It's Time Truth Speaks

Book Description

Commentaries on contemporary political, social and religious issues and controversies from the host of the Chicago weekly radio broadcast, It's time the truth speaks.

Speak the Truth

Book Description

Animosity, confrontation, confusion—from cable news right down to our kids' classrooms, Christians are waking up to a world very different from the one we once knew. We are quick to blame everyone else from Hollywood to Washington, but it is not the culture's fault God is sidelined. If God is missing from the conversation, then it is because His people have failed to represent Him there. Christians have been far too silent for far too long, retreating out of fear of offending someone or the unpleasantness of stepping outside our comfort zone. When Christians have spoken up, too often it has not been in ways that honor Jesus. We have inserted our own opinion, obscuring the beauty and truth of the Gospel in favor of our political, ideological, or personal agenda. It's time for us to embrace our calling as Christ's ambassadors. To do that, we must be equipped to engage the world in ways that bring the mind of Christ to bear on the matters of the day. Carmen LaBerge's Speak the Truth seeks to give believers the confidence to speak the truth and the tools to re-engage in the culture and address the problems we are facing today by boldly—and lovingly—bringing God back into every conversation

Time for Truth

Book Description

In postmodern society, truth no longer exists in any objective or absolute sense. At best, truth is considered relative. At worst, it's a matter of human convention. But, as Os Guinness points out in this book, truth is a vital requirement for freedom and a good life. Time for Truth urges readers to seek the truth, speak the truth, and live the truth. Guinness shows that becoming free and truthful people is the deepest secret of integrity and the highest form of taking responsibility for ourselves and our lives. Now in paperback, this engaging book will interest Os Guinness fans, thoughtful readers, and those concerned with moral, political, and cultural issues.

Speaking Truth

Book Description

Women are fierce and fed-up, and they have been joining hands together for the purposes of societal change for as long as there has been injustice. Women of faith are guided by the Holy Spirit to work together to bring down these injustices, to build on the foundation Christ laid for the beloved community of God on earth. This book is women joining together to speak and act in new ways in response to the increasing challenges of our day. This book offers to all women the sustenance needed to face blatant racism, bigotry, sexism, heterosexism, and xenophobia in the world and in the church. The writers of Speaking Truth greet these challenges knowing that the Good News of Jesus Christ is bigger than any societal ill and that God has called us to play a part in God’s work of transformation. When we pray together and act together, we claim a new vision for how things can be - a vision God gives us through Scripture. We can support both ourselves and other women as we learn to find and claim our voices and end the silences imposed upon us. Speaking Truth: • Provides inspirational writings by women for women to face the societal challenges specific to today. • Includes prayers, devotions, scriptures, and inspirational quotes for special challenges. • Encourages women supporting, advocating, and praying for other women.

My Eyes Tell a Story The Ink Speaks the Truth

Book Description

CharNell Fitchett, a vibrant 21 year old, grew up being known as the "preacher's kid." Blessed to be raised by both her parents, she is the youngest of four children and the only daughter. She spent most of her childhood growing up in a small town known as Snow Hill, MD. To her family and close friends she has the personality of a true superstar. Dancing, singing, acting and making others laugh comes natural to her. When it comes to meeting new people she can be known to automatically shift into her introverted personality. When you come in contact with this brilliant young lady, everyone has the opportunity to get the "Best of Both Worlds." Before entering her sophomore year of high school, her world was shaken by the abrupt death of her mentor. Doing what she does best, she began to pull out notebooks and write letters to ease the heavy burden she was dealing with. Within six years, those letters soon turned into poems and she has no intention on stopping anytime soon. Writing poetry has become an emotional release for CharNell and has helped her get through many difficult times in her life and she recognizes writing as a tool to get her through obstacles she may face in the future. Writing keeps her sane in this crazy world and has inspired her to take life head on! She may come off as shy at times, but the words she writes provides the voice that she needs to inspire others. CharNell's words will take you on a journey that will ignite and positively encourage a new generation. And this is only the beginning...

Dad, It's Time to Tell the Truth!

Book Description

Dad, It's time to tell the Truth! is the story of one man's struggle to be a father to four kids in the midst of constant turmoil. Tony Rassini writes a memoir that is candid, thorough and at times shocking. All the while confronting the consequences of abuse, frivolous spending and neglect. Dad It's time to tell the Truth! spans three decades of bad decisions with good intentions. From suicidal drug addiction to a six figure salary and back to broke again Tony documents his experience with lawyers, doctors and the Court's while examining the effects his life had on his children. Discovering what happens when two parents hate each other more then they love their kids, this is a memoir unlike any other. It was 2005 when his son Nick first asked to come and live with him... he started by begging his ex-wife to please give him a chance and allow Nick to live with him for 6 months! Her answer "No Way!" Nick's rebellion and self destruction soon began... by the summer 2008 he was property of the state of Colorado. In April 2009 is when his written story began to come to life......

Speak the Truth and Point to Hope

Book Description

Spiritually Strong

Book Description

Spiritually Strong is a six-week program designed to help you get in better shape spiritually and physically. As Timothy says, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (4:8). This book teaches you how to train yourself in godliness through the implementation of six disciplines—Bible study, prayer, fasting, healthy living, financial stewardship, and serving others. By exercising your spiritual core on a daily basis, you will learn to: Study the Bible and understand what God is saying to you. Pray with power. Incorporate periodic fasting into your life. Honor God with your body through nutritious eating and exercise. Practice good stewardship of the resources God has given you. Serve others in humility as an outward demonstration of God’s love. As you learn to submit to God in each of these areas of your life, you’ll discover the joy that accompanies self-discipline. Your daily steps of obedience will translate into giant strides in your walk with the Lord.

A Book Full of Lies : Metaphorically Speaking Let the Truth be Told

Book Description

Being black in America is truly experiencing one’s life as a puppet on a string. Slavery has indeed influenced the family and community foundations of Black America in such a way that just doing research on slavery alone would enable one to have children without the interest of getting married. Simply put, it takes putting in work, devotion, and sacrifice to build such security, and as for being black and in America that is a goal practically unattainable.

Truth Speaks to Power

Book Description

World-renowned biblical interpreter Walter Brueggemann invites readers to take a closer look at the subversive messages found within the Old Testament. Brueggemann asserts that the Bible presents a "sustained contestation" over truth, in which established institutions of power do not always prevail. But this is not always obvious at first glance. A closer look reveals that the text actually contradicts the apparent meaning of an innocent, face-value reading. Brueggemann invites the reader into this thick complexity of the textual reading, where the authority of power is undermined in cunning and compelling ways. He insists that we are--as readers and interpreters--always contestants for truth, whether we recognize ourselves as such or not.