ISBN 3-932949-11-0

Book Description

Das Buch enthält 18 Interviews mit Persönlichkeiten aus der Geschichte der Fotografie (Künstler, Fotografen und Kunsthistoriker). Die Interviews zeigen die vielfältigen Verknüpfungen zwischen europäischer und amerikanischer Kultur.

ISBN 3-932949-11-0

Book Description

Das Buch enthält 18 Interviews mit Persönlichkeiten aus der Geschichte der Fotografie (Künstler, Fotografen und Kunsthistoriker). Die Interviews zeigen die vielfältigen Verknüpfungen zwischen europäischer und amerikanischer Kultur.

Women in Music

Book Description

Women in Music: A Research and Information Guide is an annotated bibliography emerging from more than twenty-five years of feminist scholarship on music. This book testifies to the great variety of subjects and approaches represented in over two decades of published writings on women, their work, and the important roles that feminist outlooks have played in formerly male-oriented academic scholarship or journalistic musings on women and music.

STATS All-Time Major League Handbook

Book Description

STATS All-Time Major League Handbook is the Only historical baseball register that features exclusive year-by-year career statistics for Every major league hitter, pitcher and fielder since 1876. Complete position-by-position fielding stats and hitting stats for pitchers round out the most in-depth player register ever compiled.Unique Features: -- Bill James' and STATS' exclusive historical data for Every major leaguer -- Complete stats for every player thru 1997 -- Easy-to-read design

Theoretical Physics on the Personal Computer

Book Description

We would like to thank Mr. A.H. Armstrong, who translated this book, for his many valuable suggestions and corrections. We also acknowledge a stimulating response from our readers. Mr. J. Peeck sent us a diskette containing the pro grams modified to run on an ATARI computer. Mr. H.U. Zimmermann sent us diskettes, on which the graphics software of the book is adapted to the require ments of the FORTRAN-77 compiler by MICROSOFT. Readers interested in these adaptations should contact the authors. Tiibingen, January 1988 E. W. Schmid, G. Spitz v Preface to the German Edition This book is based on the lecture course "Computer applications in Theo retical Physics", which has been offered at the University of Tiibingen since 1979. This course had as its original aim the preparation of students for a nu merical diploma course in theoretical physics. It soon became clear, however, that the course provides a valuable supplement to the fundamental lectures in theoretical physics. Whereas teaching in this field had previously been prin cipally characterised by the derivation of equations, it is now possible to give deeper understanding by means of application examples. A graphical presen tation of numerical results proves to be important in emphasizing the physics. Interaction with the machine is also valuable. At the end of each calculation the computer should ask the question: "Repeat the calculation with new data (yes/no)?". The student can then answer "yes" and input the new data, e.g.Floppy disk/supplementary electronic material no longer available.

National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets 2015

Book Description

The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households...

National Accounts of OECD Countries, Volume 2022 Issue 2

Book Description

In addition to main aggregates, this publication includes detailed national accounts for final consumption expenditure of households by purpose and simplified accounts for three main sectors: general government, corporations and households...

German books in print

Book Description