J. Frank Norris On Isaiah 53

Book Description

Higher than the highest heavens, deeper than the deepest hell, broader than the widest universe, longer than everlasting to everlasting, all there is of God, all there is of Satan, all there is of sin, all there is of salvation, all there is of holiness, all there is of justice, all there is of mercy, is in this chapter. God and man meet. It is the Mercy Seat of the tabernacle in the wilderness transferred to Calvary. The veil of the temple rent from top to bottom; no longer the High Priest of Israel, or the successor to Aaron, enter in; but every man enters as the propitiation for our sins.

Sermons by J Frank Norris

Book Description

Includes The Sermons The Battle Of Armageddon; Why The Believer Will Not Go Into The Tribulation Period; Twenty-Four Truths Set Forth In Baptism.

Sears and the Hand of Providence

Book Description

A Biography of Pastor Howard Sears of Grace Baptist Church in Middletown, Ohio.

Practical Lectures on Romans

Book Description

This is the climax of God’s revelation of His will to a lost world, and given through the greatest mind of all times. What a blessing it has been to my soul, these studies, made on our tour clear around the world. I studied it night and day. It was my meditation on land and sea. Whether in the snow-capped majestic Alps or in the desert sands of Arabia, whether in the storms of the Atlantic, or in the quiet calm of the “Pacific, my soul fairly rejoiced in this the greatest, the highest mountain peak of divine revelation. Often I would bow my head in humiliation, confess my sins, that I would ever complain or hesitate one second’s time to proclaim the gospel of the Son of God. I could wish I could roll back the hands of time and begin once more the simple ministry of an earnest country preacher.

Critical Notes

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Henniger - God's Gentle Man

Book Description

A Biographical Narrative of the Life of Harold Henniger

Jesus and the Suffering Servant

Book Description

Did Jesus of Nazareth live and die without the teaching about the righteous Servant of the Lord in Isaiah 53 having exerted any significant influence on his ministry? Did the use of Isaiah 53 to interpret his mission actually begin with Jesus?

The Fifth Gospel

Book Description

God's Rascal

Book Description

Colorful and outrageous, influential yet despicable, J. Frank Norris was a preacher, newspaper publisher, political activist, and all-around subject of controversy. One of the most despised men in traditional Southern Baptist circles, he was also the man most responsible for bringing hard-edged fundamentalism to the South. Barry Hankins traces Norris, the "Texas Cyclone," from his boyhood in small-town Texas to his death in 1952. Despite scandals, Norris was a man of considerable public influence who traveled the owrkd, corresponded with congressmen, and attended president's Hoover's inaguration at Hoover's invitation. Through his preaching career he battled anyone and everyone he saw as part of the leftist conspiracy to foist liberalism and immorality on America. This account reveals a remarkable man who helped shape the current American religious landscape.

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Book Description

The 1920s marked one of the greatest cultural shifts in American life, and the risque flapper became the icon of the period. But there was a counter image of the feminine; the decade was also the golden age for girl evangelists who defended traditional morals and traditional Christian beliefs and attitudes.