The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom

Book Description

Anyone who has attempted to teach or preach through the prophecy of Isaiah has felt a tension. In view of what the structure of the book of Isaiah aims to emphasize, this NSBT volume employs the concept of "kingdom" as an entry point for organizing the book's major themes, identifying the links to the broader biblical canon and ultimately to Jesus.

Be Comforted

Book Description

Wiersbe shows you how God can help you find strength and comfort in times of trial, conquer fear when your world is shaking, enjoy a rich worship experience with God, and experience God's comfort and love.

The Road to Peace

Book Description

Isaiah 26:3-4 "Perfect Peace"

Book Description

This book was prepared to open your minds to the a "Perfect Peace" that comes only from God. I seek to lift you up to a level of "Perfect Peace" and fulfill you with a new awareness of God's presence around you at all times. God has extended his personal invitation to you, yes you. Step into His "Perfect Peace," by keeping your mind on Him. According to some people, it is impossible to keep your mind on The LORD. While most Christians will agree that if you keep your mind stayed on The LORD, He will keep you in "Perfect Peace." That explains why so many people go to church on Sundays and attend night services for that peace and joy they receive but only for a short time. I want you to realize that you can experience the presence and peace of The LORD your God every minute of the day, every day. The unspeakable joy, the strength and "Perfect Peace" in the midst of a storm. Whether it's at work, home, college, school or other circumstances, you can enjoy the presence of the Lord, even if you aren't having an excellent day. This book that you hold in your hands, was placed in my spirit by our Father, the Alpha and the Omega. By reading this book, I hope you will learn to relate every day numbers to God's Holy Word. It will keep your mind in "Perfect Peace." In God's time it will come naturally to you.

Isaiah 26:3–4 “Perfect Peace Xii”

Book Description

The twelfth book in a series titled Isaiah 26:34 Perfect Peace. What are some of the most important rivers in the Bible? Do you know the difference between a river, a stream, and a brook? What awesome Bible events took place in these bodies of water? If you dont know the answers to these questions, this book will help you answer these questions and will share unique information regarding the Bible.

Isaiah 26:3–4 “Perfect Peace Xvi"

Book Description

The message of Isaiah 26:3–4 is “perfect peace.” This is the distinct and unifying composition of this book, with the subtitle Shoes.

Isaiah 26:3–4 “Perfect Peace Xv”

Book Description

This book which has caught your attention, will enlighten your interest. It's about the books in the Bible with an eleventh chapter and twenty-ninth verse. In the Bible, thirty-four books have at least eleven chapters. However, out of the thirty-four books with the eleventh chapter, only nineteen books contain the twenty-ninth verse. Let's find out which books they are?


Book Description

In the book of Isaiah, you'll discover that trouble and suffering are nothing new to God's people. But the prophet Isaiah raises a loud cry for revival in this midst of a rotting society. As Howard Peskett guides you through these twenty-two session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Isaiah, you'll dig deep into the prophet's revolutionary message of repentance, forgiveness and hope in your own troubled times.

Isaiah 26:3 - 4 "Perfect Peace Vii"

Book Description

Get ready, get ready to enjoy, Isaiah 26:34 Perfect Peace VII. This book will open your mind to the perfect peace that comes only from God. It will give you a new awareness of Gods presence and peace by utilizing the number eleven. By reading this short Unique and Profound book, you will learn more than you ever realized about Gods word that surrounds the number eleven.


Book Description

Words swirl around us and opinions are expressed with little thought and less humility. Can you imagine posting, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a [woman] of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” (Isa. 6:5)? Studying the book of Isaiah is a great place to start to learn humility. Isaiah uses “holy” to describe God more than all the other Old Testament books combined and then reveals a way that God can make us holy - because Christ’s humility leads to our holiness. Table of Contents: Introduction to Isaiah Lesson 1: The Lord Confronts, Consoles, and Condemns (Isaiah 1-5) Lesson 2: The Holy Lord Sends (Isaiah 6-12) Lesson 3: The Lord of Hosts Reigns (Isaiah 13-27) Lesson 4: A Remnant Will Be Redeemed (Isaiah 28-35) Lesson 5: In Whom Do You Now Trust? (Isaiah 36-37) Lesson 6: Deliverance and Declaration (Isaiah 38-39) Lesson 7: The Lord Who Comforts (Isaiah 40:1-44:23) Lesson 8: The Superior Servant (Isaiah 44:24-55:13) Lesson 9: The Lord Sanctifies His People (Isaiah 56:1-59:13) Lesson 10: The Covenant-Keeper and Crimson-Conqueror (Isaiah 59:14-63:6) Lesson 11: A Praying People and A Promise-Keeping God (Isaiah 63:7-66:24)