Object Representation in Computer Vision

Book Description

This book documents the scientific outcome of the International NSF-ARPA Workshop on Object Representation in Computer Vision, held in New York City in December 1994 with invited participants chosen among the recognized experts in the field. The volume presents the complete set of papers in revised full-length versions. In addition, the first paper is a report on the workshop in which the panel discussions as well as the conclusions and recommendations reached by the workshop participants are summarized. Altogether the volume provides an excellent, in-depth view of the state of the art in this active area of research and applications.

Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II

Book Description

The zeros of a polynomial can be readily recovered from its linear factors. The linear factors can be approximated by first splitting a polynomial numerically into the product of its two nonconstant factors and then recursively splitting every computed nonlinear factor in similar fashion. For both the worst and average case inputs the resulting algorithms solve the polynomial factorization and root-finding problems within fixed sufficiently small error bounds by using nearly optimal arithmetic and Boolean time, that is using nearly optimal numbers of arithmetic and bitwise operations; in the case of a polynomial with integer coefficients and simple roots we can immediately extend factorization to root isolation, that is to computing disjoint covering discs, one for every root on the complex plane. The presented algorithms compute highly accurate approximations to all roots nearly as fast as one reads the input coefficients. Furthermore, our algorithms allow processor efficient parallel acceleration, which enables root-finding, factorization, and root isolation in polylogarithmic arithmetic and Boolean time. The chapter thoroughly covers the design and analysis of these algorithms, including auxiliary techniques of independent interest. At the end we compare the presented polynomial root-finders with alternative ones, in particular with the popular algorithms adopted by users based on supporting empirical information. We also comment on some promising directions to further progress.

Structured Matrices and Polynomials

Book Description

This user-friendly, engaging textbook makes the material accessible to graduate students and new researchers who wish to study the rapidly exploding area of computations with structured matrices and polynomials. The book goes beyond research frontiers and, apart from very recent research articles, includes previously unpublished results.

The Other Daughters of the Revolution

Book Description

Early in the nineteenth century, New York residents K. White and Elizabeth Fisher wrote and published two of the earliest autobiographies written by American women. Their lives ran along parallel courses: both were daughters of Loyalists who chose to remain in the United States; both found themselves entangled in unhappy marriages, abandoned for extend periods, and forced to take on the role of sole provider; and both became involved in property disputes with their male kin, which eventually landed them in prison, where they wrote their narratives. White's tale is a highly crafted text, almost an embryonic novel, incorporating several subgenres and interweaving poetry and prose. Fisher's story, while less sophisticated in terms of rhetoric and style, is nevertheless a compelling account of a woman's life and struggles during the Revolution and the early years of the republic. Their narratives, read together, highlight many literary and historical issues. They present an unruly, disobedient, and assertive female subject and illuminate popular attitudes regarding women and marriage. By articulating a consistent and growing unease concerning the institution of marriage and the unlimited power husbands had over their wives, these narratives lay the groundwork for a political critique of marriage and the status of women within it.

The Palmetto State

Book Description

This book presents a concise approach to the major themes and events that define contemporary South Carolina.

Solving Polynomial Equation Systems II

Book Description

This volume focuses on Buchberger theory and its application to the algorithmic view of commutative algebra. The presentation is based on the intrinsic linear algebra structure of Groebner bases, and thus elementary considerations lead easily to the state-of-the-art in its algorithmization.

Gröbner Bases

Book Description

The origins of the mathematics in this book date back more than two thou sand years, as can be seen from the fact that one of the most important algorithms presented here bears the name of the Greek mathematician Eu clid. The word "algorithm" as well as the key word "algebra" in the title of this book come from the name and the work of the ninth-century scientist Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowarizmi, who was born in what is now Uzbek istan and worked in Baghdad at the court of Harun al-Rashid's son. The word "algorithm" is actually a westernization of al-Khowarizmi's name, while "algebra" derives from "al-jabr," a term that appears in the title of his book Kitab al-jabr wa'l muqabala, where he discusses symbolic methods for the solution of equations. This close connection between algebra and al gorithms lasted roughly up to the beginning of this century; until then, the primary goal of algebra was the design of constructive methods for solving equations by means of symbolic transformations. During the second half of the nineteenth century, a new line of thought began to enter algebra from the realm of geometry, where it had been successful since Euclid's time, namely, the axiomatic method.

Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems

Book Description

DISCO 92 was held on the Newton Park campus of Bath College of Higher Education, England, April 13-15, 1992. Beside the formal lectures dedicated to design and implementation issues of computer algebra, there were several software demonstrations and an opportunity for system designers to compare systems. This volume presents the proceedings of the conference. It contains 18 papers on a variety of design and implementation issues. One general theme which clearly emerges is the need for interconnections between systems, as no one systems incorporates all the facilities that users want. Various effortsare being made to design such links, but generally in limited contexts (suchas the Maple project or the Posso project).

Polynomial and Matrix Computations

Book Description

Our Subjects and Objectives. This book is about algebraic and symbolic computation and numerical computing (with matrices and polynomials). It greatly extends the study of these topics presented in the celebrated books of the seventies, [AHU] and [BM] (these topics have been under-represented in [CLR], which is a highly successful extension and updating of [AHU] otherwise). Compared to [AHU] and [BM] our volume adds extensive material on parallel com putations with general matrices and polynomials, on the bit-complexity of arithmetic computations (including some recent techniques of data compres sion and the study of numerical approximation properties of polynomial and matrix algorithms), and on computations with Toeplitz matrices and other dense structured matrices. The latter subject should attract people working in numerous areas of application (in particular, coding, signal processing, control, algebraic computing and partial differential equations). The au thors' teaching experience at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and at the University of Pisa suggests that the book may serve as a text for advanced graduate students in mathematics and computer science who have some knowledge of algorithm design and wish to enter the exciting area of algebraic and numerical computing. The potential readership may also include algorithm and software designers and researchers specializing in the design and analysis of algorithms, computational complexity, alge braic and symbolic computing, and numerical computation.

Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook

Book Description

Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook is a comprehensive collection of algorithms and data structures that also covers many theoretical issues. It offers a balanced perspective that reflects the needs of practitioners, including emphasis on applications within discussions on theoretical issues. Chapters include information on finite precision issues as well as discussion of specific algorithms where algorithmic techniques are of special importance, including graph drawing, robotics, forming a VLSI chip, vision and image processing, data compression, and cryptography. The book also presents some advanced topics in combinatorial optimization and parallel/distributed computing. • applications areas where algorithms and data structuring techniques are of special importance • graph drawing • robot algorithms • VLSI layout • vision and image processing algorithms • scheduling • electronic cash • data compression • dynamic graph algorithms • on-line algorithms • multidimensional data structures • cryptography • advanced topics in combinatorial optimization and parallel/distributed computing