Iterative Acceleration Methods for Monte Carlo and Deterministic Criticality Calculations

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If you have ever given up on a nuclear criticality calculation and terminated it because it took so long to converge, you might find this thesis of interest. The author develops three methods for improving the fission source convergence in nuclear criticality calculations for physical systems with high dominance ratios for which convergence is slow. The Fission Matrix Acceleration Method and the Fission Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration (FDSA) Method are acceleration methods that speed fission source convergence for both Monte Carlo and deterministic methods. The third method is a hybrid Monte Carlo method that also converges for difficult problems where the unaccelerated Monte Carlo method fails. The author tested the feasibility of all three methods in a test bed consisting of idealized problems. He has successfully accelerated fission source convergence in both deterministic and Monte Carlo criticality calculations. By filtering statistical noise, he has incorporated deterministic attributes into the Monte Carlo calculations in order to speed their source convergence. He has used both the fission matrix and a diffusion approximation to perform unbiased accelerations. The Fission Matrix Acceleration method has been implemented in the production code MCNP and successfully applied to a real problem. When the unaccelerated calculations are unable to converge to the correct solution, they cannot be accelerated in an unbiased fashion. A Hybrid Monte Carlo method weds Monte Carlo and a modified diffusion calculation to overcome these deficiencies. The Hybrid method additionally possesses reduced statistical errors.

Acceleration of Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations Using Deterministic-Based Starting Sources

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A new automatic approach that uses approximate deterministic solutions for providing the starting fission source for Monte Carlo eigenvalue calculations was evaluated in this analysis. By accelerating the Monte Carlo source convergence and decreasing the number of cycles that has to be skipped before the tallies estimation, this approach was found to increase the efficiency of the overall simulation, even with the inclusion of the extra computational time required by the deterministic calculation. This approach was also found to increase the reliability of the Monte Carlo criticality calculations of loosely coupled systems because the use of the better starting source reduces the likelihood of producing an undersampled k{sub eff} due to the inadequate source convergence. The efficiency improvement was demonstrated using two of the standard test problems devised by the OECD/NEA Expert Group on Source Convergence in Criticality-Safety Analysis to measure the source convergence in Monte Carlo criticality calculations. For a fixed uncertainty objective, this approach increased the efficiency of the overall simulation by factors between 1.2 and 3 depending on the difficulty of the source convergence in these problems. The reliability improvement was demonstrated in a modified version of the 'k{sub eff} of the world' problem that was specifically designed to demonstrate the limitations of the current Monte Carlo power iteration techniques. For this problem, the probability of obtaining a clearly undersampled k{sub eff} decreased from 5% with a uniform starting source to zero with a deterministic starting source when batch sizes with more than 15,000 neutron/cycle were used.

Parallel Monte Carlo Synthetic Acceleration Methods for Discrete Transport Problems

Book Description

This work researches and develops Monte Carlo Synthetic Acceleration (MCSA) methods as a new class of solution techniques for discrete neutron transport and fluid flow problems. Monte Carlo Synthetic Acceleration methods use a traditional Monte Carlo process to approximate the solution to the discrete problem as a means of accelerating traditional fixed-point methods. To apply these methods to neutronics and fluid flow and determine the feasibility of these methods on modern hardware, three complementary research and development exercises are performed. First, solutions to the SPN discretization of the linear Boltzmann neutron transport equation are obtained using MCSA with a difficult criticality calculation for a light water reactor fuel assembly used as the driving problem. To enable MCSA as a solution technique a group of modern preconditioning strategies are researched. MCSA when compared to conventional Krylov methods demonstrated improved iterative performance over GMRES by converging in fewer iterations when using the same preconditioning. Second, solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations were obtained by developing the Forward-Automated Newton-MCSA (FANM) method for nonlinear systems based on Newton's method. Three difficult fluid benchmark problems in both convective and driven flow regimes were used to drive the research and development of the method. For 8 out of 12 benchmark cases, it was found that FANM had better iterative performance than the Newton-Krylov method by converging the nonlinear residual in fewer linear solver iterations with the same preconditioning. Third, a new domain decomposed algorithm to parallelize MCSA aimed at leveraging leadership-class computing facilities was developed by utilizing parallel strategies from the radiation transport community. The new algorithm utilizes the Multiple-Set Overlapping-Domain strategy in an attempt to reduce parallel overhead and add a natural element of replication to the algorithm. It was found that for the current implementation of MCSA, both weak and strong scaling improved on that observed for production implementations of Krylov methods.

Applied Iterative Methods

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Applied Iterative Methods

Monte Carlo Methods for Applied Scientists

Book Description

The Monte Carlo method is inherently parallel and the extensive and rapid development in parallel computers, computational clusters and grids has resulted in renewed and increasing interest in this method. At the same time there has been an expansion in the application areas and the method is now widely used in many important areas of science including nuclear and semiconductor physics, statistical mechanics and heat and mass transfer. This book attempts to bridge the gap between theory and practice concentrating on modern algorithmic implementation on parallel architecture machines. Although a suitable text for final year postgraduate mathematicians and computational scientists it is principally aimed at the applied scientists: only a small amount of mathematical knowledge is assumed and theorem proving is kept to a minimum, with the main focus being on parallel algorithms development often to applied industrial problems. A selection of algorithms developed both for serial and parallel machines are provided. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Introduction (231 KB). Contents: Basic Results of Monte Carlo Integration; Optimal Monte Carlo Method for Multidimensional Integrals of Smooth Functions; Iterative Monte Carlo Methods for Linear Equations; Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Eigenvalue Problems; Monte Carlo Methods for Boundary-Value Problems (BVP); Superconvergent Monte Carlo for Density Function Simulation by B-Splines; Solving Non-Linear Equations; Algorithmic Effciency for Different Computer Models; Applications for Transport Modeling in Semiconductors and Nanowires. Readership: Applied scientists and mathematicians.

Development and Implementation of Convergence Diagnostics and Acceleration Methodologies in Monte Carlo Criticality Simulations

Book Description

Because of the accuracy and ease of implementation, the Monte Carlo methodology is widely used in the analysis of nuclear systems. The estimated effective multiplication factor (keff) and flux distribution are statistical by their natures. In eigenvalue problems, however, neutron histories are not independent but are correlated through subsequent generations. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that only the converged data are used for further analysis. Discarding a larger amount of initial histories would reduce the risk of contaminating the results by non-converged data, but increase the computational expense. This issue is amplified for large nuclear systems with slow convergence. One solution would be to use the convergence of keff or the flux distribution as the criterion for initiating accumulation of data. Although several approaches have been developed aimed at identifying convergence, these methods are not always reliable, especially for slow converging problems. This dissertation has attacked this difficulty by developing two independent but related methodologies. One aims to find a more reliable and robust way to assess convergence by statistically analyzing the local flux change. The other forms a basis to increase the convergence rate and thus reduce the computational expense. Eventually, these two topics will contribute to the ultimate goal of improving the reliability and efficiency of the Monte Carlo criticality calculations.

Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics

Book Description

In the seven years since this volume first appeared. there has been an enormous expansion of the range of problems to which Monte Carlo computer simulation methods have been applied. This fact has already led to the addition of a companion volume ("Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics", Topics in Current Physics. Vol . 36), edited in 1984, to this book. But the field continues to develop further; rapid progress is being made with respect to the implementation of Monte Carlo algorithms, the construction of special-purpose computers dedicated to exe cute Monte Carlo programs, and new methods to analyze the "data" generated by these programs. Brief descriptions of these and other developments, together with numerous addi tional references, are included in a new chapter , "Recent Trends in Monte Carlo Simulations" , which has been written for this second edition. Typographical correc tions have been made and fuller references given where appropriate, but otherwise the layout and contents of the other chapters are left unchanged. Thus this book, together with its companion volume mentioned above, gives a fairly complete and up to-date review of the field. It is hoped that the reduced price of this paperback edition will make it accessible to a wide range of scientists and students in the fields to which it is relevant: theoretical phYSics and physical chemistry , con densed-matter physics and materials science, computational physics and applied mathematics, etc.