Is economic growth compatible with a sustainable Nordic future?: A review of literature

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Available online: A core element of sustainable development strategies is that economic growth is decoupled from resource use and associated environmental degradation. This report examines evidence from literature to evaluate whether absolute decoupling is a realistic long-term solution to rapidly approaching environmental crises. It finds limited evidence for periods of absolute decoupling, despite two decades of green growth policy. Where absolute decoupling in environmental pressures has occurred, this has not been rapid enough to respect planetary boundaries. It makes a number of recommendations to policy makers. These include the consideration of concrete targets for resource use and emissions reductions linked to planetary boundaries and global fair shares, developing consensus on alternative measures for societal progress and accepting low levels of economic growth for the Nordics.

Is economic growth compatible with a sustainable future?

Book Description

Available online: Green growth forms the core of sustainable development strategies. The central assumption is that economic growth can continue while reducing resource use, environmental pressures, and impacts. Resource use and environmental pressures can be absolutely decoupled from growth, and we can halt climate change and biodiversity loss without adversely affecting economic growth. The report; Is Economic Growth Compatible with a Sustainable Nordic Future? written by Norion Consult, assesses, evaluates, and questions arguments and evidence for and against decoupling as a realistic long-term solution. To continue the dialogue concerning this topic, a conference commissioned by the Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economy, was held on March 23rd, 2023, by Norion Consult. This report describes challenges, summarizes the presentations and discussions, and recommends the next steps.

A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region

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A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region – Nordic Strategy for Sustainable Development is the overriding and cross-sectoral frame-work for the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers. All work carried out within the Council of Ministers will incorporate a sustainability perspective. The Nordic Council of Ministers will help the Nordic countries successively continue to improve welfare and quality of life for present and future generations, by protecting and using the earth’s ability to sustain life in all its diversity. The strategy provides long-term guidelines as far as 2025 in the following focusareas: the Nordic welfare model, viable ecosystems, changing climate, sustainable use of the earth’s resources, and education, research and innovation. The sectoral ministerial councils within the Nordic Council of Ministers will supplement the strategy with concrete measures.

Towards a Nordic Wellbeing Economy

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Available online: The ambition of this report is to facilitate more clarity on what a Wellbeing Economy in essence is, what different shapes it can take, how it functions in practice, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

Sustainable Modernity

Book Description

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. In the 21st century, Norway, Denmark and Sweden remain the icons of fair societies, with high economic productivity and quality of life. But they are also an enigma in a cultural-evolutionary sense: though by no means following the same socio-economic formula, they are all cases of a "non-hubristic", socially sustainable modernity that puzzles outside observers. Using Nordic welfare states as its laboratory, Sustainable Modernity combines evolutionary and socio-cultural perspectives to illuminate the mainsprings of what the authors call the "well-being society". The main contention is that the Nordic uniqueness is not merely the outcome of one particular set of historical institutional or political arrangements, or sheer historical luck; rather, the high welfare creation inherent in the Nordic model has been predicated on a long and durable tradition of social cooperation, which has interacted with global competitive forces. Hence the socially sustainable Nordic modernity should be approached as an integrated and tightly orchestrated ecosystem based on a complex interplay of cooperative and competitive strategies within and across several domains: normative-cultural, socio-political and redistributive. The key question is: Can the Nordic countries uphold the balance of competition and cooperation and reproduce their resilience in the age of globalization, cultural collisions, the digital economy, the fragmentation of the work/life division, and often intrusive EU regulation? With contributors providing insights from the humanities, the social sciences and evolutionary science, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of political science, sociology, history, institutional economics, Nordic studies and human evolution studies.

Cents and Sustainability

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Cents and Sustainability is a clear-sighted response to the 1987 call by Dr Gro Brundtland in Our Common Future to achieve a new era of economic growth that is 'forceful and at the same time socially and environmentally sustainable'. The Brundtland Report argued that not only was it achievable, but that it was an urgent imperative in order to achieve a transition to sustainable development while significantly reducing poverty and driving 'clean and green' investment. With some still arguing for significantly slowing economic growth in order to reduce pressures on the environment, this new book.

Monitoring the Sustainability of Tourism in the Nordics

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Available online: As the impact of tourism has been growing globally and regionally, the forces at play in the industry have become more evident and contested. Before the COVID-19 pandemic forced a lockdown on the industry, tourism was one of the fastest growing industries in the world economy, with an important contribution to job creation, export revenue and domestic value added. While the pandemic has eroded infrastructures and innovative capacities, it has also made the need for new approaches and innovation more pressing. This report is an exploration of Nordic policies and practice with regard to monitoring the environmental, social and economic impact of tourism. It highlights expertise and best practices that already exist and makes observations and recommendations on how the Nordic countries can indeed “build back better” to create more sustainable and regenerative travel and tourism industries.

Mapping Education for Sustainability in the Nordic Countries

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Available online: The project is concerned with sustainability in compulsory education in the Nordic countries and is part of the Iceland Presidency Project for the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated in 2018. The overall focus of the Presidency Project is on young people but this report looks at policy, curricula, teacher education and school practices. The analysis shows both similarities and differences across the Nordic Region. Compulsory education in the Nordic countries share some striking similarities, reflecting a strong emphasis on certain aspects of sustainability such as equality, democracy.Although sustainability education has a clear application in the fields of social and political life and economic activities in all of the Nordic countries, it is still the case that when sustainability education is discussed, an environmental perspective is most often taken.

The Future Use of Nordic Forests

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Diverse as they are in their histories and in the organization of their forest sectors, most Nordic countries have this in common: their economies and cultures are substantially based on the utilization of various forest resources. This book explores Nordic forest futures and presents research results that form part of a scientific foundation for considering how to balance the functions of forests. It is particularly concerned with global trends that may affect the future use of boreal forests. Chapters investigate inter-alia the growing world population and the expected economic growth in countries with huge populations, and assess the resulting pressure on all land-based resources. Authors examine the urgent need for solutions to the energy crisis, consider worrying climate scenarios and provide a global outlook on bioenergy futures. Readers will discover how these developments will and must influence long-term strategic decisions on the future use of Nordic forests. The challenges and possible responses for future forest governance and forestry issues emerge, as the chapters go on to consider the multiple pressures in particular on the Swedish Forestry Model, among other themes. “By bringing together a distinguished group of internationally renowned scientists representing a diverse set of disciplines covering political science, geography, rural development, forest economics, history, and geo-sciences, this book constitutes an exceptionally profound and thoughtful futures study.” – Alexander Buck, Executive Director, International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)