ITF Round Tables Oil Dependence Is Transport Running Out of Affordable Fuel?

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Assesses the policy instruments available to address oil security and climate change and examines their interaction with measures to manage congestion and mitigate local air pollution.

Oil Dependence

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ITF Round Tables Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses

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This International Transport Forum Round Table identifies critical competition issues and appropriate regulatory responses. In particular it examines whether very large multinational transport and logistics firms escape regulatory oversight because of their sheer scale.

ITF Round Tables Terrorism and International Transport Towards Risk-based Security Policy

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This Round Table examines the contribution economic analysis can make to improving security in aviation and maritime shipping by quantifying the benefits of security measures and assessing their effectiveness, and examining techniques to allocate resources to target the highest risks.

ITF Round Tables Implementing Congestion Charges

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Recent advances in the scientific understanding of urban traffic congestion have only strengthened the already solid case for congestion charges as an element of a successful urban transport policy. This report draws lessons from attempts to introduce congestion charges.

ITF Round Tables Port Competition and Hinterland Connections

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This Round Table publication discusses the policy and regulatory challenges posed by the rapidly changing port environment.

ITF Round Tables Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail

Book Description

This round table proceedings examines whether and how airports should be regulated to contain market power. It determines which approaches are likely to work best and also assesses strategies for managing greenhouse gas emissions including the alternative of high-speed rail.

ITF Round Tables Privatisation and Regulation of Urban Transit Systems

Book Description

Examines experience in integrating private management and capital with public transport policy objectives in a number of developed economies.