Is Satan, the Devil, a Supernatural Being Fallen from Heaven?

Book Description

As Christians, we are told that the devilSatanis our greatest enemy. Rebuke the devil, and he will flee! Cast the devil out, and you will be free from your temptation! And even when we speak of our own struggles, we identify Satan as the source of these problemsThe devil has really fought me today. But who or what really is this devil, Satan? Where is he, and how do we actually stop him if we find him? And shouldnt we be trying to learn as much as we can about this enemy? In Is Satan, the Devil, a Supernatural Being Fallen from Heaven? author, pastor, and chaplain Dr. Maston Love Jr. exposes the truth about this devil and where he isbut most importantly, he explains what the devil is not. Although church doctrine tells us that Satan was once a beautiful angel who fell from grace, the Bible itself offers more clarity on the truth of his existence. With a careful examination of the Word, Dr. Love shows us how Satan is actually a creation of humankind and not a supernatural source of evil created by God. Was Satan really with God during the creation? And does the Bible even support Satan as the cause of evil on the earth? Or, is Satan more like a human construction that can be fought on the battlefield of the mind? Explore within to discover how to fight the true evil of Satan and be renewed in Christ.

Heaven and Hell

Book Description

Over half of Americans believe in a literal heaven, in a literal hell. Most people who hold these beliefs are Christian and assume they are the age-old teachings of the Bible. Ehrman shows that eternal rewards and punishments are found nowhere in the Old Testament, and are not what Jesus or his disciples taught. He recounts the long history of the afterlife, ranging from The Epic of Gilgamesh up to the writings of Augustine, focusing especially on the teachings of Jesus and his early followers. Ehrman shows that competing views were intimately connected with the social, cultural, and historical worlds out of which they emerged. -- adapted from jacket

The Real Devil

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The Devil: A Very Short Introduction

Book Description

The Devil has fascinated writers and theologians since the time of the New Testament, and inspired many dramatic and haunting works of art. Today he remains a potent image in popular culture. The Devil: A Very Short Introduction presents an introduction to the Christian Devil through the history of ideas and the lives of real people.

Without Form and Void

Book Description

Considered a classic in Christian apologetics, this scholarly analysis of the Biblical phrase "without form and void," from the opening chapter of Genesis, observes the rules of linguistics, of grammar and syntax, and also examines how words are used in the rest of Scripture. This book has been described as the best argument that has ever been written for the Gap Theory. A well respected Canadian scientist himself, and listed in the 1971 American Men in Science, Dr. Custance contends that we should not allow science to determine what Scripture says. Neither should we allow Scripture to determine what the scientist observes in the laboratory. Yet observed fact in the one cannot, ultimately, conflict with revealed fact in the other. Any conflict, then, is in the interpretation of the facts - not in the facts themselves.

The Origin of Satan

Book Description

From the National Book Award-winning and National Book Critics Circle Award-winning author of The Gnostic Gospels comes a dramatic interpretation of Satan and his role on the Christian tradition. "Arresting...brilliant...this book illuminates the angels with which we must wrestle to come to the truth of our bedeviling spritual problems." —The Boston Globe With magisterial learning and the elan of a born storyteller, Pagels turns Satan’s story into an audacious exploration of Christianity’s shadow side, in which the gospel of love gives way to irrational hatreds that continue to haunt Christians and non-Christians alike.

To Hell with the Devil

Book Description

The devil (Satan) has been able to fool the church and Christians ever since the early church went to bed with Rome around AD 330 under Emperor Constantine, who supposedly had a conversion to Christianity. The pagan religion brought all the false teachings and false gods all the way back to Egypt. And that system is just as false today. Repeatedly God warned the Jews in the Old and New Testaments that there are no gods but He alone. Yet we're still taught that by a rebellion Lucifer and Satan fell from heaven, which would make them gods. But the scripture verse in 1 Samuel 15:23 states specifically "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." And there is absolutely no sin in the third heaven or there would be death in heaven. So the title To Hell with the Devil: It's Time to Blow the Lid Off Lucifer's Coffin. This will certainly make Satan uncontrollable mad and upset if this book comes to publication. He does not like being exposed as the complete liar that he has been from the beginning. Unfortunately, because of the past presidential election of 2020, he has managed to get his foot in the door of the US government. But he won't be satisfied until he takes over the entire USA. And as long as Christians and Patriots remain silent, it will all be over but the shouting. What I have written from the word of God only is the absolute truth. But as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said to those Serpents (Sadducees and Pharisees) in John 8:40, "But now you seek to kill me, a man that has told you the truth which I heard of God." And as the apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they will turn from the truth and shall and shall be turned unto fables." That is certainly what has happened in our time. But Satan's ultimate goal is the complete destruction of God's church.


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The Fall of Satan

Book Description

Scripture sources taken from the New King James Version and the New American Standard Bible.

Lucifer Is Not Satan Book 1

Book Description

This series explains in detail the attempt of a rebellious cherub to overthrow God Almighty. The text answers questions about how sin originated in Lucifer, what happened before the fall, and more. (Practical Life)