Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Biology Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on biology experiments, kids observe the effect of osmosis on a raisin, demonstrate how leaves and stems can act like a straw, determine which side of a plant leaf takes in gases, demonstrate the loss of moisture from leaves, and discover the effects of gravity on plant growth. They will also determine the direction of winding plants, how shade affects plant growth, how plants grow toward light, and the effect of temperature on seed growth. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.

More of Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Biology Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on biology experiments, kids observe the effect of osmosis on a raisin, demonstrate how leaves and stems can act like a straw, determine which side of a plant leaf takes in gases, demonstrate the loss of moisture from leaves, and discover the effects of gravity on plant growth. They will also determine the direction of winding plants, how shade affects plant growth, how plants grow toward light, and the effect of temperature on seed growth. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.

Many More of Janice VanCleave’s Wild, Wacky, and Weird Biology Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on biology experiments, kids learn how light affects the color of grass, how light affects seed germination, where carrots store their food, and how environment changed the body temperature of dinosaurs. They will also determine whether or not dinosaur eggs were laid in open nests, how a fish hears without external ears, and how toothed whales see with their ears. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave shows just how much fun science can be.

Many More of Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Biology Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on biology experiments, kids learn how light affects the color of grass, how light affects seed germination, where carrots store their food, and how environment changed the body temperature of dinosaurs. They will also determine whether or not dinosaur eggs were laid in open nests, how a fish hears without external ears, and how toothed whales "see" with their ears. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave shows just how much fun science can be.

Even More of Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Biology Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on biology experiments, kids learn why plants seek light, how to grow plants from carrot tops, how water protects plants from freezing temperatures, why earthworms surface during a heavy rain, and why camels can live in the desert for weeks without drinking water. They will also determine and demonstrate the effect temperature has on the growth of bacteria, whether or not the light from fireflies gives off heat, and how to determine the age of a fish. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.

Janice Vancleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Biology Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on astronomy experiments, kids learn how space acts as a heat shield, what causes Saturns rings, why both Earth and Mars have cold poles, how to make a star projector, and why the moon shines. They will also determine and demonstrate how the thickness of the atmosphere affects how light is bent, how to simulate solar and lunar eclipses, and how to aim a spacecraft to the moon. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.

More of Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Physics Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on physics experiments, kids charge an object with static electricity, demonstrate how static charges produce sound, use magnetic force to suspend a paper airplane, determine that objects in water have a different weight than they do in air, and learn how a substance’s buoyancy can be changed. They will also determine if shape determines the strength of an object, learn the effect that an object’s center of gravity has on motion, demonstrate how the length of a pendulum affects the time of each swing, and discover how the center of gravity is also the balancing point of an object. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.

Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Physics Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on physics experiments, kids charge an object with static electricity, demonstrate how static charges produce sound, use magnetic force to suspend a paper airplane, determine that objects in water have a different weight than they do in air, and learn how a substance’s buoyancy can be changed. They will also determine if shape determines the strength of an object, learn the effect that an object’s center of gravity has on motion, demonstrate how the length of a pendulum affects the time of each swing, and discover how the center of gravity is also the balancing point of an object. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.

More of Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Earth Science Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on earth science experiments, kids learn why the Earth bulges at the equator, demonstrate the movement of the Earth’s axis, determine how the composition of the Earth affects its motion, and replicate the cause of the day-and-night cycle. They will also determine why the sky is not dark as soon as the Sun sinks below the horizon, learn how salt beds are formed, demonstrate how air takes up space, observe the effects of cool and warm temperatures on air movement, and replicate the formation of sea breezes. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.

Janice VanCleave's Wild, Wacky, and Weird Earth Science Experiments

Book Description

In a series of fun and involving hands-on earth science experiments, kids learn why the Earth bulges at the equator, demonstrate the movement of the Earth’s axis, determine how the composition of the Earth affects its motion, and replicate the cause of the day-and-night cycle. They will also determine why the sky is not dark as soon as the Sun sinks below the horizon, learn how salt beds are formed, demonstrate how air takes up space, observe the effects of cool and warm temperatures on air movement, and replicate the formation of sea breezes. Featuring color illustrations and safe, simple step-by-step instructions, Janice VanCleave again shows just how much fun science can be.