ITF Round Tables Stimulating Low-Carbon Vehicle Technologies

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This report reviews the rationale and measures for government intervention to improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from new vehicles.

ITF Round Tables Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses

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This International Transport Forum Round Table identifies critical competition issues and appropriate regulatory responses. In particular it examines whether very large multinational transport and logistics firms escape regulatory oversight because of their sheer scale.

ITF Round Tables Improving the Practice of Transport Project Appraisal

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This report examines the extent to which shortcomings in cost-benefit analysis for tranport projects can be addressed, focusing on equity and distributional impacts, agglomeration benefits and external costs. It also shows how best to present guidance on project selection to decision makers.

ITF Round Tables Implementing Congestion Charges

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Recent advances in the scientific understanding of urban traffic congestion have only strengthened the already solid case for congestion charges as an element of a successful urban transport policy. This report draws lessons from attempts to introduce congestion charges.

ITF Round Tables Biofuels Linking Support to Performance

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The papers published in this report examine the economics of biofuels and assess the potential of conventional biofuel production in OECD countries, Brazilian ethanol exports and some second generation biofuels to supply world markets with transport fuels.

ITF Round Tables Privatisation and Regulation of Urban Transit Systems

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Examines experience in integrating private management and capital with public transport policy objectives in a number of developed economies.

ITF Round Tables Long-run Trends in Car Use

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The growth of car use in several advanced economies has slowed down, stopped, or turned negative. This report summarizes insights into the drivers of change in car use.