ITF Round Tables Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses

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This International Transport Forum Round Table identifies critical competition issues and appropriate regulatory responses. In particular it examines whether very large multinational transport and logistics firms escape regulatory oversight because of their sheer scale.

Integration and Competition Between Transport and Logistics Businesses

Book Description

The Round Table, chaired by Russell Pittman of the US Department of Justice, reviewed trends in horizontal and vertical integration in logistics businesses, maritime shipping, ports and rail freight transport and examined the circumstances in which integration might reduce the efficiency of the transport system. There are likely to be net benefits to society from such integration in competitive markets but if integration eliminates competition, market power might result in excessive prices, suboptimal investment and lower than optimal levels of service for the users of transport services. Options for sector specific regulators and competition authorities to manage the risks of market abuse were discussed and the adequacy of antitrust law and competition authorities to take remedial action should businesses exploit market power were assessed.

ITF Round Tables Improving the Practice of Transport Project Appraisal

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This report examines the extent to which shortcomings in cost-benefit analysis for tranport projects can be addressed, focusing on equity and distributional impacts, agglomeration benefits and external costs. It also shows how best to present guidance on project selection to decision makers.

ITF Round Tables Better Economic Regulation The Role of the Regulator

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Discussion at this Roundtable focused on how to achieve effective independent regulation and how to reconcile independence with the legitimate control of policy by the executive part of government.

ITF Round Tables Implementing Congestion Charges

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Recent advances in the scientific understanding of urban traffic congestion have only strengthened the already solid case for congestion charges as an element of a successful urban transport policy. This report draws lessons from attempts to introduce congestion charges.

ITF Round Tables Stimulating Low-Carbon Vehicle Technologies

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This report reviews the rationale and measures for government intervention to improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from new vehicles.

ITF Round Tables Port Investment and Container Shipping Markets

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This report examines the issues that need to be considered before the decision to proceed to costly expansions with long-life spans and a structural influence on the local and national economy. The report benefits from a case study of Chile.

Integration and Competition Between Transport and Logistics Businesses

Book Description

The Round Table, chaired by Russell Pittman of the US Department of Justice, reviewed trends in horizontal and vertical integration in logistics businesses, maritime shipping, ports and rail freight transport and examined the circumstances in which integration might reduce the efficiency of the transport system. There are likely to be net benefits to society from such integration in competitive markets but if integration eliminates competition, market power might result in excessive prices, suboptimal investment and lower than optimal levels of service for the users of transport services. Options for sector specific regulators and competition authorities to manage the risks of market abuse were discussed and the adequacy of antitrust law and competition authorities to take remedial action should businesses exploit market power were assessed.

ITF Round Tables Port Competition and Hinterland Connections

Book Description

This Round Table publication discusses the policy and regulatory challenges posed by the rapidly changing port environment.