Irradiation-enhanced Creep of Cold-worked Zr-2.5Nb Tubes and Helical-springs

Book Description

This report investigates the anistrophy of irradiation-enhanced creep of cold-worked Zr-2.5Nb at 548-563 K using internally-pressurized capsules and axially loaded helical-springs. The test specimens were machined from small diameter extruded and cold-worked tubing that had crystallographic texture and microstructure similar to that of CANDU power reactor pressure tubes. The biaxial creep capsules and the helical-springs were irradiated for 9,525 and 16,670 hours, respectively, in a fast neutron flux.

In-Reactor Creep of Zr-2.5Nb

Book Description

The anisotropy of irradiation creep of Zr-2.5Nb alloy tubes at 570 K has been investigated using creep of helical springs and stress relaxation of twisted rods and bent beams. These tests measure creep rate directly since strains associated with irradiation growth are absent. Creep rates from these tests and from results on creep of pressurized tubes reported in the literature can be correlated through consideration of the crystallographic texture, slip systems, and dislocation density of the Zr-2.5Nb tubing. A creep model based on glide of 1/311 ̄20 type dislocations on prismatic planes in combination with secondary glide of 1/311 ̄22 dislocations on {10 ̄11} pyramidal planes provides a consistent correlation. The creep rate is only slightly dependent on dislocation density as measured by X-ray diffraction.

The Effects of Microstructure and Operating Conditions on Irradiation Creep of Zr-2.5Nb Pressure Tubing

Book Description

Creep experiments have been performed on biaxially stressed 10 mm diameter Zr-2.5Nb capsules. As the pressurized capsules were obtained from micro-pressure tubes, which were fabricated by the same process as CANDU power reactor pressure tubes, they have a similar microstructure to that of the full-size tubes. The experiments were performed in the OSIRIS test reactor at nominal operating temperatures ranging from 553 and 613 K in fast neutron fluxes up to 2 x 1018 n.m-2.s-1 (E > 1 MeV). Diametral and axial strains are reported as functions of fluence for specimens internally pressurized to hoop stresses from 0 to 160 MPa and irradiated to 26.5 dpa. The effects of microstructure, temperature, and cold work on irradiation creep are shown. The analysis of OSIRIS data combined with data from in-service CANDU tubes has revealed some significant observations regarding pressure tube deformation: (i) that irradiation creep anisotropy varies with temperature, (ii) texture appears to have a more significant effect on axial creep than on diametral creep, (iii) diametral strain appears to be strongly dependent on grain size and aspect ratio, and (iv) that whereas cold-work correlates with the axial creep of the capsules, there appears to be no statistically significant dependence of diametral creep on cold-work.

Irradiation Creep

Book Description

The contribution of irradiation creep to reactor component deformation can be significant, and in many cases it may be the primary source of deformation. The effective accommodation or control of this deformation mode through design, fabrication, or operating procedures or all three requires a knowledge of the functional dependence of irradiation creep on both metallurgical and environmental variables such as cold work, texture, neutron flux, stress, temperature, and time. Moreover, in reconciling these dependences and in anticipating the nature of irradiation creep in parametric regimes beyond those for which experimental and operational data exist, an understanding of the physical processes or mechanisms that give rise to irradiation creep is requisite. Consequently, a full discussion is provided here of irradiation creep in zirconium alloys with particular emphasis on the characteristics of the phenomenon, its observed dependence on material variables and test and operating conditions, and the current theoretical understanding of irradiation creep as it applies to zirconium.

In-Reactor Creep of Cold-Worked Zircaloy-2

Book Description

The creep properties of 20 per cent cold-worked Zircaloy-2 during neutron irradiation have been determined in the temperature range 275 to 465 C and stress range 20,000 to 35,000 psi. In general, the effects of neutron irradiation on creep are small; however, some differences between in-reactor and ex-reactor tests exist. The activation energy for creep during irradiation is around 90,000 cal/mole. In the absence of irradiation, the activation energy is about equal to the self-difiusion value of 60,000 cal/mole. During reactor outages, a small increase in creep rate occurs. The time required to initiate the increase after a shutdown decreases with increasing temperature.