Issues of the Seismic Safety of Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

Seismic safety of nuclear power plants became an eminent importance after the Great Tohoku earthquake on 11th of March, 2011 and subsequent disaster of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Intensive works are in progress all over the world that include review of the site seismic hazard assessment, revision of the design bases, evaluation of vulnerability, and development of accident management capabilities of the plants. The lessons learned from the Fukushima-accident changed the paradigm of the design. Preparedness to the impossible, id est the development of means and procedures for ensuring the plant safety in extreme improbable situations became great importance. Main objective of the Chapter is to provide brief insight into the actual issues of seismic safety of nuclear power plants, provide interpretation of these issues, and show the possible solutions and scientific challenges. The "specific-to-nuclear" aspects of the characterisation of seismic hazard, including fault displacement are discussed. The actual design requirements, safety analysis procedures are briefly presented with main focus on the design extension situations. Operation aspects and problems for restart after earthquake are also discussed. The Chapter is more focusing on seismic safety of the inland plants, located on soil sites, in low-to-moderate (diffuse) seismicity regions.

Nuclear Power Plant Design and Seismic Safety Considerations

Book Description

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station and the earthquake that forced the North Anna, VA, nuclear power plant's temporary shutdown have focused attention on the seismic criteria applied to siting and designing commercial nuclear power plants. Some Members of Congress have questioned whether U.S nuclear plants are more vulnerable to seismic threats than previously assessed, particularly given the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) ongoing reassessment of seismic risks at certain plant sites. The design and operation of commercial nuclear power plants operating in the United States vary considerably because most were custom-designed and custom-built. Boiling water reactors (BWRs) directly generate steam inside the reactor vessel. Pressurized water reactors (PWRs) use heat exchangers to convert the heat generated by the reactor core into steam outside of the reactor vessel. U.S. utilities currently operate 104 nuclear power reactors at 65 sites in 31 states; 69 are PWR designs and the 35 are BWR designs. One of the most severe operating conditions a reactor may face is a loss of coolant accident (LOCA), which can lead to a reactor core meltdown. The emergency core cooling system (ECCS) provides core cooling to minimize fuel damage by injecting large amounts of cool water containing boron (borated water slows the fission process) into the reactor coolant system following a pipe rupture or other water loss. The ECCS must be sized to provide adequate makeup water to compensate for a break of the largest diameter pipe in the primary system (i.e., the socalled "double-ended guillotine break" (DEGB)). The NRC considers the DEGB to be an extremely unlikely event; however, even unlikely events can occur, as the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami that struck Fukushima Daiichi proves. U.S. nuclear power plants designed in the 1960s and 1970s used a deterministic statistical approach to addressing the risk of damage from shaking caused by a large earthquake (termed Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis, or DSHA). Since then, engineers have adopted a more comprehensive approach to design known as Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). PSHA estimates the likelihood that various levels of ground motion will be exceeded at a given location in a given future time period. New nuclear plant designs will apply PSHA. In 2008, the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) updated the National Seismic Hazard Maps (NSHM) that were last revised in 2002. USGS notes that the 2008 hazard maps differ significantly from the 2002 maps in many parts of the United States, and generally show 10%-15% reductions in spectral and peak ground acceleration across much of the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS), and about 10% reductions for spectral and peak horizontal ground acceleration in the Western United States (WUS). Spectral acceleration refers to ground motion over a range, or spectra, of frequencies. Seismic hazards are greatest in the WUS, particularly in California, Oregon, and Washington, as well as Alaska and Hawaii. In 2010, the NRC examined the implications of the updated NSHM for nuclear power plants operating in the CEUS, and concluded that NSHM data suggest that the probability for earthquake ground motions may be above the seismic design basis for some nuclear plants in the CEUS. In late March 2011, NRC announced that it had identified 27 nuclear reactors operating in the CEUS that would receive priority earthquake safety reviews.

Seismic Risk Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

Seismic Risk Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants addresses the needs of graduate students in engineering, practicing engineers in industry, and regulators in government agencies, presenting the entire process of seismic risk analysis in a clear, logical, and concise manner. It offers a systematic and comprehensive introduction to seismic risk analysis of critical engineering structures focusing on nuclear power plants, with a balance between theory and applications, and includes the latest advances in research. It is suitable as a graduate-level textbook, for self-study, or as a reference book. Various aspects of seismic risk analysis - from seismic hazard, demand, and fragility analyses to seismic risk quantification, are discussed, with detailed step-by-step analysis of specific engineering examples. It presents a wide range of topics essential for understanding and performing seismic risk analysis, including engineering seismology, probability theory and random processes, digital signal processing, structural dynamics, random vibration, and engineering risk and reliability.

Seismic Design and Qualification for Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

This Safety Guide provides recommendations on a generally accepted way to design a nuclear power plant so that an earthquake motion at the site will not jeopardize the safety of the plant. It also gives guidance on a consistent application of methods and procedures for analysis, testing and qualification of structures and equipment so that they meet the safety requirements covering the design of nuclear power plants, safety assessments for the design and the regulatory issues concerned with the licensing of plants.

Evaluation of Seismic Hazards for Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

This Safety Guide provides guidelines and recommends procedures for the evaluation of seismic hazards for nuclear power plants. Specifically, it provides recommendations on how to determine the ground motion hazards for a plant at a particular site and the potential for surface faulting, which could affect the feasibility of construction and safe operation of a plant at that site. The Guide supersedes IAEA Safety Series No. 50-SG-S1 (Rev.l), Earthquakes and Associated Topics in Relation to Nuclear Power plant Siting that was issued in 1991.

Evaluation of Seismic Safety for Nuclear Installations

Book Description

This Safety Guide provides recommendations on the seismic safety evaluation of nuclear installations. It addresses all types of new and existing nuclear installations. This Safety Guide presents three assessment methodologies: the deterministic approach, generally known as seismic margin assessment (SMA), seismic probabilistic safety assessment (SPSA), and a combination of SMA and SPSA known as ‘probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) based SMA. This Safety Guide provides specific recommendations on applying a performance-based graded approach to the seismic safety evaluation of nuclear installations other than nuclear power plants. It also covers the relation between seismic safety margins and defense-in-depth (DiD) level 3 and level 4. For new nuclear installations, this Safety Guide provides recommendations to assess adequacy of seismic margin to avoid cliff edge effects considering DiD level 3 and level 4. This publication is intended for use by regulatory bodies, operating organizations, and designers of nuclear installations.

Earthquake Engineering for Nuclear Facilities

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive compilation of earthquake- and tsunami-related technologies and knowledge for the design and construction of nuclear facilities. As such, it covers a wide range of fields including civil engineering, architecture, geotechnical engineering, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering, for the development of new technologies providing greater resistance against earthquakes and tsunamis. It is crucial both for students of nuclear energy courses and for young engineers in nuclear power generation industries to understand the basics and principles of earthquake- and tsunami-resistant design of nuclear facilities. In Part I, "Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants", the design of nuclear power plants to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis is explained, focusing on buildings, equipment's, and civil engineering structures. In Part II, "Basics of Earthquake Engineering", fundamental knowledge of earthquakes and tsunamis as well as the dynamic response of structures and foundation ground are explained.

The Atom and the Fault

Book Description

With wit and thoughtful compassion, Richard Meehan presents one of the most perplexing of contemporary moral predicaments, one that arises in every attempt to assess potentially hazardous technologies. He focuses on the longrunning controversy over suspected earthquake faults near the nation's first corporately owned nuclear test reactor at Vallecitos, California, and uses this account of "the politics of expertise" to probe the nature of scientific truth and its relationship to the determination of public safety. At Vallecitos, Meehan points out, the opinions of the "experts" were radically divided. Where one group saw clear and ominous evidence of an earthquake fault in trenches dug at this showpiece site, others saw only the mark of an ancient landslide. How did these experts arrive at their opinions? Were they simply representing corporate, as opposed to environmentalist, points of view? And how are the public regulatory agencies charged with deciding such issues supposed to balance these seemingly irreconcilable opinions? The Atom and the Faultexplores these crucial questions as the issue of the earthquake safety of nuclear power plants continues to grow into a struggle encompassing government regulatory bodies, public utilities, private industry, engineers, geologists, and citizen activists. It paints candid portraits of the principal expert players, clarifies the difficult and often delicate interplay of honesty and loyalties among them, and lucidly explains the technical issues and viewpoints involved. As a professional participant in several environmental controversies in which so-called scientific facts were represented by opposing points of view, Meehan is uniquely qualified to tell this tale. He is a consultant to industry, government agencies, and law firms specializing in forecasting and damage assessment related to earthquakes and land failures, and an adjunct professor in the Values, Technology, Science, and Society program at Stanford University. His first book, Getting Sued and Other Tales of the Engineering Life was published by The MIT Press in 1981.