ITF Round Tables The Economics of Investment in High-Speed Rail

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This report examines the key factors that drive the costs of high-speed rail investment and reviews the economic benefits delivered by high-speed rail services on the basis of experience in countries that have developed large high-speed rail networks.

Itf Round Tables the Economics of Investment in High-Speed Rail

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High-speed trains can compete successfully with road, air and conventional rail services on densely trafficked routes where willingness to pay is sufficient at the relatively elevated fare levels needed to cover costs. High-speed rail investments can also relieve congestion on the conventional rail network, and the capacity for highspeed rail to provide fast city centre to city centre services creates new possibilities for day-return business trips and short-stay leisure trips. The long cost recovery periods for high-speed lines imply government involvement in the financing of most investments. The high costs mean that governments can be exposed to accumulation of large debts, particularly if demand develops more slowly than expected. Where high-speed rail investments are designed to promote regional integration rather than meet commercial demand, significant subsidy from central and regional governments will be needed for the construction of infrastructure and possibly also for train operations. This report examines the key factors that drive the costs of high-speed rail investment and reviews the economic benefits delivered by high-speed rail services on the basis of experience in countries that have developed large high-speed rail networks.

ITF Round Tables Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail

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This round table proceedings examines whether and how airports should be regulated to contain market power. It determines which approaches are likely to work best and also assesses strategies for managing greenhouse gas emissions including the alternative of high-speed rail.

ITF Round Tables Improving the Practice of Transport Project Appraisal

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This report examines the extent to which shortcomings in cost-benefit analysis for tranport projects can be addressed, focusing on equity and distributional impacts, agglomeration benefits and external costs. It also shows how best to present guidance on project selection to decision makers.

High-Speed Rail and Sustainability

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High speed rail (HSR) is being touted as a strategic investment for connecting people across regions, while also fostering prosperity and smart urban growth. However, as its popularity increases, its implementation has become contentious with various parties contesting the validity of socioeconomic and environmental objectives put forward as justification for investment. High Speed Rail and Sustainability explores the environmental, economic and social effects of developing a HSR system, presenting new evaluations of the proposed system in California in the US as well as lessons from international experience. Drawing upon the accumulated experience from past HSR system development around the world, leading experts present a diverse set of perspectives as well as diverse contexts of implementation. Assessments of the California case as well as cases from Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, China, and the UK show how governments and stakeholders have bridged the gap between the vision and the realities of connecting metropolitan regions through HSR. This is a valuable resource for academics, researchers and policy-makers in the areas of urban planning, civil engineering, transportation and environmental design.

Chinese Railways in the Era of High Speed

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This book reflects on experiences in other countries and makes recommendations for improving the capability and capacity of institutions and organizations, in order to achieve sustainable development of the Chinese high-speed railway (HSR) system.

ITF Round Tables Stimulating Low-Carbon Vehicle Technologies

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This report reviews the rationale and measures for government intervention to improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from new vehicles.

ITF Round Tables Implementing Congestion Charges

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Recent advances in the scientific understanding of urban traffic congestion have only strengthened the already solid case for congestion charges as an element of a successful urban transport policy. This report draws lessons from attempts to introduce congestion charges.

ITF Round Tables Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses

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This International Transport Forum Round Table identifies critical competition issues and appropriate regulatory responses. In particular it examines whether very large multinational transport and logistics firms escape regulatory oversight because of their sheer scale.