Women Who Love Too Much

Book Description

Discusses "loving too much" as a pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which certain women develop as a reponse to various problems in their family backgrounds.

Revelation Bible of Celestine Light

Book Description

Film Noir Reader 4

Book Description

This text identifies a handful of plot elements that consistently recur within film noir and analyses in depth the memorable pictures that, while being vivid prototypes of certain cinematics themes, bend and break their moulds to find new ways to enthral and frighten us.

The Hidden Truth About Broken Sugar Bowls

Book Description

The Truth About Broken Sugar Bowls is a series of short stories that depict the lives of some fictional characters that endure real life situations. These stories are reminders of how sweet life may be one minute and disastrous the next.

The Real Narrow Path into the Hidden Kingdom of God

Book Description

This book was birthed as a result of seeing many sincere Christians falling into heresy, myths, and fairy tales spun by irresponsible preachers who would speak anything in order to gain an audience through lies and deceit. The contents of this book are not fictional. They were all painstakingly tested and lived in order to test the doctrines learnt in the modern churches. This book is dedicated to help those who want to move in the Spirit of God, to be truly led by him and not by man-made rules and teachings, which have no power to manifest the presence of God in their walk. The author teaches how to hear from God and the main principles or laws in the kingdom of God that is true kingdom living. The author was ordained and called by God through three distinct verses given supernaturally by the Holy Spirit; these are Numbers 33:33, Job 33:33, and Ezekiel 33:33.

The Hidden Isaac Bashevis Singer

Book Description

Nobel Prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer stands virtually alone among prominent writers for being more widely known through translations of his work than through the original texts. Yet readers and critics of the Yiddish originals have long pointed out that the English versions are generally shortened, often shorn of much description and religious matter, and their perspectives and denouements are significantly altered. In short, they turn the Yiddish author into a Jewish-American English writer, detached from of his Eastern European Jewish literary and cultural roots. By contrast, this collection of essays by leading Yiddish scholars seeks to recover the authentic voice and vision of the writer known to his Yiddish readers as Yitskhok Bashevis. The essays are grouped around four themes: The Yiddish language And The Yiddish cultural experience in Bashevis's writings Thematic approaches To The study of Bashevis's literature Bashevis's interface with other times and cultures Interpretations of Bashevis's autobiographical writings A special feature of this volume is the inclusion of Joseph Sherman's new, faithful translation of a chapter from Bashevis's Yiddish "underworld" novel "Yarme and Keyle". Seth L. Wolitz holds the L. D., Marie, and Edwin Gale Chair of Judaic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, where he is also Professor of French, Slavic, and Comparative Literature.

Interludes and Ladies of Love

Book Description

Interludes and Ladies of Love The old institution of love has long out lived the values it may have once held in yesteryear. Good providing has always been the main factor but, it has gone deep and dark into plain, vain materialistic gain. In todays high-tech fast paced world where women are more likely to be the bread winner than the man; the definition of love has taken a whole new meaning. Interludes and Ladies of Love gives a glimpse into the mind of women, and how they view love today. The authors life experiences, and observations was the reason he wrote this book; Inspired by God to write how love is rapidly deteriorating in todays society, and with the acceptance of loves lowering level as long as theres a profit to be made, and no spiritual thought is given to their actions to attain it. Love and relationships are like everything else economically controlled, and can be virtually shut down in most cases where money takes priority over love. Unless women formulate a higher consciousness spiritually, and think outside of the box that constrict the mentality of todays society things will inevitably get worse in love land. Interludes and Ladies of Love is an in depth look behind the scene of what appear before the eyes of man, taking a look into loves unseen deceptions. Sympathy is expressed for the so-called manipulator of women (pimps) because, they havent realized yet, that the only true pimps are women, and they (the men) have pimped out nobody but themselves through their arrogant ignominy, and dependency on the ladies of love to provide financial security. Glimpse inside the unsavory interludes women delve into with hidden motivations held within what appear to be wide open, and innocent. Through the beauty of their bodies women truly do make themselves a power to be reckoned with in this world that feels a need to satisfy its insatiable sensations for money by any means necessary.

The Hidden True Love

Book Description

On 16 October 1969, as the sun was settling down on the horizon of the rock of Gibraltar, a cry was heard from the maternity ward as a child was born into this world. She was tiny, weighing 4lbs and a couple of ounces, she lay down surrounded by strangers not knowing what lay ahead of her. She didn't know that one day she would be hurt, broken, rejected and confused. It was all a mystery. It was a journey through many obstacles and challenges of life...They were all there waiting for her as she would slowly grow up into this world of hatred and confusion trying to unfold the work within. 1974 at the age of five this innocent child was handed to the ancestral gods, sacrificed for power. Battling through life the only way forward was clinging on to the plain truth keeping in touch with her helper the Holy Spirit. 'Do not be afraid for I am with you always.' A STORY OF A GIRL WHO SUFFERED IN SILENCE; CURSED AS A CHILD AND REJECTED BY HER MOTHER, RAPED BY HER FIRST MAN AND FORCED TO MARRY HIM. WITH HER TWO DAUGHTERS SHE STRUGGLED TO SURVIVE. WITH PAIN IN HER HEART AND A PASSION TO SUCCEED SHE MADE A FEW BIG DECISIONS IN HER JOURNEY OF LIFE. TRAVELLING FROM FIJI TO ENGLAND SHE SUFFERED AT THE HANDS OF HER BLOOD BROTHER, WHO STOLE HER DIGNITY, RUINED HER REPUTATION, AND BATTERED HER CONFIDENCE, EXCEPT FOR HER GIRLS WHO BECAME HER LIFE-SUPPORT MACHINE WHO WERE THE ONLY REASON THAT KEPT HER GOING. RUNNING AWAY; FROM HER FEAR, GEM HAS MADE A STOP TO GO BACK IN HER PAST AND NOW FACES THE WORLD CLINGING TO HER VISION IN MAKING A DIFFERENCE. THE STORY CONTINUES....

The Hidden Hand

Book Description

Race Williams had run across criminals before, and a few shots to the head always took care of such threats. But how can Race deal with four separate rogues at once? And what of their ultimate leader, The Hidden Hand? Story #19 in the Race Williams series. Carroll John Daly (1889–1958) was the creator of the first hard-boiled private eye story, predating Dashiell Hammett's first Continental Op story by several months. Daly's classic character, Race Williams, was one of the most popular fiction characters of the pulps, and the direct inspiration for Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer.