J.D. Ponce on Karl Marx: An Academic Analysis of Capital - Volume 2

Book Description

This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of the second volume of Capital, by Karl Marx, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading. Whether you have already read the second volume of Capital or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one of its meanings, opening a window to Marx's philosophical thought and his true intention when he created this immortal work.

J.D. Ponce on Karl Marx: An Academic Analysis of Capital - Volume 3

Book Description

This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of the third volume of Karl Marx's Capital, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading. Whether you have already read the third volume of Capital or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one of its meanings, opening a window to Marx's philosophical thought and his true intention when he created this immortal work.

J.D. Ponce on Karl Marx

Book Description

This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of the first volume of Karl Marx's Capital, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading. Whether you have already read the first volume of Capital or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one of its meanings, opening a window to Marx's philosophical thought and his true intention when he created this immortal work.

J.D. Ponce on Karl Marx: An Academic Analysis of Capital - Volume 1

Book Description

This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of the first volume of Capital, by Karl Marx, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading. Whether you have already read the first volume of Capital or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one of its meanings, opening a window to Marx's philosophical thought and his true intention when he created this immortal work.


Book Description

The "forgotten" second volume of Capital, Marx's world-shaking analysis of economics, politics, and history, contains the vital discussion of commodity, the cornerstone to Marx's theories.

J.D. Ponce sobre Karl Marx

Book Description

Este apasionante ensayo se centra en la explicación y análisis de El Capital - Volumen 2, de Karl Marx, una de las obras más influyentes de la historia y cuya comprensión, por su complejidad y profundidad, escapa a la comprensión en primera lectura. Tanto si ya has leído el Volumen 2 de El Capital como si no, este ensayo te permitirá sumergirte en todos y cada uno de sus significados, abriendo una ventana al pensamiento filosófico de Marx y a su verdadera intención cuando creó esta obra inmortal.

J.D. Ponce sobre Karl Marx: Uma Análise Acadêmica de O Capital - Livro 2

Book Description

Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de O Capital - Livro 2, de Karl Marx, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido o Livro 2 do Capital ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo uma janela para o pensamento filosófico de Marx e sua verdadeira intenção ao criar esta obra imortal.

An Analysis of Karl Marx's Capital

Book Description

A critical analysis of Karl Marx’s Capital, which is without question one of the most influential books to be published in the course of the past two centuries. Controversial in its politics, and arriving at conclusions that are passionately debated to this day, it is nonetheless a fine example of the creative combination of a philosophical method (the dialectic) with historical and economic information to produce a new interpretation of history. Capitalism, thought Marx, works by exploiting the working class. Their wages do not reflect the value of their labor. Marx concluded that capitalism would fail because of this contradiction at the heart of the capitalist system. He wrote Capital to give activists the theories and language they needed to criticize the system. But the work also outlines the new communist society that Marx hoped would rise in its place, and it helped to inspire the rise of states that largely shaped the modern history of our planet. Today, after a century of conflict, Marx’s analysis still offers valuable tools that help us analyze the modern world. Marx's belief that he had arrived at a scientific way of describing the present and predicting the future may not be shared by many of his modern interpreters. But his ability to connect things together in new ways is not in doubt – and nor is the influence of the new hypotheses that he generated as a result of so much careful analysis.

The Process of Circulation of Capital - Book II

Book Description

Capital. Critique of Political Economy (German: Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie) by Karl Marx is a foundational theoretical text in materialist philosophy, economics and politics. Marx aimed to reveal the economic patterns underpinning the capitalist mode of production, in contrast to classical political economists such as Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill. Marx did not live to publish the planned second and third parts, but they were both completed from his notes and published after his death by his colleague Friedrich Engels.First published in German. Das Kapital, based on the 2nd edition. Translated by Ernest Untermann (1909).Capital, Volume II, subtitled The Process of Circulation of Capital, was prepared by Friedrich Engels from notes left by Karl Marx and published in 1885. It is divided into three parts: The Metamorphoses of Capital and Their Circuits, The Turnover of Capital, and The Reproduction and Circulation of the Aggregate Social Capital. In Volume II, the main ideas behind the marketplace are to be found: how value and surplus-value are realized. Its dramatis personae are not so much the worker and the industrialist (as in Volume I), but rather the money owner (and money lender), the wholesale merchant, the trader and the entrepreneur or functioning capitalist. Moreover, workers appear in Volume II, essentially as buyers of consumer goods and therefore as sellers of the commodity labour power, rather than producers of value and surplus-value -- though this latter quality, established in Volume I, remains the solid foundation on which the whole of the unfolding analysis is based. Reading Volume II is of monumental significance to understanding the theoretical construction of Marx's whole argument. Marx himself quite precisely clarified this place in a letter sent to Engels on 30 April 1868: "In Book 1... we content ourselves with the assumption that if in the self-expansion process £100 becomes £110, the latter will find already in existence in the market the elements into which it will change once more. But now we investigate the conditions under which these elements are found at hand, namely the social intertwining of the different capitals, of the component parts of capital and of revenue (= s)". This intertwining, conceived as a movement of commodities and of money, enabled Marx to work out at least the essential elements, if not the definitive form, of a coherent theory of the trade cycle, based upon the inevitability of periodic disequilibrium between supply and demand under the capitalist mode of production (Mandel, 1978, Introdution to Volume II of Capital). Volume II of Capital has indeed been not only a sealed book, but also a forgotten one. To a large extent, it remains so to this very day. Part 3 is the point of departure for a topic given its Marxist treatment later in detail by Rosa Luxemburg, among others.


Book Description

Written: in draft by Marx 1863-1878, edited for publication by Engels; First published: in German in 1885, authoritative revised edition in 1893; Source: First English edition of 1907; Published: Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1956, USSR.