsis for Syntagma music hich he prepared for a meeting of the Royal Society in February 1676; and an autograph notebook (now in Brussels) containing his six rules of composition with music examples, presumably written for a pupil. Bringing all this material together in a single volume will allow scholars to see how Birchensha's rules and theories developed over a period of fifteen years, and to gain at least a flavour of the lost Syntagma music