ITF Round Tables Port Investment and Container Shipping Markets

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This report examines the issues that need to be considered before the decision to proceed to costly expansions with long-life spans and a structural influence on the local and national economy. The report benefits from a case study of Chile.

Port Investment and Container Shipping Markets

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Large-scale port projects have irreversible effects on land use and multiple impacts on the local economy and local community. They affect the way that the regional and national economy operates as a whole, with major impacts on regional transport systems. Port planners make better decisions when these broad impacts are examined as part of the development of a national freight transport and logistics strategy. Private investment in port terminals is also facilitated by the certainty engendered by development of a national freight transport and logistics strategy. This report examines the issues that need to be considered before the decision to proceed to costly expansions with long-life spans and a structural influence on the local and national economy. The report benefits from a case study of Chile, where plans for a major expansion of port capacity in the central part of the country are well advanced. Chile provides the detail for an examination of factors critical to decisions on container port investments anywhere: demand forecasts, change in liner shipping markets, hinterland transport capacity, competition between container terminals, and the framework for financing of investment.

ITF Round Tables Port Competition and Hinterland Connections

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Security is critical to transport systems as they are often appealing targets for terrorist attacks. The significant costs of potential damage make effective security policies a key concern for transport decision makers. This publication examines the contribution economic analysis can make to improving security in aviation and maritime shipping by identifying methods for quantifying the benefits of security measures and assessing their effectiveness, and examining techniques to allocate resources targeting the highest risks.

Review of the Regulation of Freight Transport in Mexico

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This publication identifies the main regulatory obstacles of the following transport sectors in Mexico: road transport, railways, ports, border crossing, and airway passengers. The report also offers recommendations to improve the quality of the regulatory framework of these sectors.

OECD Economic Surveys: Poland 2016

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This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of the Poland examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Skills and migration; Transport and energy infrastructure.

ITF Round Tables Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses

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This International Transport Forum Round Table identifies critical competition issues and appropriate regulatory responses. In particular it examines whether very large multinational transport and logistics firms escape regulatory oversight because of their sheer scale.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Chile 2016

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This report is the second Environmental Performance Review of Chile. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on climate change and biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

ITF Round Tables Port Competition and Hinterland Connections

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This Round Table publication discusses the policy and regulatory challenges posed by the rapidly changing port environment.

ITF Round Tables Terrorism and International Transport Towards Risk-based Security Policy

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This Round Table examines the contribution economic analysis can make to improving security in aviation and maritime shipping by quantifying the benefits of security measures and assessing their effectiveness, and examining techniques to allocate resources to target the highest risks.