Ispezioni e sanzioni nel Testo Unico Sicurezza del Lavoro

Book Description

Riedizione del Volume pubblicato nel 2008 (nella I ed. presentato nella Collana “Testo Unico Sicurezza del Lavoro”) sul quadro sanzionatorio e sulle regole innovative che governano il sistema istituzionale della vigilanza in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro a seguito dell’entrata in vigore del decreto legislativo 9 aprile 2008, n. 81 (Testo Unico). La riedizione si è resa necessaria in seguito alle rilevanti modifiche introdotte dal decreto correttivo del Testo Unico Sicurezza del Lavoro (D.Lgs. 106/2009). Il volume si presenta suddiviso in varie parti rispettivamente dedicate: all’esame specifico dei nuovi meccanismi istituzionali che governano il complesso fenomeno delle ispezioni e della vigilanza in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro alle linee di sviluppo del nuovo apparato sanzionatorio così come individuato dal d.lgs. n. 81/2008 e successivamente modificato dal d.lgs. 106/2009, con particolare riferimento: al procedimento ispettivo e sanzionatorio, amministrativo e penale, ai limiti di applicabilità dei poteri degli organi di vigilanza (prescrizione, disposizione, diffida), alla lettura dell’apparato punitivo fra contravvenzioni e sanzioni amministrative, alla responsabilità diretta dell’ente, alle condizioni di estinzione agevolata dell’illecito, all’esercizio dei diritti della persona offesa all’analisi dell’apparato sanzionatorio e alla puntuale individuazione di tutte le ipotesi sanzionatorie previste dal nuovo testo unico, anche mediante apposite tabelle che individuano: la fattispecie illecita, la reazione punitiva, le forme di estinzione agevolata dell’illecito Infine viene proposta: la normativa e la prassi amministrativa di principale rilievo, accanto alla modulistica riguardante le fasi principali del procedimento sanzionatorio penale e amministrativo.

Modern Forms of Work

Book Description

The collective volume “Modern Forms of Work. A European Comparative Study” evokes the intent to embody a reflection focused on modern labour law issues from a comparative perspective. A first set of essays contains national reports on modern forms of work. The second group contains some reflections regarding critical issues on digitalization, platforms and algorithms, analysing the different facets of the galaxy of digital work. The third group of essays flows into the section entitled “new balances and workers’ rights in the digital era”, a crucial topic in the debate. The complex of the writings, despite the diversity of approaches and methods, reveals the existence of a dense and inexhaustible dialogue between young scholars, at European and extra-European level. The analysis of new forms of work – the offspring of transnational processes of globalization and technologization – forms a fertile ground for experimenting a transnational dialogue on which young researchers can practice with excellent results, as this small volume confirms.

World Development Report 2019

Book Description

Work is constantly reshaped by technological progress. New ways of production are adopted, markets expand, and societies evolve. But some changes provoke more attention than others, in part due to the vast uncertainty involved in making predictions about the future. The 2019 World Development Report will study how the nature of work is changing as a result of advances in technology today. Technological progress disrupts existing systems. A new social contract is needed to smooth the transition and guard against rising inequality. Significant investments in human capital throughout a person’s lifecycle are vital to this effort. If workers are to stay competitive against machines they need to train or retool existing skills. A social protection system that includes a minimum basic level of protection for workers and citizens can complement new forms of employment. Improved private sector policies to encourage startup activity and competition can help countries compete in the digital age. Governments also need to ensure that firms pay their fair share of taxes, in part to fund this new social contract. The 2019 World Development Report presents an analysis of these issues based upon the available evidence.

The Fundamentals of Labour Administration

Book Description

"A well-coordinated, professional and efficient labour administration machinery is essential to the effective governance of the labour market. This book will be an invaluable resource for labour administrators, labour inspectors, conciliators, employment service officials, governments, workers, employers, researchers and professionals. This unique volume clearly sets out the role, functions and organization of labour administration, highlighting the relationship between social policy and economic policy, and identifying the vast array of services to which most people have access during their working lives. It gives a comprehensive overview of the main principles of labour administration, covering labour legislation, industrial relations, working conditions and employment, and describes ways in which current challenges can be met through policy, organization, coordination and management."--Publisher's website.

How is Your MPA Doing?

Book Description

Guidebook which aims to improve MPA management by providing a framework that links the goals and objectives of MPAs with indicators that measure management effectiveness. The framework and indicators were field-tested in 18 sites around the world, and results of these pilots were incorporated into the guidebook. Published as a result of a 4-year partnership of IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas-Marine, World Wildlife Fund, and the NOAA National Ocean Service International Program Office.

The Suffering of the Immigrant

Book Description

This book is a major contribution to our understanding of the condition of the immigrant and it will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration. Sayad’s book will be widely used in courses on race, ethnicity, immigration and identity in sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, politics and geography. an outstanding and original work on the experience of immigration and the kind of suffering involved in living in a society and culture which is not one’s own; describes how immigrants are compelled, out of respect for themselves and the group that allowed them to leave their country of origin, to play down the suffering of emigration; Abdelmalek Sayad, was an Algerian scholar and close associate of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu - after Sayad’s death, Bourdieu undertook to assemble these writings for publication; this book will transform the reader’s understanding of the issues surrounding immigration.

Crossing the Quality Chasm

Book Description

Second in a series of publications from the Institute of Medicine's Quality of Health Care in America project Today's health care providers have more research findings and more technology available to them than ever before. Yet recent reports have raised serious doubts about the quality of health care in America. Crossing the Quality Chasm makes an urgent call for fundamental change to close the quality gap. This book recommends a sweeping redesign of the American health care system and provides overarching principles for specific direction for policymakers, health care leaders, clinicians, regulators, purchasers, and others. In this comprehensive volume the committee offers: A set of performance expectations for the 21st century health care system. A set of 10 new rules to guide patient-clinician relationships. A suggested organizing framework to better align the incentives inherent in payment and accountability with improvements in quality. Key steps to promote evidence-based practice and strengthen clinical information systems. Analyzing health care organizations as complex systems, Crossing the Quality Chasm also documents the causes of the quality gap, identifies current practices that impede quality care, and explores how systems approaches can be used to implement change.